
Anorak News | Jade Goody’s International Celebrity Cancer

Jade Goody’s International Celebrity Cancer

by | 4th, February 2009

JADE Goody has rarely been more popular, now that she’s ill.

“Jade: My cancer has spread,” announces the Sun on its front page.

Cynics might point out that its spread from being a private matter between Jade and Indian telly viewers to the tabloids’ front page.

But that’s if you’re a cynic. If you have a beating heart you will worry for Jade and fear the worst for her. And if you can’t work out that a young woman with cancer is something awful, the Sun will tell you about her bravery, her tears and her little boys.

It will tell you of the “BRAVE STAR’S DEVASTATION.” It hears a source says that Jade went to the doctor “obviously hoping for good news.”

Such is the insight.

And the facts: Jade’s cancer has spread to her liver, bowel and groin.

I’m in a nightmare,” says Jade. Grim news.

But don’t worry, the Sun doesn’t want to you to be part of the bad dream. There will be no appeal or commemorative poppadom for Jade Goody. All you are invited to do is stare and sympathise.

Jade is the tabloids’ emergency story. She straddles the Mirror and Sun like a Club 18-30 rep on an oiled up inflatable goat. And the papers keep shouting that she’s about to slide off.

It’s a big dose of mourn porn. And you’re all invited to watch. And there is no need to feel queasy at your rubbernecking – Jade says the money she’s making from her cancer will go to her chidlren.

Buy the Sun and sponsor a celebrity orphan.

Posted: 4th, February 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (30) | TrackBack | Permalink