
Anorak News | S And M: Paul Burrell And Sex With Princess Diana

S And M: Paul Burrell And Sex With Princess Diana

by | 15th, June 2008

burrell-sex-diana.png“PAUL BURRELL: ‘I HAD SEX WITH DIANA,” screams the News of the World’s front-page shocker. And we wonder if the Rock has sunk to a new low? Loyal servants pine for their lost masters but Diana is dead and this… This is sick.

This is the “sick boast exposed by his wife’s brother”, says the paper. Know that “disgraced royal butler Paul Burrell has plumbed shocking new depths of treachery, with vile boasts that he secretly BEDDED Princess Diana.”

Better in secret than atop of fourth plinth of Trafalgar square, so allowing Dian’s other sexual conquests to pass by and apprise the efforts in a live TV spectacular.

But still, it’s a shock that Burrell is a grave robber. How much worse can it get?

The slimy flunky bragged to his wife’s brother Ron Cosgrove that he was on call for sex 24/7. Ron told us: “Burrell said Diana was so demanding. And he told me he’d caught the Queen naked.”

SHAMELESS Burrell once bragged to his stunned family about seeing the Queen “starkers” while he was chasing a royal corgi around her bedroom at Buckingham Palace.

What sink of depravity is Buckingham Palace? Is Philip so cold that it should come to this?

And with these revelations, the word of one man, there opens up a new avenue of intrigue:

* Was her Majesty engaged in a secret romance with Diana? 

* Are Corgis part of an elaborate foreplay? 

* Did the Queen Mother, who confided in Old Mr Anorak that she was to marry Burrell and make him her King, get wind and unleash the Fiat Unos on love rivals?

* Did the Queen want to get caught by Burrell, a man desired by all the Windsor women, although not Princess Anne nor Prince Edward, obviously?

* Is Prince Harry;’ ginger pelt part Corgi?

The NOTW has already failed to see Burrell charged with wrongdoing, but now it has surely got its man.

Indeed, Ron makes mention of the Sun’s video telling its Sunday organ: “The final straw came when he was caught on video admitting how he lied to Diana’s inquest. I hope I never see him again.”

But what of this dalliance with Diana, now ten years passed? Says Ron:

“He clearly had something on his mind so we went to the Peal of Bells in Holt for a few pints. Then during the conversation he suddenly tells me he’s been having a sexual relationship with Princess Diana.

“He said they did it in the bedroom, the bath, everywhere. He claimed Diana liked to be domineering.”

Some relief that this alleged assignation occurred when Burrell was a jobbing butler and Diana a living and breathing thing.

“Paul told me that he’d get a call from Diana in the middle of the night specifically to have sex with her. He said she was very sexually demanding—’a bit ****ing kinky’ were his words—and if you worked for the princess you worked for her 24/7.”

And there is more: “Ron also reveals that after Diana’s death the butler spirited THREE bin liners out of Kensington Palace and hid them in his mother-in-law’s attic.”

Were Diana’s bin bags monogrammed, limited edition bin liners, taken by Burrell to remind his of those salad days of duty and cleaning?

Or do they contain evidence, scarping from mattress and bathmat, to be distilled into a signature perfume and a new book: Burrell: Master & Servant?

Posted: 15th, June 2008 | In: Royal Family, Tabloids Comments (20) | TrackBack | Permalink