

Posts Tagged ‘abortion’

The Trig Palin Death Cult

VIA Hot Air and Rachel Lucas, Canadian Dr Andre Lalonde has “concerns” about Sarah Palin’s son Trig Palin not being aborted.

Yeah. It’s the Trig Palin death cult. You gotta have a death cult:

Dr. Andre Lalonde, executive vice president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Ottawa, worries that Palin’s now renowned decision may cause abortions in Canada to decline as other women there and elsewhere opt to follow suit.

He says not every woman is prepared to deal with the consequences of Down babies, who have developmental delays, some physical difficulties and often a shortened lifespan.

Lalonde says his primary concern is that women have the choice of abortion and that greater public awareness of women making choices like Palin to complete a pregnancy and give birth to their genetically-abnormal baby could be detrimental and confusing to the women and their families.

“The worry is that this will have an implication for abortion issues in Canada,” Lalonde tells the Globe and Mail.

Any American too stupid to understand will be too stupid to care…

Posted: 11th, September 2008 | In: Politicians | Comments (4)