Lord Janner: Iffy evidence, Jews, Ernest Saunders, victims without question and magic
Lord Greville Janner: a look at reporting on the Labour peer accused of child abuse. His family maintain his innocence.
The Daily Mirror has nothing say on Janner. The paper has been hot on the story of Westminster VIP paedos. But not a word today. And there’s not a not a word on Janner in the Daily Star and Daily Express.
The Sun (page 11): “Did Janner get his senile trick off Saunders?”
That question is asked by columnist Kelvin Mackenzie. Is he saying that Janner, a member of the magic circle, has curable dementia, like Ernest Saunders?
MacKenzie recalls Ernest Saunders:
You may just remember he was the Guinness chief executive jailed for five years for manipulating his company’s share price ahead of a takeover. The reason Mr Saunders became famous in the late 80s was not due to his “crime” but because he was freed by the Appeal Court after serving only ten months of his sentence as he was diagnosed with pre-senile dementia associated with Alzheimer’s…
Miracle upon miracle, the symptoms soon disappeared and in no time at all he was in good enough shape to take up his business career again.
Saunders’ recovery was, indeed, remarkable. But what of Janner, who has Alzheimer’s disease?
[he] won’t ever face a court because that idiot Alison Saunders, who runs (for now) the Crown Prosecution Service, believes that his dementia is too advanced for him to have a fair trial.
It is.
I don’t believe a word of it.
That’s quite a claim.
If he is that bad, how is it that Janner chose to stay a member of the House of Lords rather than retire by sending a SIGNED request to extend his leave of absence from Parliament literally a FORTNIGHT ago? Janner was first diagnosed with dementia — let’s hope it wasn’t by the same doctor who examined Saunders — back in 2009 but continued to go to the Lords until his home was raided by plod 16 months ago.
(As an aside, Lord Janner is a Jew. And that Guinness trial featured Jews. Lord Mandelson wrote:
“The plot to push up Guinness shares in the closing days of the bid for Distillers was orchestrated by leading City figures who were allowed to go free, showing once again how the British establishment can protect its own…
Iranian Jew Lord Alliance, who initially planned to spend £2.5million on Guinness shares but pulled out, wrote: “Of the four people tried and sentenced, three were Jews and the other, Ernest Saunders, had a half-Jewish father (which was good enough for both the judge and jury).”
He added: “An informed source recently told me that a leading Conservative minister warned a big party donor to stand clear because ‘we’re going after the Jews’. That alone justifies an investigation.”

Private Eye, 14th February 1992
Gerald Ronson – convicted, along with Guinness boss Ernest Saunders and business partners Jack Lyons and Anthony Parnes – noted:
“If you look at who ended up in court and who should have been in court that’s a whole other story. They threw the four disposable people to the lions and the establishment members were left untouched. In life, you come through things like this and it makes you stronger and hopefully wiser. If you don’t learn from it, you’re stupid.”
Anti-semites attacked Janner from the off.
Janner’s daughter, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner has said the allegations led to the family suffering “putrid, toxic anti-Semitism”.
Speaking to The Huffington Post UK in October, she said: “It has been dire. “The Janner family has experienced the most putrid, toxic anti-Semitism. It is extreme stuff. It is beyond comprehension. Vile, vile fascist anti-Semitism. This is full on lunacy. And it reminds you that it is there.”
She’s right. Some of the anti-Semitic stuff out there is nutzoid and vicious. Would the Establishment parade the accused Jew to save themselves? And who is the Eastablishment? The race is to say you are not part of it. But aren’t all journalists on national newpsapers, all politicians whatever their hue and all lawyers part of The Establishment?)
Back to the story. Barrister Blogger looks at what other believe – people more medically trained than Mr MacKenzie:
Four doctors, two instructed by the defence and two by the prosecution, have concluded that Janner is suffering from Alzheimers disease. Their findings are summarised by the CPS in this way:
“Lord Janner is suffering from a degenerative dementia which is rapidly becoming more severe. He requires continuous care both day and night.
- His evidence could not be relied upon in court and he could not have any meaningful engagement with the court process, and the court would find it impossible to proceed.
- …
- The condition will only deteriorate, there is no prospect of recovery.
- Manipulation (“putting it on”) is out of the question.”
It is possible for doctors to be wrong, of course. One of the “Guinness” fraudsters, Ernest Saunders, for example, was famously freed from prison after serving only 10 months of a 2 ½ year sentence (cut from 5 years by the Court of Appeal), after doctors confidently diagnosed Alzheimers disease. He went on to have a second career as a consultant (while enjoying a useful £75,000 pension from Guinness). His “Alzheimer’s disease” turned out – if we are generous – to be a stress related condition caused by being incarcerated in Ford Open Prison.
But prosecutors must make decisions based upon the evidence that they have, not that which they might wish to have. It would be absurd to proceed on the basis that Janner was fit to stand trial when the medical evidence is entirely to the contrary.
In looking for conspiracy, we should not ignore the law and the facts.
Daily Mail; (Page 15): “Labour peer abused me at 15. Will someone please tell me why he’s never faced court”
We hear from Hamish Baillie. He says he was 15 when Lord Janner abused him.
Last night, one of the nine victims who had been lined up to give evidence against the former Leicester West MP waived his right to anonymity to say the decision ‘beggars belief’ – and claimed it points to an establishment cover-up.
Shouldn’t that be “alleged victims”?
Hamish Baillie, 47, says:
“‘I don’t think anybody other than the victims and the police involved in the Operation Enamel inquiry understand how perverted a man Lord Janner is. He has blighted my life … How can they [the CPS] publicise the fact that there was enough evidence to charge, yet then say it is not in the public interest to pursue it? No disrespect to the public, but what about the interest of the victims? As far as I’m concerned, her [Mrs Saunders’s] actions are barely any less perverse than the abuse inflicted upon me as a teenager. She should initiate an inquiry into her own conduct and then step down because Alison Saunders certainly hasn’t been doing her job properly.”
The grim story is by now familiar:
The politician was first implicated during the 1991 trial of Beck, who ran The Beeches children’s home in Leicester. A victim told the court Janner regularly abused him. Beck was convicted of child abuse and rape charges. He died in jail in 1994. Following Beck’s conviction, Lord Janner, then an MP, stood up in the House of Commons to vehemently deny any abuse, and the CPS decided not to take further action.
Mr Baillie spent ten months at The Beeches. He says Beck groped him. And then he tells of the time Janner allegedly abused him in a park:
“I was just moving behind a gorse bush to hide when I saw Greville Janner walking towards me. He sat down beside me … Then he abused me. It was indecent touching but he wanted it to go further … It lasted no more than 30 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.”
Did he tell?
He did not report the abuse to police and only realised who Lord Janner was when he saw the MP’s picture in a newspaper five years later.
Page 16: ‘The House of Lords can’t be a care home”. So says Dominic Lawson.
“If Lord Janner is indeed in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s, then the Directors of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders, was right to decide that the Labour peer is not fit to stand trial for what would have been 22 charges of sexual offences against chidlren”
IF. The mistrust goes deep.
“His old friend, the illusionist Uri Galler, confirmed the medical diagnosis…”
Has there ever been a more loaded line than that?
“…saying that whan he last saw Janner a few years ago, the former Labour MP ‘didn’t recognise me. His mind was gone.”
Well, the old spoon bender’s not been on the telly all that much of late…
But Lawson wants to know why a man with no mind is taking part in proceedings of our legislature. It’s a good point.
The Times (page 5): “Revealed: link between DPP and Janner’s son”
The principal legal adviser to the director of public prosecutions is a barrister who worked in the same chambers as the son of Lord Janner of Braunstone until late last year, The Times has learnt. The Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed that Alison Saunders, the director of public prosecutions (DPP), consulted Neil Moore — who was based at the 23 Essex Street chambers where Daniel Janner, QC, works — before concluding that it was not in the public interest to prosecute the veteran Labour peer on child abuse charges.
The CPS said the decision was made by Mrs Saunders alone and that Mr Moore informed her that he had been in chambers with Lord Janner’s son before discussing the case. A spokesman said Mr Moore was a barrister of the highest integrity and had not spoken to Mr Janner for two years.
And let us not forget:
Miss Laws felt Lord Janner could be charged with 22 offences against nine alleged victims between the 1960s and 1980s at children’s care homes in Leicestershire. Mrs Saunders agreed there was sufficient evidence to charge the peer but ruled with “deep regret” that his dementia was too severe for a trial to take place.
Why did they wait? Why is this new now?
Such are the facts…
Posted: 20th, April 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink