Lord Janner: sex attacks in Parliament and ‘unpaid social worker’ Cyril Smith
Lord Greville Janner of Braunstone: a round-up of media reporting on the Labour peer mired in the story of Westminster peados. It’s been 67 days since the Crown Prosecution Sevice decided not to prosecute Lord Janner on gounds of his failing health.
The Sun: “Peer ‘raped kids in Parliament’ MP accuses Lord Janner”
That is some accusation. And it’s been made by Labour MP Simon Danczuk.
The campaigning MP’s comments came in a Westminster Hall debate – giving him protection from being sued for libel.
Any evidence to support the claims?
He blasted: “The shocking thing is that the CPS admits that the witnesses are not unreliable, it admits that Janner should face prosecution but refuses to bring a case. I know the police are furious about this and rightly so. Anyone who has heard the accusations will be similarly outraged.”
They are not unreliable but the DPP says the defendant is.
He went on: “I have met with Leicestershire police and discussed the allegations in detail. Children being violated, raped and tortured – some in the very building in which we now sit.”
Those are allegations.
He added: “Personally I fail to see how the knowledge that a peer of the realm is a serial child abuser is not in the public interest.”
Hold on. The knowledge that he is has not been established. That’s the problem. All we have are allegations. If Danczuk is certain of Lord Janner’s giuilt then why not slap the proof in the public domain?
Lord Janner has been accused in Parliament of being a serial abuser who attacked children inside the Palace of Westminster. Labour MP Simon Danczuk said police had told him they wanted to bring 22 historical charges against Lord Janner, dating between 1969 and 1988.
Today’s police do. But yesterday’s police did not.
Lord Janner’s family has said that the peer “is entirely innocent of any wrongdoing”.
His innocence must be presumed, right?
The Rochdale MP continued: “If Lord Janner really is too ill to face prosecution, then why can’t the courts establish this with a fitness to plead process? This would clear up doubts that still linger, for example why he was still visiting parliament on official visits after he was declared unfit to face justice.”

Social Work Today, 10th May 1977
Yes, indeed. The MP for Rochdale, Cyril Smith’s old haunt and the palce where paedo gangs operated for years. The culture of denial has led to how many people in authority being arrrested and jailed? None.
Mr Danczuk was repeatedly warned by the chair of the debate, Conservative MP Anne Main, against criticising Lord Janner. A former DPP-turned-Labour MP, Sir Keir Starmer, said: “The decision before the DPP was not an easy decision. It was a stark and difficult choice between two unattractive approaches. We should respect the independence she brought to the decision making, and the fact she’s had that decision out for a review. To that extent I think we should inhibit our comments on the case.”
The Telegraph has more from the MPs address:
“The official charges are 14 indecent assaults of a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988; two indecent assaults between 1984 and 1988; four counts of buggery of a male under 16 between 72 and 87, two counts of buggery between 1977 and 1988. My office has spoken to a number of the alleged victims and heard their stories. I cannot overstate the effect that this abuse has had on their lives…
“The Director of Public Prosecutions has said that Lord Janner will not offend again. But the failure to prosecute Lord Janner offends every principle of justice – he may not abuse again but the legacy of the abuse continues. His victims needs the truth [sic] and they need to be heard.”
Lord Janner says he’s not absued at all.
Labour’s John Mann said “hundreds of thousands” were “just starting to come forward” with allegations – but added they were just “the tip of the iceberg”.
Well, if the abuse went on for decades, then you can imagine many more victims were ignored.
He claimed the Establishment was still preventing damaging revelations about the “systemic” abuse being made public.
The Establishment? What is an MP and the police if not parts of the Establishment?
He said: “It gives a strong message that there are different layers in society and some people can get away with things. Why was Cyril Smith, when repeatedly apprehended, not prosecuted?”
Mr Mann believes this question is key to the truth behind the alleged cover-up
Smith is dead.
Posted: 24th, June 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink