
Anorak News | Greetings Of The Season From North Korea

Greetings Of The Season From North Korea

by | 26th, December 2008

SEASON’S greetings from North Korea:

From early morning on the lunar New Year’s Day people made a formal bow of respect to the aged and elders and called on their friends to exchange greetings and schoolchildren and little boys and girls played kite flying, shuttlecock, rope jumping and top spinning and other folk games, stirring up the festive mood.

The 6th National Ssirum (Korean wrestling) Tournament for Grand Bull Prize was held on the Ssirum Ground on Rungra Island on the occasion of Hangawi (the lunar August 15th). It was participated in by many rising wrestlers, to say nothing of those who had distinguished themselves in the previous tournaments, thus drawing more audience.

At the Seventh National Traditional Sports Contest of Agricultural Working People held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK, the participants gave full play to their protean skills and talents in the events of ssirum, seesaw, yut-game and so on which they had polished during breaks of work.


The Emergency Measure Committee for Frustrating the Crackdown upon Participants in Candlelight Actions, Moves for Scrapping the June 15 Joint Declaration and October 4 Declaration and the Plot to Fake up a Case for Suppressing the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration of south Korea made public a statement on Dec. 18 to denounce the puppet prosecution authorities for their suppression of progressive forces.

From the desk of Kim Jong Brown…

Posted: 26th, December 2008 | In: Politicians Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink