Tabloid reactions to Tony Blair’s arrival on the Labour Party election bandwagon
So. How did the tabloids respond to the arrival of’ Tony Blair on the Labour Party’s election bandwagon?

Vote with your feet
You’d think the Mirror would hail the arrival of the Labour Party’s most successful leader (at least in term’s of winning elections). But you need to wait until page 9 for any sign of grinning Tone.
In his ‘The Heckler’ column, Tim Walker mentions Tony Blair’s “crow’s feet” – “Quite how sensitive Blair is about the lines around his eyes is clear from newly-released correspondence between his flunkies and the Naitional Portrait Gallery over their official study of him”.
Tony wanted less lines. The artist complied.
And that’s it.
The Daily Star has not a single photo of Tony Blair.
The Daily Mail puts him on its front page. Stood before an orange backdrop and looking tanned, Tony is every inch the vision of toxicity.

Do not adjust your eyeballs
Inside and it’s all about the teeth. Oh, and the crow’s feet.

Denture just love him?!
The Sun pictures Tony and Cherie in matching hard hats. We learn that when Blair joined the election, Ed Miliband was 271 miles way. Too far? Far enough?

Watch out, watch out, there’s a Tony about
The Express sums up its attitude to the election in a photo montage. Is Nigel Farage about to beat a tune on the Blairs’ helmets?

Bongo Nige
Posted: 8th, April 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink