Marta Yegorovnam Kept An Alien In Her Fridge For Two Years: Photos And Video
WHEN in 2009 Marta Yegorovnam found a 40-50-inch long life form amid the burning wreckage of a crashed UFO beside her summer house in the Russian city of Petrozavodsk, she acted.
Yegorovnam took hold of the alien and wrapped it in plastic. She then placed in it the fridge. She did this because it was hot. As anyone knows, placing hot things in the fridge raises the ambient temperature and may cause your chilled produce to spoil. She kept her alein meat in the fridge for two years. And it never spoilt. It never went off. Aliens might be stupid enough to fly millions of miles and then crash into a haystack, but they know more about preserving their skin than Cher, Simon Cowell and Joan Rivers could dare hope.
Also, the creature looks remarkably like Baron Greenback, legendary foe to Danger Mouse. Can it be that cartoons are made on other planets?
Cue the spooky music:
There be monsters:
Gollum Ness is discovered languishing on rock in Panama, where, as is alleged has it, local children on their way to a kebab shop beat it to death. As reported: According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. Fearing for the safety as it moved towards them, the youths claim they attacked the beast with sticks before throwing its lifeless body into a pool of water.
Posted: 16th, November 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink