
Anorak News | Diane Abbott wears two left shoes – what utter tosh

Diane Abbott wears two left shoes – what utter tosh

by | 12th, December 2019

diane abbott left shoes
The lady is for turning

Out on the campaign trail with her fellow Labour MP for Hackney Meg Hillier, shadow home secretary Diane Abbott was pictured on Twitter apparently wearing two left shoes. She is fashion forward. And if you cannot keep up with her trendsetting, wait a while and she’ll circle back again. But surely this is fake? Not so says the Telegraph, which reports it as fact.

Diane Abbott shoes
A ‘mystery’
Diane Abbott shoes

Why is the paper of record so lacking in circumspection? Sad stuff when the Press becomes monocular and far from right.

Other photos of the day show her wearing a more conventional pair of shoes.

diane abbott left shoes
“Typical patriarchy focusing on what a woman wears”

Imagine being the subject of such fakery and bad reporting. Just horrible.

Posted: 12th, December 2019 | In: News, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink