Amazon gives free buzzing dildo with children’s sandals

In the box
Anyone still too shy to buy a dildo should know that Amazon offers shoppers a free vibrator with pairs of children’s sandals. You just have to select the right brand, which is not all that subtly called PRIMIGI.
Sophie Grantham, 36, didn’t know of the special offer until she took delivery of a pair of said sandals and spotted the five-inch purple Durex vibrator in the box.
Sophie, of Whiteley, Hampshire, explains:
“The parcel was vibrating so the postman made a comment about it maybe being a toothbrush. I was absolutely horrified to find there was this purple vibrator, loose and buzzing about in the shoebox. I don’t know what happened, but it’s not on.”
So horrified is Sophie that she told the local Western Daily Press, ensuring that every search for her family name – sons Alex Grantham and James Grantham are mentioned – results in a photo of mum holding a pulsating, purple rubber knob.
Amazon offered her a £10 voucher and a free refund. But she wanted more:
“I think Amazon haven’t taken it seriously, haven’t grasped how quite disgusting it is. They haven’t said they will investigate it at all.”
Husband Simon Grantham is then introduced:
“At first he thought it was funny, but then he realised just how disgusting it is. We’re sending the sandals back – obviously I wouldn’t put anything like that on my child’s feet.”
Dildos for feet? Well, if dressed your kids in crocs, dildos might be a sartorial step up.
“There was a pubic hair in there – I’m sure of it. I don’t know if it was used or not, but I suspect it was.”
Says Amazon:
“I’m sorry to hear about the problem you’ve had with your Primigi Boys Cloris Fashion Sandals 1112000 Pearl 8 UK Child, 25 EU. [Note that number down shy onanists.] On this occasion we do not require you to return the original. You’re welcome to keep, donate or dispose of it – whichever option is most appropriate and convenient for you.”
Or turn it into an interesting conversation piece and your footnote on the web:
“I’ve requested a refund for £16.72, which includes the cost of the item, I’ve also issued a refund in the amount of 10.00 GBP to your payment card as a compensation so the total refund of 26.72 GBP.” About the offending vibrator, the customer services rep added: “Given the nature of the product in question there’s no need to return the item to us. Please keep or dispose of it at your convenience. I hope that you will allow us another opportunity to serve you in the future. Rest assured, we will continue working hard to ensure that you receive accurate service and to prevent the chances of anything like this occurring again for your future orders. We look forward to seeing you again soon.” Amazon have vowed to look into the how the vibrating and open sex toy ended up in the shoe box. In a statement, an Amazon spokesperson said: “We are currently investigating this matter.”
Posted: 16th, July 2015 | In: Key Posts, Reviews, Strange But True, The Consumer Comment | TrackBack | Permalink