
Anorak News | Monica Lewinsky – rare photos that shocked the world

Monica Lewinsky – rare photos that shocked the world

by | 19th, February 2012


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PKT5649-416203 WILLIAM CLINTON PRESIDENT Monica Lewinsky embraces U.S President Clinton at a democratic fundraiser. This is the moment that Bill Clinton could live to regret. Because if it ever comes to impeachment, it will be his breathtaking recklessness that costs him the US Presidency. Millions of American voters will be examining the astonishing photograph when it is published across their nation this week, and asking themselves if the greeting betrays more than just a kiss. Amid a sea of laughing faces, with two secret secret service bodyguards just behind him and a photographer shooting over their shoulders, the President embraces White House assistant Monica Lewinsky with abandon.

Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern who looked up to Bill Clinton in photos..A TV biography of the former U.S. President will focus on the women.

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Posted: 19th, February 2012 | In: In Pictures Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink