
Anorak News | Read Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks online

Read Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks online

by | 16th, January 2020

Read Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks online

Leonardo da Vinci’s unpublished manuscripts and notebooks – Codex Arundel – are now digitized and ready to read in the British Library. The Library tells us that after he died, one of his pupils, Francesco Melzi, “brought many of his manuscripts and drawings back to Italy. Melzi’s heirs, who had no idea of the importance of the manuscripts, gradually disposed of them.” But over 5,000 pages of notes “still exist in Leonardo’s ‘mirror writing’, from right to left.”

You can see da Vinci’s “visions of the aeroplane, the helicopter, the parachute, the submarine and the car. It was more than 300 years before many of his ideas were improved upon.”

As Josh Jones writes: “For an overwhelming amount of Leonardo, you can look through 570 digitized pages of Codex Arundel here. For a slightly more digestible, and readable, amount of Leonardo, see the British Library’s brief series on his life and work, including explanations of his diving apparatus, parachute, and glider.”

Spotter: OpenCulture, Flashbak

Posted: 16th, January 2020 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer Comment | TrackBack | Permalink