
Anorak News | Lamb Attacks Golden Eagle, Hippo Takes Flight

Lamb Attacks Golden Eagle, Hippo Takes Flight

by | 17th, February 2009

WHILE we wait for the next installment in the Jade Goody Celebrity Cancer and lament the outbreak of peace in Israel, we bring you news of a lamb seen head-butting a golden eagle.

A mentioned in the 10th Outer Hebrides Bird Report, a Scottish Natural Heritage production, the incident involved a lamb and the bird of prey at Baile Ailean on the Western Isles.

Says SNH area manager David Maclennan:

“This publication does a great service for the islands by recording the behaviour and movements of different species of birds, including those exceptionally rare and unusual visitors which draw bird enthusiasts here from all over the UK.”

SNH says the book reveals “fascinating insights” into the struggle for survival between birds and animals throughout the islands.

Come see the eagle-butting lamb is surely a bigger crowd puller in the tough economic climate than a chance to see a mating grouse.

On Old Mr Anorak’s nature enclave in Essex, the latest report mentions a hippo mating with a domestic poodle (standard), a tiger (Siberian) being chased around by a chick and three rats that can dance the fandango.

Entry to the enclave is £34.50 an hour, and no refunds will be considered should the hippo, tiger or rat fails to emerge from hiding.

Back in Scotland, the lamb is giving the eagle what for. Go on, my sons, slam it in.

Very soon, when he’s big, the lamb hops to take on a vulture in live combat. Game on!

Entry to Scotland is by invitation only.

Posted: 17th, February 2009 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink