
Boston Marathon

Posts Tagged ‘Boston Marathon’

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev pictured at the moment of his capture beats Rolling Stone for cool and iconic

 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

SGT Sean Murphy was there when alleged Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured hiding beneath the cover of a boat. He took photos. This one shows the 19-year-old carrying the red dot of a sniper’s rifle laser sight on his forehead.

Sgt Murphy says his pictures show the “real Boston bomber, not someone fluffed and buffed”. 

Surely, he means to say ‘the alleged bomber’?


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Posted: 19th, July 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

FBI kill Boston bomber’s friend Ibragim Todashev

Ibragim TodashevCONSPIRACY theorists tune in now. The FBI in Orlando have killed a man reportedly linked to Boston marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. NBC News reported that the FBI shot dead Ibragim Todashev, 27, who shared the dead bomber’s passion for mixed-martial asrts.

Todashev had been arrested for alleged aggravated battery after a  fight in a car park.

ABC News quotes a source who, apparently, saw what happened:

“There was some sort of aggressive movement that led the FBI agent to believe he was under threat and he opened fire.”

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Posted: 22nd, May 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Boston Marathon victims vow to get better

Boston Marathon Victim Vows

AFTER the bombs went off in Boston, the pain began. Rather than focus on the true victims of the murder, we have seen voices raised about female Muslims living in fear of reprisal from white racists. One writer told us that these women were living in “hell, as if Boston were now a fiery home for evil, violent bigots. A few scuffles from idiots were a sign that America was a race riot waiting to happen. But what we’ve seen is understanding and a coming together of humanity.

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Posted: 29th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

American turned Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev into killers, says expert

Boston Marathon Explosions

SO why did Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 , and his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, allegedly murder four people and injure scores more. The Boston Globe‘s Kevin Cullen has discovered some facts:

I was on an NPR show this morning, talking as I drove back from Cambridge to write this column, and a caller came on the air and started talking about how we’ve got to look in the mirror and ask what we as Americans have done to create angry young men like this.

I almost drove off the road.

No one who lost their life or their limbs on Boylston Street last Monday did anything to create angry young men like this.

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Posted: 20th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

In photos: the hunt and capture of Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Boston Marathon Explosions

IN photos: the hunt and capture of Boston Marathon bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19 (see above). His brother,  Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, known as “suspect Number 1” was killed during a shootout in the Boston suburb of Waterton. He was one of five people killed in the drama.

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Posted: 20th, April 2013 | In: Photojournalism, Reviews | Comment (1)

What they all said about peaceful all American kids Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Tamerlan Tsarnaev

RIGHT up until the moment Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev allegedly planted bombs and blew up people watching the Boston Marathon they were just regular guys. Not for a moment should you think that the therapy industries and police agencies failed to notice two budding mass murderers passing through the system. Know that they were just a couple of lads:

The family was given permanent residence on March 2, 2007. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a US citizen in September 2012. There is no record of him ever having left the US. Tamerlan Tsarnaev spent six months outside the US in 2012.

Sky News:  “Boston: Brothers Were ‘Regular American Kids'”

The Gobe – Zolan Kanno-Youngs talke of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev:

“Dzokhar was just a guy with full potential, and never showed any signs of doing this whatsoever. I think that if you ask anybody in Cambridge that truly knew him, and truly hung out with him, this you would know that this is probably the most shocking news we’ve heard in a while….

“He was one of the more peaceful religious people I know. He never brought up any sort of political views whatsoever. I’m still in shock. I honestly can’t accept it. But I’m gonna have to.”

Alina Tsarnaev talks to WBZ-Boston about her brothers:

“They were great people. I never would have expected it. They are smart – I don’t now what’s gotten into them.”

Maret Tsarnaeva, the brother’s aunt, talks to journalists in Toronto, Canada:

“Within the family, everything was perfect… 

“What century are we living in? We need evidence. Otherwise you can go shoot anyone like a chicken on the street. Not for me. We need evidence.All these pictures are on the computer. I have to see them. You have to have a motive first. Something that would drive you through some actions. They cannot go crazy or mad or sick just for one day. As far as I know them they are fine.”

She says Tamerlan Tsarnaev is married and has a daughter.

“Tamerlan has his daughter, above the age of that little boy who died there. Why would he think that this daughter’s life is worth more than that little boy’s life that died there? I don’t trust the FBI. Show me evidence.”

Anzor Tsarnaev, the father of the suspects, tells the AP:

“My son is a true angel… We expected him to come on holidays here… They were set up, they were set up! I saw it on television; they killed my older son Tamerlan.”

“In my opinion, my children were set up by the secret services because they are practising Muslims.”

He adds:

“I will never believe my boys could have done such a terrible thing,” he said in a telephone interview from Makhachkala, the capital of the Dagestan region. “I have no doubt they were set up.”

“My older son is killed and now they are after my little boy,” he said. “It is a provocation of the special services who went after them because my sons are Muslims and don’t have anyone in America to protect them.”

Tsarnaevs’ father has more:

Q: Did he want to be an American citizen?

A. He wanted to, of course. Why not?

Q. But it didn’t work out, right?

A. Because with his girlfriend, there was a scandal. He hit her lightly. He was locked up for half an hour. There was jealousy there. He paid $250, that was it, he went home. Because of that — in America you can’t touch a woman, they wouldn’t give him citizenship.

A. Because of that they didn’t give him citizenship?

Q. He had gone through the interview, that was it. But they said, he said, they will check the federal authorities, when they check me they will give it. He would have been granted it, he passed the interview. Now we have a new system where they check young people. Because he is a Muslim, I think, and a Chechen, too.

And this might be a classic:

Yes, he was in Makhachkala. Makhachkala, he was never out my sight. He used to sleep till lunchtime, then we visited relatives. We went to Chechnya to visit relatives. He only communicated with me and his cousins. There was nobody (else). People know. I would ask him, did you come here to sleep or what?

Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of Chechnya speaks on Instagram:

“Tragic events happened in Boston. As a result of a terrorist attack, people were killed. We already expressed our condolences to the residents of the city and to the people of America. Today, as the media report, a certain Tsarnaev was killed during a detention attempt. It would be logical if he was detained and an investigation was conducted, all the circumstances and degree of his guilt explained. Apparently, the special forces needed a result at any price to calm society. Any attempt to make a link between Chechnya and the Tsarnaevs, if they are guilty, is in vain. They grew up in the US, their views and beliefs were formed there. The roots of evil must be searched for in America. The whole world must battle with terrorism. We know this better than anyone. We wish recover to all the victims and share Americans’ feeling of sorrow.”

Robin Young, host of the public radio PRI show Here and Now, tweets:

“Remember Djohar well, beautiful boy in tux at prom party and elsewhere.”

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 1

They knew it!

Tamerlan Tsarnaev won the New England Golden Gloves amateur boxing competition in 2009New York Daily News speaks to boxer Edwin Rodriguez:

“He was really weird and kind of downplaying [the workout] saying ‘Edwin is too light. He’s not going to be a good work for me, but I’m going to come down anyways… He was odd looking, dressed up with military boots, kind of a weird guy.

“We were just sparring so I wasn’t trying to knock him out. But I was trying to hurt him to the point he’d respect me because he thought I was too small so I didn’t really like that. He told that to my trainer. Like I said, he was kind of a cocky and arrogant type of character. He was a little odd and different.”

Ruslan Tsarni is the brothers’ uncle. Why would they have done it?

“We’re Muslims, we’re Chechens, we’re ethnic Chechens. Someone radicalised them, but it was not my brother, who just moved back to Russia. He spent his life bringing bread to their table, fixing cars. He didn’t have time or chance. He’s been working. What do I think was behind this? Being losers, not being able to settle themselves, and thereby hating everyone who did…

“It’s not a surprise about him [Tamerlan]. The younger one, that’s something else.”

Deana Beaulieu went to school with Dzhokhar. She told the AP, you have to be “careful with the quiet ones”.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev tweeted:

“I didn’t become a lifeguard to just chill and get paid, I do it for the people, saving lives brings me joy.”

On the day of the bombing, he tweetred:

“There are people that know the truth but stay silent & there are people that speak the truth but we don’t hear them ‘cus they’re the minority… Ain’t no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people,” and urged fellow users to re-tweet a photograph of a man bending over an injured woman.”

His last tweet was on Wednesday went:

“I’m a stress-free kind of guy.”

Russia Today talks to Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the brothers’ mother:

Such are the facts…

Posted: 19th, April 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Boston Marathon bombs: BBC interviews a man with a dildo sat on his fridge

WITH the Boson Marathon bombings dominating the news, the BBC spoke to one man. Could he shed any light on the horror? Or have we just learnt that you should never keep your dildo on top of the fridge. You never know who’s going to call:

boston bomb marathon penis


Spotter: jane__bradley

Posted: 19th, April 2013 | In: TV & Radio | Comment

Photos of the Boston Marathon bomb suspects

Boston marathon suspects 2

THE Boston Marathon: the FBI has released these images of men they want to talk to in connection with the crime. As everyone with a vested interest lined up the usual suspects, there was one thing we all felt to be true: the perpetrators are most likely to be men.

Is the man in the above photograph smiling?

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Posted: 19th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Boston Marathon bombs: confronted by horror the people are not terrorised just closer together

Nationals Marlins Baseball

AFTER the bombs ruined lives at the Boston marathon we learned again that terrorism destroys.  It frightens and reduces. But it doesn’t win. Life goes on. Society holds together. Today. around 1000 journalists are stood outside the Boston Federal Courthouse. News is that a man has been arrested.

The Boston Globe claims: “Suspect being taken to US District Court in South Boston.”

The Boston Police Department counters: “Despite reports to the contrary there has not been an arrest in the Marathon attack.”

But we’re not surprised if the culprits are caught. We expect them to be. We expect to win. We all want to see who did it.

And life goes on.

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Posted: 17th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Boston Marathon bombs: Lu Lingzi is non-white victim number 3

Lu Lingzi boston

VIRGINIA Trioli (aka Virginia Troll), of the ABC, that we are only interested in the Boston Marathon bombs because…

…we are overly focusing on what happens to rich white people in the West

Well, Virginia, after eight-year-old Martin Richard and restaurant manager Krystle Campbell, 29 died, the third person murdered by the bombs is 23-year-old Chinese student Lu Lingzi, a mathematics and statistics student at Boston University.

Such are the grim facts.

Posted: 17th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comments (9)

Have 4chan found the Boston Marathon bomber?

HAVE the folks at 4Chan located the Boston Marathon bomber?

boston marathon 4chan

The Boston Police Department has requested that the public send in any videos of the Boston Marathon. They will surely reveal clues.  Alexis Madrigal notes: 

If Federal or local police do need help [with video analysis], they could reach out to Digital Media Evidence Processing Lab at the University of Indianapolis, which is run by the Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association. …

After the Vancouver riots, police in that city brought the video they received from citizens to the lab. “Working around-the-clock shifts, analysts and technicians examined more than 5,000 hours of video while tagging more than 15,000 criminal events and individuals,” trade journal Evidence Magazine wrote in 2012. “The approach proved quite powerful. Whereas investigators required four months to process just 100 hours of video after the riots in 1994, the thousands of hours of video recorded in 2011 were processed and initially tagged in just two weeks.”

And why not open it up to everyone on the web? Show us all the images and let us seek out the nutcase(s)? The people at 4chan are way ahead of you:

boston marathon 4chan 2 boston marathon 4chan 1

For what it;s worth, the chap in these photos looks like his backpack is far too light. If you have any information don’t post names online, tell the police. We don’t need more innocent people being affected.

Over at Reddit, more sleuthing is underway.


Posted: 17th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comments (8)

Boston Marathon bombs: praying for Jeff Bauman Junior

jeff bauman

YOU can see the photos from the Boston bombings here. We saw the AP’s picture of one man’s injuries. Not every publication thought it too much. You can see our cropped version of the man as he’s helped by first repsonders and Carlos Arredono.

And now some good news. Well, better news. The man was rushed to the Boston Medical Center ER. His name is Jeff Bauman Junior. He’s lost both of his legs. His father, Jeff Bauman Senior, writes:

“Can everyone pray for my son Jeff Jr.? I just can’t explain what’s wrong with people today to do this to people. I’m really starting to lose faith in our country.”

He adds:

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, they did help greatly. Unfortunately my son was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had to have both lower limbs removed due to the extensive vascular and bone damage. I was with him last night and am heading back down to Boston – Boston Medical Center to be with him today. He went back into surgery last night at midnight for exploratory due to fluid in his abdomen. He came out at 2:30 and doctors informed us he was doing better. Thanks again to all you guys and girl

You can help Jeff here.

When people say they are praying for someone, it can sound glib. Tony Woodlief helps :

Sometimes I wake up in a hotel bed or my apartment and I forget where I am, what bed this is and what city this is. I shower and sometimes I shave and I mutter sentences that have no meaning because they are not in the right place. They are divorced from all place, these words like I don’t understand this and I can’t do this and Please help me. I mutter these sentences and I stop, the washrag over my face or the blade to my neck, and I wonder where the words came from, and who they are for, and why I am saying them, and if only God understands why we talk to ourselves in the bleary dark morning hours.

Only God understands if they are prayers or laments, and how words can be both, how every sentence spoken out of place is really just another way of saying: Where am I to go?

Heather MacDonald does not believe:

I take it that believers do not ascribe such inconsistent results to capriciousness on God’s part, but rather to their own limited capacities to understand God’s ways:  “Thy Will be done.”  But why continue directing any psychic energy to a being so lacking in sympathetic correspondence to human needs and values.  It will not do to say: “God does respond to our prayers, but in ways that we cannot fathom.”  Saving a child from cancer and letting a child die from cancer cannot both be a sympathetic response to prayer; if we had wanted a stricken child to die in order to secure an earlier entry to heaven, we would have said so.  And if premature death from cancer is such a boon, why doesn’t a loving God provide it to one and all?

It is humans who work with passion and commitment every day to try to save their fellows (and a range of other creatures)  from suffering and sorrow.  Emergency room medicine is constantly evolving to try to ensure that gun shot victims and people crushed by cars survive.  Doctors and hospital staff work frantically throughout the night to try to revive a failing heart or a shattered brain.  They do so out of love and compassion, while God, who could restart an exhausted heart in an instant, demurs.  The only source of love on earth is human empathy.  Transferring our own admirable traits onto a constructed deity just obscures the real human condition: we are all we have, but that is saying a lot.

If you can’t pray for Jeff Bauman, we can at least contemplate what it means to be him.

Posted: 17th, April 2013 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Boston Marathon bombs: after the massacre the story in photos

AFTER the Boston Marathon bombs, what happened? Three people are dead. Scores are injured – many badly. The two bombs were set inside domestic pressure cookers packed with metal fragments and ball bearings.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Neighbours sit outside the house of Krystle Campbell’s parents in Medford, Mass.,Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Campbell was killed in Monday’s explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

Krystle Campbell

Miss Campbell was 29.

Boston Marathon Explosions

“Pray for Martin” is written in chalk at a park near the home of Martin Richard in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston,Tuesday, April 16, 2013. 8-year old Martin was killed in the bombing at the finish line.

martin richard


Left to right: Martin Richard; his mother, Denise, who has undergone brain surgery; his six-year-old sister Jane who lost a leg in attack;  older brother, Henry, 12; and father Bill, who ran the race.


Boston Marathon Explosions

Dr. Brien Barnewolt, chair of emergency medicine at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, speaks to reporters at the hospital, Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Barnewolt was among the staff who treated the 14 patients injured in the bombing at the finish of the Boston Marathon who were treated at Tufts.

Nine children were wounded. Two have had their legs amputated. Liz Norden had two sons running in the Marathon. Both have lost a leg.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Nicholas Yanni, 32, of Boston, speaks to reporters at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Yanni, and his wife, Lee Ann Yanni, 31, not pictured, were among the 14 patients injured in the bombing at the finish of the Boston Marathon who were treated at Tufts

Boston Marathon Explosions

Neighbours hug outside the home of the Richard family in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Boston police officers block access to Boylston Street while standing with hundreds of runner Mylar thermal blankets near the scene of Monday’s Boston Marathon explosions, which killed at least three and injured more than 170.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Tammy Lynch, right, comforts her daughter Kaytlyn, 8, after leaving flowers and some balloons at the Richard house in the Dorchester.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Police conducted an overnight search in this apartment building in the Boston suburb of Revere, photographed Tuesday, April 16, 2013, and removed items from the apartment of a young Saudi national visiting on a student visa who was questioned in connection with the bombings Monday at the finish of the Boston Marathon, a law enforcement official said. He said the man was tackled by a bystander, then police, as he ran from the scene of the explosions. But he said it is possible the man was simply running away to protect himself from the blast, as many others did.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, below, is wheeled up to a microphone to speak during a news conference.

Boston Marathon Explosions

FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers, far right, speaks as Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, left, and Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick, center, listens during a news conference in Boston.


Boston Marathon Explosions

Runner Megan Cloke pauses after placing flowers on the doorstep of the Richard house in the Dorchester.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Workers find bags containing runners’ personal effects as they return them to their owner near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.


Boston Marathon Explosions

Peace is written on the sidewalk in front of the Richard house.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Two police officers have rifles and watch from the roof of the Lenox Hotel overlooking the finish area of the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis speaks as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick listens.

Boston Marathon Explosions

Boston police on bicycles patrol on Commonwealth Avenue.

Boston Marathon Explosions


Members of the Massachusetts National Guard wait for orders on Boston Common.

Boston Marathon Explosions


The flag on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol is lowered to half-staff on Capitol Hill, Monday, April 15, 2013, in Washington. Says President Obama:

“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror. What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organisation, foreign or domestic, or was the act of a malevolent individual, or individuals…We also know this — the American people refuse to be terrorised.”

Posted: 16th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Boston Marathon Bombings: Carlos Arredondo is the illegal immigrant who was there to help

Boston Marathon Explosions

THE grimmest photograph to emerge from the Boston Marathon bombing is of a man with his leg missing, the white bone protruding through shards of loose skin where once a foot was. The man is in a wheelchair. His face is grey. To his side are a male medic. Behind him a woman pushes the chair. Touching the victim is a man called Carlos Arredondo. (The image is above. It’s been cropped.)

Mr Arredondo tells the man: “Stay with me, stay with me.”

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Posted: 16th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Boston Marathon massacre: it was about hurting ‘rich white people in the West’

Boston Marathon Explosions

THE Boston Marathon massacre was heinous crime. But to the ABC’s Virginia Trioli it has a message. Those nursing amputations and the loved ones of the dead and dying have it all explained:

The contrast of course with what goes on in, I mentioned Iraq in passing just before, what goes on there and also in Afghanistan on a weekly basis has not been lost on many people this morning. We did report this morning of course that there were a series of bomb attacks overnight in Iraq and it’s important to mention that again, 37 people dead and more than 270 others were wounded. Several cities were hit in those bomb blasts, the capital Baghdad, Kirkuk in the North and Nasiriyah in the South. They were coordinated attacks according to police there during the morning rush hour and they mainly involved car bombs. That’s the contrast that we always have on a day like today when it seems to me where we are overly focusing on what happens to rich white people in the West, versus what happens on a daily basis in those countries.

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Posted: 16th, April 2013 | In: Reviews, Sports | Comments (6)

Boston Marathon bombs: all the facts

boston bomb two year old

* THREE people have been killed by explosions at the Boston Marathon. Seventeen are in a critical condition. Many more are hurt.

* There were two explosions, 17 seconds apart.

* Witnesses reported a loud explosion on the north side of Boylston Street, just before the finishing line.

* One of the dead is Martin Richard, an eight-year-old boy, 8, who was waiting at the finish line for his father, Bill Martin. The boy’s father and sister are “grievously injured”. The family live in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

* A woman in her twenties is dead.

* The youngest victim is a two-year-old boy, who is in hospital with head injuries. (See above. Image posted on Twitter with father’s permission.)

* The FBI are seeking a “darker-skinned or black male”.

* People were injured by flaying ball bearings.

* So far, at least ten people have lost limbs.

* The attack took place on Patriots’ Day, which marks the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

Photos of the horror are here.

Posted: 16th, April 2013 | In: Reviews | Comment

Bombs kill three and maim many more at Boston Marathon (photos)

boston marathon

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Posted: 15th, April 2013 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (2)