
Anorak News | ‘Tough Guys For Trump’ – Larry David’s epiphany

‘Tough Guys For Trump’ – Larry David’s epiphany

by | 12th, February 2020

larry david donald trump

Larry David has yet to appear in a Bernie Sanders sketch. But he’s in one written for Twitter by Donald Trump.

In this skit, David is seen driving a small, foreign-made car. The liberal New Yorker, star of fly-on-the-wall documentary Curb your Enthusiasm, is wending his way along a sun-dappled road in California when his bad navigation skills and disregard for his fellow Americans causes him to drift and cut up a law-abiding biker.

The biker pulls up alongside.

David, sensing the error of his ways, is converted. In a moment of real epiphany he pulls on a ‘MAGA’ hat and vows to help the biker ‘Make American Great Again’. The buyer nods in brotherhood, politely advises David to “be more careful next time” and drives on.


Posted: 12th, February 2020 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, News, Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink