
Las Vegas

Posts Tagged ‘Las Vegas’

Kindly Mandalay Bay massacre hotel sues the victims

If there’s blame, there’s a claim. And because you can blame pretty much anyone for anything if you think about it enough, The Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas, from where Stephen Paddock murdered scores of people in October 2017, is suing his victims. Be warned: should you in any way gold MGM, he hotel’s owners, in any way responsible for the horror, it will come down on you with a mighty force.

“Plaintiffs have no liability of any kind to defendants,” the complaints argue.

It says the security company it hired was certified by the Department of Homeland Security and was therefore protected from liability under a 2002 federal act.

MGM argues that this protection extends to the hotel giant, as it hired the security firm.

A spokesperson for MGM said in a statement: “Years of drawn out litigation and hearings are not in the best interest of the victims, the community and those still healing.”

Las Vegas attorney Robert Eglet, who has represented several Oct. 1 victims, said the grounds of the litigation are “obscure.”

MGM is a Nevada company, so any lawsuits belong in state court, Eglet said. He viewed the decision to file the complaints in federal court as a “blatant display of judge shopping” that “quite frankly verges on unethical.”

“I’ve never seen a more outrageous thing, where they sue the victims in an effort to find a judge they like,” he said. “It’s just really sad that they would stoop to this level.”

File under:


Posted: 20th, July 2018 | In: News | Comment

After Libya Hillary Clinton still knows nothing about guns

After the horror in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton seized the chance to promote herself and her policies:

Others believed Monday was precisely the correct time to start the conversation. Mr Trump’s challenger in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton, said it was essential that America confronted the NRA and demanded the regulation of weapons. “The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots,” she wrote on Twitter. “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”

They thought the crackling sound was fireworks, Hillary. And a silencer at that range, would still be loud.

After Libya, the idea that gung-ho Hillary Clinton doesn’t like guns is absurd.

The WAPo has more:

The effect of having a silencer probably would have been negligible. Clinton and others appear to be assuming that silencers — or “suppressors,” as they’re known in the industry — work the way that they do in the movies. Screw a little barrel on the end of your pistol, and you can run through enemy headquarters picking off bad guys with no more audio footprint than a little zip.

In reality, trying to suppress an automatic weapon sounds like this.


Posted: 3rd, October 2017 | In: Politicians | Comment

After Las Vegas: only candles, thoughts and prayers can stop another massacre

After the horror in Las Vegas, will anything happen? Something must after America’s worst mass-shooting. The sane thing would be to debate gun control and why it’s ok for someone to own an arsenal of high-powered weapons. But amid the candles, prayers and hashtags – and the flurry of guessing about why Stephen Paddock executed scores of innocent music fans out for a good night – nothing gets done. Second Amendment freedoms remain unchanged in law. You can buy a machine gun in the USA and keep it shiny in the hope that when someone aims their machine gun at you, you can shoot back.

The newspapers are full of the Las Vegas bloodbath. All mention Stephen Paddock, the 64-year-old killer, in the opening lines. Police and the FBI are looking for Paddock’s motive. There are many being spouted: he is a jihadi; a white supremacist; an anti-Trump activist; a pro-Trump gun-nut; a terrorist; a white male; and so on. Reuters hears an official says that Paddock had a “history of psychological problems”. Paddock’s father, Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, was a “psychopathic serial bank robber” who was once on the FBI’s most wanted list between 1969 and 1977.



Donald Trump says it was an “act of pure evil”, a phrase that invokes God and invites us to think the Devil did it. Is that going to be Stephen Paddock’s excuse? Is he going to become a victim of some kind of hereditary condition and demonic possession?

“WHY DID HE FLIP?” asks the Mirror over two pages. The answer can be summed up in one word: “Dunno.” But the Mirror, as with so much media, analyses the dead murderer’s brain. Did he “inherit his criminal father’s mental illness and ruthless passion for violence”? The Mail wonders: “Did gambling losses turn law-abiding ex-accountant into mass killer?” The Sun leads with news that Paddock was “thought” to have gambling debts.

We like a clean narrative: man with money worries / troubled upbringing / religious devotion murders scores of people. But none of it sheds any light on the horror. It just offers Paddock an out. He deserves none. The Las Vegas Police Department’s Sheriff Joe Lombardo is honest: “I can’t get into the mind of a psychopath.”

The only sense would be to look at how mass shootings can be prevented. Better mental health provision? More exorcisms? Locking up children of the criminally deranged? Stopping a man on a mission to kill isn’t easy if you value freedom. How about stricter rules on who gets machine guns and bullets? The US gun lobby won’t budge. Trump needs to find a way to keep the US constitution intact – the freedom and equality it enshrines in law – and stop manics getting their hands on high-velocity killing machines.

The next slaughter won’t be stopped by tea-lights and prayers.


Posted: 3rd, October 2017 | In: Key Posts, News | Comment

After Las Vegas: everyone knows why Stephen Paddock did it

Why did Mesquite, Nevada, man Stephen Paddock shoot dead more than 50 people and wound 400 more when he opened fire on a country music festival in Las Vegas? Police “believe” he committed suicide before they raided his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. It was from there that he fired at the crowd below, allegedly.


Stephen paddock las vegas


We might never know why he did it, if he did it and if he did it alone – 10 weapons were found in his room, say police. So can anyone with an agenda subscribe their bigotry to this horror?

ISIS says they know why Paddock did it. A statement published by the group’s Amaq propaganda agency says: “The Las Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State in response to calls to target coalition countries.” They claim Stephen Paddock “converted to Islam several months ago”.

The Daily Mail endorses that message:



Eric Paddock, the suspect’ brother, is quoted in the Orlando Sentinel:

“We are completely dumbfounded. We can’t understand what happened. We have absolutely no idea whatsoever. I can’t imagine. When you guys find out why this happened, let us know. I have no idea whatsoever.”

Tariq Nasheed says it’s to do with white supremacy.


Tariq Nasheed stephen paddock


Paddock had been travelling with Marilou Danley, who is not a suspect. The Australian said Danley was “an Australian passport holder, possibly of Indonesian descent, but officials there have not confirmed her nationality”. White supremacist friendly with Indonesian women attacks country music festival. Really? Danley relocated to the United States 20 years ago, according to one of her former neighbours who said she is originally from the Philippines, The Herald Sun reported.

Was it terrorism? “There is motiving factors associated with terrorism other than a distraught person just intending to cause mass casualty. Before we label with that it will be a matter of process,” says Sheriff Joseph Lombardo.”We believe it’s a solo actor. A lone wolf,” Lombardo added.

Is there something about his name?


What about Donald Trump? Armchair Detective On Twitter tabs the side of his nose and gives us the side eye:


Paddock hated Trump! right?

stephen paddock donald trump



How about Stephen Paddock’s whiteness?

stephen paddock white


Terror attacks are used to further a cause. What Paddock’s was Charles Clymer doesn’t say. But when it comes to being murdered, he is producing a league table. Ban white guys, says Charles!

Can we ban God, who was angry at Trump.



The dead are victims of white privilege:


Deborah Schurman-Kauflin says he was a killer:

Too many people are at a loss to understand such killings. They can’t comprehend the deep pitted hatred that fills the black hearts of these multiple murderers. A shooting or mass event shocks the public which doesn’t spend its time dreaming of murder. However these killers do just that. Every waking moment is focused on their deviant desires. By rote, they practice over and over in their minds how they will destroy as much life as possible. They live and breathe an inevitable revenge. Fueled by continuous anger, they prepare for their destiny. That is how they see it. Every mass killer I interviewed said they always knew they would kill. In a way it is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Whatever method they choose to execute their plan, they practice ad nauseum. They go to the location they want to attack. Once there, they watch. They want to memorize the patterns of the people at the location. They want to see who is there and where they go. What is normal for this area? Yes, killers profile too. They need those patterns so they can predict the behavior of their targets. When they can anticipate how a victim will react, they can cut off escape routes.

Weapons are obtained, and very often, they tell someone of their goal. Though they are deadly serious, the threat is blown off. People have a hard time believing that this person could do such a thing. Or, the person is too frightened to say a word. Thus, the behavior and words do not get reported. And the plan continues.



More to follow…

Posted: 2nd, October 2017 | In: Key Posts, News | Comments (3)

Man Locked Inside Vegas Airport Driven Mad By Celine Dion



RICHARD Dunn responded to being locked inside a Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport by filming his version of Celine Dion’s 1996 hit All By Myself – a song best played and sung well away from any other sane human being.

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Posted: 11th, June 2014 | In: Music, Strange But True | Comment

Miss Atomic Bomb: when Vegas showgirls put the sex in Armageddon (photos)

Miss Atomic Bomb. 1957 (1)

Above-ground nuclear testing was a major public attraction during the late 1950s, and hotels capitalized on the craze by hosting nuclear bomb watch parties, which usually included the dubbing of a chorus girl as Miss Atomic Bomb. Merlin was the last and most famous of the Miss Atomic Bomb girls.

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Posted: 17th, March 2013 | In: Flashback | Comment

Bad Ads: Las Vegas is where the gays go to laugh at straight couples

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Posted: 22nd, February 2013 | In: The Consumer | Comment

Public Enemy’s Flava Flav Arrested By “Rookie Ass Cop”

IT isn’t unusual to hear news of a rapper getting arrested. In fact, its such a frequent occurrence that some think there’s something of a police conspiracy against wealthy black men (exemplified by Mos Def, here).

However, in some cases, you suspect stupidity may have a hand in it. Step up, class clown, Flava Flav.

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Posted: 3rd, May 2011 | In: Music | Comment

Police Hunt Ends As Husband Finds Missing Wife Dead At Home

POLICE in Las Vegas have been looking for Billie Jean James since she went missing on April 22nd.

They used helicopters with infrared technology to search the surrounding desert, while volunteers fanned out and highly-trained search dogs sniffed through her two houses, which were cluttered and packed to the rafters with junk, because 67-year-old Billie Jean was apparently a compulsive hoarder.

She and her husband reportedly built the second house on their property to hold all the stuff she hoarded.

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Posted: 27th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (2)

Brothel Home Makeovers: The Vegas Strip Church Cometh To TV

A RELIGIOUS congregation in Las Vegas known as The Strip Church has taken on a project it calls “Brothel Home Makeovers.”

Members go brothel-to-brothel-to-strip-club and offer to redecorate.

Still don’t believe it? Check out the video after the jump.

Spotter: RR

Posted: 22nd, June 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

In Pictures: Heidi Montag’s Loose Skin Dress Floats The Liquid Pool Lounge

WHEN we first saw pictures of Heidi Montag at the Liquid Pool Lounge Grand Opening at Aria Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV, we thought it was shame her loose skin was obscuring the surgeon’s fine work. We also thought it apt that Montag was advertising the Liquid Pool Lounger because it there is one thing you need when drinking in Vegas – even more than the ability to recognise Tiger Woods loyalty card in the dark – it is inbuilt buoyancy aides, and a decent working knowledge of golf. Here’s Heidi. And her skin:


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Heidi Montag celebrates the Liquid Pool Lounge Grand Opening at Aria Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Posted: 11th, April 2010 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Marckus The First Last Vegas Prosti-dude Hooker Blows His Bungalow

READER Bat E Bird tells us, through sources on the Vegas package tour-arama, that The Shady Lady’s first male hooker has retired. Markus has gone back to the adult film bizznizz, and been replaced in the stocks by a male prostitute called “Y. Not”.

Says Shady Lady owner Bobbi Davis in reports:

“A new stud, Y. Not, was hired but his work has been suspended because of an electrical short in his bungalow. The first stud, Markus, made history in January when he became Nevada’s first licensed prostitute.”

His “bungalow” blew? Is he a robot as well?

He had about 10 customers. In fact, at least 10% of his customers were journalists at the New York Post:

One of those customers turned out to be an undercover reporter from the New York Post, who took pictures of Markus and wrote an unflattering, first-person account of her two hours with him.

Spot the hooker.

Posted: 27th, March 2010 | In: Money | Comment

American Royalty Paris Hilton Opens Vanity At The Hard Rock Cafe, Las Vegas, In Pictures

AMERICAN Royalty Paris Hilton launches Vanity Nightclub at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Let’s hear it for the burgers and chips. Paris Hilton will one day launch her own set of stamps, conduct an interview with Martin Bashir, suck a Texan’s toes and be caught in a conversation with a Prince about his ambitions to be a human tampon. This is how it is for American Royalty, always one-step ahead and at the time one step behind the British chinless wonders. Here’s Paris giving it the wonky eye:


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Paris Hilton launches PARISHILTON.COM Vanity Nightclub at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

Posted: 17th, January 2010 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Paris Hilton Hosts New Game Show In Las Vegas

ANORAK’S Man in Las Vegas was there to see Paris Hilton walk the runway during a fashion show for her new line of something at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.

It’s the new Paris Hilton game show. Each week, Paris will walk up and down in a straight-ish line and invite you to guess why she’s doing it.

The winner gets a night with Paris. The loser gets two nights with Paris…

Can you guess what Paris is showcasing this week?

Is it:

a) To be slutty?

b) To look slutty?

c) To make you think she’s slutty?

d) Walking as the new jogging?

e) A product that allows you to look as slutty as Paris Hilton?

Look at the pictures and see if you’re right after the jump.

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Posted: 3rd, October 2009 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Madeleine McCann Spotted In Gaza, Lost Again In Las Vegas

gazaMADELEINE McCann has been linked to the War on Terror, but can she now be linked to Islamicists trying to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza? And she’s found in Las Vegas…

To ASSEMBLY @ ASSEMBLY HALL, VENUE 35 of the Edinburgh Fringe festival.

He has just survived – for now – the shelling of his home city of Gaza by Israeli forces. Suddenly, an older man erupts from one of the heaps of wreckage around him, coughing and spluttering into the light. This is Abu Mohammed, a ‘tunnel trader’, or one of those merchants who smuggles goods into Gaza through a secret subterranean supply network; food, matches and even livestock.

Or guns and bullets, Iranian soldiers and jihadis… But the best bit is yet to come:

As with the sequence that attempts to westernise the loss of children by bringing out an unnecessary Madeleine McCann analogy, the play isn’t perfect; but, in witnessing the raw power of a man recounting the death of his own daughters in crudely translated Arabic, its demand for answers about an atrocious time in a man-made hell carries huge moral and emotional impact.

Time, then, to blame the Jews for Our Maddie, finally. How can it have taken so long? But where is she? One woman knows:

Onstage in a spacious Las Vegas banquet hall sits a nervous-looking, dark-haired Danish woman named Connie Sonne. The 46-year-old retired police officer made a name for herself as a psychic in Europe by claiming she knows the whereabouts of famous missing British toddler Madeleine McCann. Sonne also says she can read playing cards through sealed envelopes using only a crystal. If she can successfully demonstrate her skills in this controlled experiment at the South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa, she’ll receive $1 million.

Does she do it?


And Madeleine McCann is still missing…

Posted: 27th, August 2009 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comments (7)

Rumer Willis’ 21st Birthday Party In Pictures

7711163RUMER Willis is 21. She’s having a birthday party at the TAO Nightclub, Venetian Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.

In keeping with such a starry event there’s a photographer taking pictures of the guests as they arrive. These pictures are a keepsake, a going home present – Hollywood’s version of a piece of birthday cake wrapped in a napkin and a Noddy pen.

To go with the photographer, there are other entertainers – the tattooist, the sex tape expert (“your face in their place!”) and a plate of egg white omelettes for the chauffeurs to chow down on as they wait to pick up the kids.

Anorak was at the do, and we now bring you pictures from it, featuring Margo Harshman, Briana Evigan, Audrina Patridge, Rumer Willis, Jamie Chung, Winky The Bear and Smartie Artie.

Tits and teeth ladies:

Posted: 16th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Hollinwood Twins With Hollywood For The Eight Best Landmark Copies

hollin-woodALONGSIDE the M60 motorway in Oldham, sits a copy of the famous Hollywood sign, this on advertising “HOLLINWOOD”.

Barman Derek Middleton, 25, works at the Bowling Green Inn, on nearby Manchester Road, and he tell the Manchester Evening News:

“The locals have been talking about it and they all think it’s great. But it’s not really like Hollywood here. It’s a bit dreary and a bit less glamorous, and we don’t get the weather. Manchester Road is the closest we get to Sunset Strip.”

Things to look out for for any wayward tourist, there.

But he should not be so quick to presume. Anorak recalls a youthful trip to St Mark’s Square and being in the company of a girl who asked a local: “Where’s St Mark’s Square?” He said that she was standing in it. Her reply: “What? This! No, really…”

Some copies of landmarks are better then the real thing. Anorak takes a look:

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Posted: 11th, August 2009 | In: Strange But True | Comments (4)

Michael Jackson Buried in Las Vegas

neverland2MICHAEL Jackson Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Michael Jackson in the news- Jackson burined in Las Vegas, La Toya has 100 news songs, malware, the Stasi, benzodiazepines and Miley Cyrus is dead…

CelebBuzz: “Neverland Ranch: Moving to Las Vegas?”

E! Online reports that plans are underway to move Michael Jackson’s former home, Neverland Ranch, from Santa Barbara, California, to Las Vegas so that it can become Sin City’s newest tourist attraction… adding a museum, theater, and a burial plot where fans could pay their respects to the fallen King of Pop.

Attractions include the Nosorium, the Moonwalk – a moving pavement taking less mobile Americans through Jackson’s life all the way to the burial slab which lights up as you touch it and at midnight opens to start the Werewolf Show.

“The idea is to take physically everything that’s not part of the dirt and reassemble it in Las Vegas,” a source reveals.

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Posted: 7th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (3)

Free Ticket To Michael Jackson 51st Birthday Show Las Vegas

jackson-poster-vegasMICHAEL Jackson Watch: Introducing the official poster and package deal to the official first paid event – Steve Freiss’s Las Vegas show – that exploits (surely “pays tribute to”? -ed) the death of Jackson.

Anorak’s Man in Las Vegas has more:

Steve Friess has kept his name off the poster for the first paid event to exploit the recent death of Michael Jackson, but the Las Vegas stringer for The New York Times, USA Today and other national publications, Gay Vegas author and comp queen who wrote that “Michael Jackson’s untimely death was the best thing that could ever have happened to Michael Jackson’s music,” is behind the show that he has written pointedly does not celebrate the flawed human being – “There will be no speeches about Jackson the man at this event. It is all about the songs, the dancing, the art” – is being held on what would have been Jacko’s 51st birthday.

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Posted: 28th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

The Mysterious Death Of Danny Gans

danny-gansDANNY Gans, Las Vegas’s Man of Many Voices – think Joe Longthorn with success – is dead.  Anorak’s Man in LA looks at the matter:

“The Danny Gans case is still an open investigation.”

A spokesman for the Henderson, Nevada Police Department told a producer this afternoon that the investigation into the Dilaudid overdose death of the Las Vegas strip superstar has not yet been closed, despite the “acidental” tag plaxced on Gans’ May 1st demise by the Clark County Coroner.

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Posted: 23rd, June 2009 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Bette Verte: Bette Midler Goes Green

GLOBAL warming quote of the day: Bette Midler…

“Over the years, the number of trucks that I have behind me has grown exponentially and I don’t really like that, I don’t like wasting the gas,” she told me on a promotional trip to London.

“Fourteen trucks, that’s a lot of gas. So I decided I’d stay put for a while,” she added.

It gets better…

Surely moving equipment in trucks is unavoidable for a touring show, I ask her?

“I can avoid it,” she says, shaking her head, and going on to provide an impressive list of her green credentials that would put most celebrities to shame.

“I don’t drive much, I have a Smart car, I have a hybrid, I drive a [Toyota] Prius,” she says.

It’s the wind beneath her wings that powers her on…


Posted: 2nd, October 2008 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)