
Anorak News | Do The Itch With Cheryl Cole

Do The Itch With Cheryl Cole

by | 1st, February 2008

cherylcole.jpgWHAT began as a joke is now turning into fact.

In Cheryl Cole And Ashley’s 18-Month Itch, Anorak highlighted the singer’s Itch Away The XTra Inch DVD workout. We noted that scientists at the Michigan School of Dieting And Scratchology say itching can burn off more calories than sex.

Now the Express reports: “Why we itch to have a scratch.”

Researchers in North Carolina, led by Dr Gil Yosipovitch, have found that “parts of the brain linked to people’s bad emotions and memories become less active while scratching”.

Cheyl is itching. We are itching. And very soon you will be, too…

Posted: 1st, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink