Mike Bloomberg says China is a democracy and Xi Jinping answers to his ‘constituents’
Michael ‘Mike’ Bloomberg didn’t get to be billionaire by being a dufus and doing no research. So why doe he tell Margret Hoover that China’s President Xi Jinping asnwer to his “constituents” and leader through the will of the people. Jinpins is, says Bloomberg, not a dictator.
in 2012, Xi walked at the front of the Politburo Standing Committee onto the stage at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In 2017, “Xi Jinping thought” – an articulation of his political philosophy – was “enshrined in the constitution of the Chinese Communist Party”.
Bloomberg created the news organisation Bloomberg.

In October 2019, it reported:
But the unrest underscored growing uneasiness with Xi’s style of rule, with U.S. lawmakers threatening sanctions over the government’s handling of Hong Kong and China’s mass detention of ethnic Uighurs. Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council — controlled by the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party — issued a statement condemning China’s “one party dictatorship.”
China: the dictatorship without a dictator nearly all the Chinese never voted for.
Posted: 1st, December 2019 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink