
Anorak News | The Barack Obama Death Cult II

The Barack Obama Death Cult II

by | 26th, February 2008

motorcade.jpgMORE thoughts on Barack Obama getting assassinated, by The Australian’s trigger happy Phillip Adams:

Being targeted by bloggers is bad enough. But if Obama wins the nomination, he’ll be targeted, full stop. Because in the US the politics of personal destruction frequently leads to being shot. I raised the possibility – the probability – of attempts on Obama’s life in this column a month ago, reminding readers of the reluctance of Teddy Kennedy to follow in his brothers’ footsteps and the decision by Colin Powell (and his wife) not to contend for the big job. Not in a society that experienced more than 100 years of lynching, of Ku Klux Klan terror, of murders committed during the civil rights struggle, including the deaths of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X.

Maybe the racist Americans should wrap Obama in a Rabbit Proof Fence?

More Obama Death Cult news here

Posted: 26th, February 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink