
Anorak News | Peaches Geldof Nearly ‘Dies’ In Car Crash, So She Says On Twitter

Peaches Geldof Nearly ‘Dies’ In Car Crash, So She Says On Twitter

by | 17th, December 2009

peaches3BREAKS off to Peaches Geldof who has Twittered the first celebrity car crash. Peaches is on her way to Disney World when she nearly “dies” on the road.

As we’ve said Peaches is the girl who turns up at the orgy party to find mum and dad handing out towels. Whatever she does it’s just not enough. To truly rebel she needs to become a nurse or teacher.

Says Peaches:

‘Speeding like I have never, ever witnessed before on the freeway – feel like I’m in a scary car chase video game.’

You’re a video game star, Peaches.

‘Just actually experienced a full on car carsh (sic) with the IDGAF crew. Wow, I guess we really don’t GAF.’

IDGAF stands either for I Don’t Give A Fuck or I Did Get A (Trust) Fund.

Honestly can’t believe were alive after that. And that the front of the car is totally fucked up and yet were still carrying on to Disney!?

peaches-geldof8It then gets desperate. Poor, Peaches, really does so desperately want to be rock ‘n’ roll:

My last memories if we had all died following the epic crash- reading the nme


Can’t believe “Dead Mans Party” was playing during that.

Peaches affects the vapid weltschmerz of jaded youth but it doesn’t ring true. It’s all sounds so contrived and deliberate. Finally they arrive at Disney. Crack out the credit cards:

We all just gold told off for looking like weirdos by people who work at Disneyland

Would anyone bother to make poor Peaches Geldof up? The one good bit is whan she stops to take the piss out of the Daily Mail for explaining what “LOL” means:

The daily mail love cutting edge reporting based solely on twitters & ending with a description of “lol” RT

Can Peaches be saved from herself yet?

Posted: 17th, December 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment | TrackBack | Permalink