Westminster paedophiles: Bulic Forsythe, when PIE went gay and the death of scepticism

Bulic Forsythe
Westminster paedophiles: a look at reporting on allegations that VIPs abused and murdered children in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Daily Mirror brings news: “VIP paedophile scandal: Police pinpoint ‘dungeon’ flat linked to abuse parties and child murder”
Keir Mudie and Mark Conrad report that police have “identified a luxury flat in Pimlico, London, which is connected to a large cellar believed to have been used as a ‘holding area’ for abuse victims”.
Believed? And aren’t those abuse victims alleged abuse victims? The news is getting ahead of itself. So far we’ve heard the allegations but have seen no evidence to confirm them. The conspiracy is rife. The facts are few.
And the conspiracy reaches to the very top. Get this from Home Secretary Teresa May, writing in the Daily Telegraph:
We already know the trail will lead into our schools and hospitals, our churches, our youth clubs and many other institutions that should have been places of safety but instead became the setting for the most appalling abuse. However, what the country doesn’t yet appreciate is the true scale of that abuse.
But she does. The State does. Rest assured there is no crisis of confidence in institutions of power. They are now on the side of the angels. Go ahead, caller, they’re listening:
…I have only learnt about the extent and breadth of the problem since I first announced an overarching inquiry into whether public bodies and other non-state institutions had failed in their duty of care towards children.
It is a matter of public record that the inquiry had a difficult beginning. We did not realise the degree to which survivors mistrusted the political establishment.
But not now. Now things are fine.
…In my discussions with older victims and survivors and their representatives, I began to realise how abuse is woven, covertly, into the fabric of our society.
During one of my first meetings with survivors, one lady said to me: “Get this inquiry right and it will be like a stick of Blackpool rock. You will see abuse going through every level of society.” I fear she is right.
I have said before and I shall say again, that what we have seen so far is only the tip of iceberg.
Who need facts and evidence when you have a reputation to manage? Compassion for young lives ruined by child sexual abuse should be assumed. May’s championing of conspiracy theories shows how unhinged the elite are.
Back in the Mirror, we are looking for evidence:
In a chilling development, detectives from Operation Midland believe the premises were used as a holding area for youngsters before they were driven a short distance to abuse parties.
Do we believe? Do we want to believe?
The Sunday People and the Exaro investigative website can reveal detectives also suspect the apartment could be linked to a murder allegedly involving members of the paedophile network.
Can you reveal a suspicion that suggests an allegation could be true? It’s not news, is it. It’s just filler.
They are now preparing to take a former abuse victim to the property. Officers want him to confirm their suspicions that the address is a key site in their investigation.
Any evidence?
One line of enquiry is whether a cellar at the flat was used to keep one or more boys before they were sexually abused at another property nearby. The exact location of the flat cannot be identified at this stage, nor can the evidence that relates to it, for fear of disrupting the police investigation.
No facts. No news.
Detectives regard the property as potentially crucial but have identified other premises they want to look at.
They plan to take a key witness, known as Nick to protect his identity, on a drive-around of locations in central London that may have been used by the paedophile network.
Nick came forward last year with a series of allegations.
He says a group of influential and wealthy men sexually abused him as a boy at Dolphin Square, the apartment complex in Pimlico where many MPs have homes, and elsewhere. He also claims to have seen members of a Westminster paedophile network murder three boys. And he is keen to help Operation Midland get to the truth.
As are well all.
Nick has made an appeal:
“I would like to make a personal request to all the boys who were hurt alongside me to come forward if you can and if you have not done so already. You will not remember ‘Nick’. It is not my real name. But you will recognise what went on and where. I totally understand why you might not feel able to, and I know the fear that they instilled in us back then stopped me from speaking out previously. But now is the right time to come forward. If the fear of certain members of the inner circle is holding you back, you need not worry. It did not stop me, and the police can explain more if you get in touch. There are some excellent detectives from the Metropolitan Police who are working on the information that I have given to them. They want to help, they want to listen, and they are not afraid to go where the evidence takes them.
“It is not an easy thing to do. It is really hard to find that courage to come forward and then have to go through with the police what happened. But they have made it as easy for me as they possibly could have done. They have listened to me. They have kept me updated, and ensured that I am safe. They have made sure that I have support and have maintained my anonymity. I also ask others to come forward if you have information about what was going on.
“Were you one of my drivers? Were you suspicious at the comings and goings of boys at all times of the day and night? Any piece of information, no matter how insignificant you think it is, might be useful to the police.”
Unless you, like many of those named in the conspitacy, are dead.
And did any of you tell the police what was going on back then? Did the council know? Did you confide in any authority figure? In light of how Rotherham council and police ignored abuse victims – and in so doing allowed it to continue for years and years – we wonder who knew?
Det Supt Kenny McDonald, who is overseeing Operation Midland, says officers who had spoken to Nick thought his account was “credible and true”. And he added:
“I need others to come forward and speak to us… you will be believed.”
Dare the police not believe? What happened to circumspection and healthy scepticism?
The Mirror turns to the now dead former Home Secretary Leon Brittan:
Police are also examining claims based on Nick’s evidence that Mr Brittan was present when two unidentified men beat a boy to death following sexual abuse around 1981 or 1982.
The men are not known. Their victim is not known. The only man named in that allegation is now dead.
But no confirmed identities or bodies of victims had been found.
Operstion Midland is aprt of a raft of inquries:
Operation Fernbridge: looking into claims a paedophile ring – with links to Parliament – abused boys at the Elm Guest House, near Barnes, in south-west London
Operation Cayacos: investigating allegations of a paedophile ring linked to dead convicted paedophile Peter Righton – a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange. PIE suggested that, as homosexuals had become “gays”, paedophiles should be called “kind persons”. It wasn’t rape, they argued. It was just sexual freedom. PIE members – which numbers around 450 at it speak – were keen to be seen as an oppressed group, like homosexuals.
PIE got a good write up in Community Care, the social workers’ trade paper. A four-page article in 1977 mused “Should we pity the paedophiles?”
Writing in the New Statesman in 1977, Maurice Yaffé’s wrote beneath the headline “Paedophilia: The Forbidden Subject“. (Via)
In 1997, Gay Times noted:
“Gay attitudes to paedophilia have undergone a transformation. In the early days of gay liberation, ‘intergenerational’ sex seemed to occupy a legitimate place on the homosexual continuum. Homosexuals were vilified and persecuted, and so were paedophiles. Denying child sexuality seemed part of the ideology of repression. But genuine anxiety about child sex abuse has hardened attitudes. Gay law reform is a serious business nowadays. We have spent decades trying to shrug off the charge that we just want to molest children. We can do without real perverts hitching a ride on the bandwagon, thank you.”
It was Righton who wrote:
“Most child molesters, if paedophile at all, are so only incidentally. Most of those I have called ‘dispositional’ paedophiles, when they engage in sexual activity with children, do not molest them… On the contrary, the child’s consent is usually of cardinal importance to them.”
‘Don’t judge lest thee be judged’ went the mantra. So what children were being raped and care homes were havens for the depraved. Look to yourselves. Have a heart.
The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry: examining reports of abuse in children’s homes and fostering services on the island from 1960 to the present day
The police are hunting. But so far nothing has been found.
In other news, the BBC reports:
Ex-army chief Lord Bramall ‘mystified’ by police search of house
Lord Bramall, who is 91, told the BBC: “Categorically, never have I had a connection or anything to do with the matters being investigated. It is not in my character or my psyche.”
He said: “I know I have only had sex with someone other than my own sex.”
Lord Bramall said any suggestion he was involved in child abuse was “absolutely a load of rubbish.”
Officers in white overalls searched his house from 08:00 until 19:00 last Wednesday, he said.
What are they looking for? Or is the looking and teh seen to bhe looking the beginning and the end of it?
As for murder, the Mirror has more on Lambeth paedophiles:
Was council official murdered to stop him revealing those linked to VIP paedophile ring? New witness speaks out
Go on:
A council official was murdered days after he vowed to expose “horrible” people linked to a VIP paedophile ring, a witness has claimed. Detectives are investigating claims Bulic Forsythe was silenced by a children’s home vice ring said to have included a future minister in Tony Blair’s government.
The unnamed witness says:
“I will never forget one evening in the pub when he told me and my wife: ‘There are some people in Lambeth Council who are doing really horrible, disgusting things and I am going to expose them. I won’t let them get away with it.’ I was nervous when he was telling me all of this. I could feel by the anxious, determined emotion in his voice just how serious the situation was. I will never forget the look on his face when he was telling me this. He was seriously disgusted and disturbed by what he knew and was determined to see that justice was served. Several days later, he was murdered.”
Did anyone tell the police?
“It was a very short conversation with no interest expressed by the police and no one ever called me back.”
Did anyone in power know?
The memo, used to brief ministers in the Blair government in August 1998, stated: “There is an unsolved murder of [an official] which some staff in Lambeth believe is linked to paedophile activity, corruption and Mr Carroll. The police do not rule this out and are re-evaluating this and other serious crimes and incidents.”
And then facts:
Kiddist Forsythe – born three months after her dad’s murder – believed he may have been targeted because of what he knew and she is urging the police to fully reopen the murder investigation.
This is interesting:
Bulic died at the time of an internal Lambeth council probe into alleged sexual abuse in the housing department where he had worked.
The resulting report, obtained by the Mirror, details allegations of rape, sexual assault and the swapping of child abuse videos and violent porn within the council. It implicated Lambeth employees as well as police and politicians.
In June 1993, the BBC’s Crimewatch profiled the murder:
On October 8, 2000 Christian Wolmar wrote a long article on abuse in care homes for the Independent:
The scandal that unfolded in British children’s homes in the 1980s and 1990s is, on the face of it, inexplicable. A modern western nation with a tradition of caring for the weak – the birthplace of the welfare state – houses thousands of children in residential homes where they end up battered and sexually abused.
It is, according to a government minister in the Lords, “the greatest scandal of the 20th century”. Unfortunately, the minister’s view has not found much echo in society at large. The story has been largely ignored by the press.
It has, too, been the subject of little academic research, despite the obvious need for a greater understanding. Successive governments have commissioned reports into particular incidents, but most of these have been at a local level. Yet the importance of understanding the wider history of these scandals cannot be overstated, for without such understanding, it is impossible to frame a policy to tackle the problem.
Those words rings as true today as they did 15 years ago.
Even if one argues that there was a concentration of abuse in homes in the areas of the major inquiries (a proposition for which there is no evidence), and that some of the allegations under investigation are bound to be false, one could conservatively suggest that 2 to 3 per cent of all children who went into children’s homes in the 1970s and 1980s were abused. The Tribunal of Inquiry headed by Sir Ronald Waterhouse found in February this year that at least 650 people had been abused in the children’s homes of North Wales alone. Nationally, over two decades, it is not unreasonable to infer that, of the 600,000-700,000 children who went through children’s homes, between 12,000 and 15,000 were abused.
The reasons for this epidemic are many and debatable. But one possible cause that has received little attention – and that seems particularly relevant to the question of why the epidemic occurred when it did – is the general tenor of the period in question, especially where sexual politics was concerned.”..
Paedophile rings do exist, but the abuse epidemic in Britain’s children’s homes in the 1970s and 1980s is not about rings. Rather it is about the pre-conditions of abuse letting in scores of men who were able to take advantage of them. Most of these crimes were carried out by lowly care- workers with little connection with the outside world. Indeed, it was precisely the lack of connection with the outside world which made it so easy for them to carry out the abuse.
The elite – police, councils, medics and more – dismissed the victims. That allowed the abuse to go on for a long as it did.
Now to find the eviedence and convict the guilty.
Posted: 16th, March 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink