Cliff Richard: sex, sinners, Kaddie fiddlers and a desire to bury the singer alive

Daily Mirror
Cliff Richard – still Sir Cliff Richard – is on the front page of all the tabloids.
The Mirror (front page): “Cliff Richard Facing New Sex Claims”
Not too long ago that shocker would have been that Sir Cliff had ever had sex, preferring tennis and al fresco singing to nookie. Now we read that “police are probing new claims of sex abuse with Sir Cliff Richard are more alleged victims came forward”. An “officer”, revealed to be South Yorkshire Police Chief Constable David Crompton, says”This investigation has increased significantly.”
Crompton made his comment in a letter to Home Affiars Committee chariman Keith Vaz.
Page 9: “I have no idea where these absurd & untrue allegations come from,” says Cliff. The Mirror fails to tell its readers that Cliff said that on his Facebook page:
I have no idea where these absurd and untrue allegations come from. The police have not disclosed details to me. I have never, in my life, assaulted anyone and I remain confident that the truth will prevail. I have cooperated fully with the police, and will, of course, continue to do so.
Beyond stating that the allegations are completely false, it would not be appropriate for me to say anything further until the investigation has concluded, which I hope will be very soon. In the meantime, I would, again, like to thank everyone for supporting me through this unbelievably difficult period.
The story is brought to you by Lucy Thornton, the woman who breaks the news of the news and became an authority on missing Shannon Matthews (the girl ‘kidnapped’ by her mum in a story shaped as another Madeleine McCann liked Dora The Explorer).
Thornton tell readers that Cliff has been recenly staying in Barbados, where he “attended a charity event in aid of severly brain injured children”. She read that on his Facebook page.
He did more than “attend”. He performed on stage.
Daily Star (front page): “Sir Cliff In New Sex Abuse Probe – More ‘victims’ come forward”
When “victims” are coached inside inversted commas you know to tread carefully. And unlike Sir Jimmy Savile and Sir Cyril Smith, who were tried amnd found guilty in the Press, Sir Cliff is definitely not dead.
Page 9: “Sir Cliff In Fresh Abuse Quiz”
Jerry Lawton writes: “”Until now it was thought police were probing a single claims that the singer assaulted a boy under 16 at a relgious rally in 1985”
Indeed. Cliff was questioned last August over the allegations he had molested a teenager (the Sun says the 16-year-old is a ‘boy”) at an event held by American evangelist Billy Graham in Sheffield.
Following that, police raided Cliff’s home. The BBC thought it fair to broadcast the raid live. Well, when you’ve had Sir Jimmy on your books and under your roof for so long, you take any opportunity to look moral prove that your dubious past has been buried with the depraved old DJ.
In his letter, Crompton says police can’t detect who leaked news of the raid to the BBC. Wow. Who police’s the police?
The Sun (front page): “Probe on Cliff widens”
This probe is reportedly called Operation Kaddie.
Page 11: “CLIFF: IT’S LIES”
Tom Morgan says Cliff is “scandal hit”.
And that’s right. Innocence is persumed but the media hoopla casts shadows over the man.
Crompton addresses Cliff’s comment that “The police have not disclosed details to me”:
“We have not written directly to Sir Cliff Richard. It is the responsibility of his lawyers to ensure he is fully briefed on the conversations which have taken place with investigators.”
Daily Express (front page): “New agony for Cliff as police expand sex absue enquiry.”
The Express feels for the singer.
Page 7: “Detective did a secret deal with the BBC, which filmed them carrying out searches of Sir Cliff’s luxury apartment from a helicopter and beamed it across the globe.”
Not everyone across the gobe would have been all the interested. But it was cruel and stupid. And Cliff has not been arrested, let alone charged with any crimes.
Daily Mail (front page): “Cliff’s agont at police investigate new sex abuse claims”
Like the Express the Mail is on Cliff’s side.
Page 9: The Mail reminds us that Cliff was on holiday when his home was raided “in a blaze of publicity”.
They raided an empty home.
Such are the facts…
Posted: 26th, February 2015 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink