Prince William In Australia: Photos Of ‘Our Shining Prince’
PRINCE William is in Australia. Someone held up a sign that called William “OUR SHINING PRINCE”. Is that a bit OTT? Not a bit of it. Here’s what others have said:
“Each and every one us will be deeply affected by the looming royal marriage…” – Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph
Well, we did pay for it (and most of didn’t get an invite).
“In an important sense, this betrothal has far more to teach a new generation about relationships – and fidelity, too.” – Bel Mooney, Daily Mail
They live in sin.
“For Kate and William, their engagement has profound national significance. They will help form our collective imagination. They are now part of what we are as a nation, how we define ourselves as individuals.” – Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph
Sir Peter Oborne?
“Today we are wiser and perhaps more humane. The unrealistic expectations that destroyed Charles and Diana have gone – Peter Oborne, Daily Telegraph – he’s playing a blinder
Lord Peter Oborne?
“It is rare these days that we glimpse broad sunlit uplands, but this is one such moment” – Daily Telegraph
Obsequious, much?
Posted: 20th, March 2011 | In: Royal Family Comment | TrackBack | Permalink