
Anorak News | Haiti Fashion Relief: Sarah Brown And Naomi Campbell Call For Victims To Smarten Up

Haiti Fashion Relief: Sarah Brown And Naomi Campbell Call For Victims To Smarten Up

by | 25th, January 2010

SARAH Brown, wife to unelected Prime Minister, Gordon Brown tilts her head towards Naomi Campbell and pleads with us to support “FASHION FOR RELIEF”, a campaign to get fashion into Haiti. Just as soon as Gordon Brown has set his moral compass, emergency fashion will be dropped on Port-au-Prince (pronounced on trendy Channel 4 news as Pourt-oh-Prarnce).

Who needs women leaders of the free world when we can get Sarah Brown to pull on a smart business suit and plead with Sir Philip Green to airdrop Kate Moss on Haiti in time for the next news bulletin?

Anyone else sick of those men in dusty T-shirts? Although the more responsible women are sporting on-trend headscarves?

Fashion for Haiti! The sooner Sarah Brown gets her own signature perfume the better off we and the people of Haiti will all be…


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Naomi Campbell at the launch of her Fashion For Relief campaign to help raise money for the mothers and babies that have been affected by the earthquake in Haiti.

Posted: 25th, January 2010 | In: Politicians Comments (9) | TrackBack | Permalink