

Reviews Category

We don’t just report off-beat news, breaking news and digest the best and worst of the news media analysis and commentary. We give an original take on what happened and why. We add lols, satire, news photos and original content.

Shrien Dewani fights to clear his name


Ami Denborg, left, and her brother Anish Hindocha, right, react after the court case that acquitted their sister's former husband Shrien Dwani from murdering her at the high court in Cape Town, South Africa, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. British man Shrien Dwani accused of killing his wife Anni while they were on honeymoon in Cape Town was acquitted of murder on Monday after a South African judge concluded that the prosecution's case did not have sufficient evidence. Shrien Dewani promptly descended stairs leading out of the courtroom following the not guilty ruling by Cape Town High Court Judge Jeanette Traverso. (AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam)

Ami Denborg, left, and her brother Anish Hindocha, right, react after the court case that acquitted their sister’s former husband Shrien Dwani from murdering her at the high court in Cape Town, South Africa, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. 


Shrien Dewani is free. He did not have a part in the killing of his wife, Anni Dewani.

In a South African court, Dewani’s lawyer said Pieter Engelbrecht, the policeman responsible, was “miles away from being an objective witness”.

The Times reports:

The lead policeman in the case, Captain Paul Hendrickse, left the court in tears.

Shrien Dewani must now fight to clear his name and reputation.

Such are the facts…

Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

Westminster paedophiles: Exaro News and the spectre of Joseph McCarthy

Westminster paedophiles: Anorak’s look at the allegations that politicians abused children in the 1970s and 1980s.

Exaro News has been tweeting:

Do not fall for smears against Exaro re CSA [child sexual abuse] survivors. We cannot discuss the arrangements that we make to ensure their safety and security.

BTW the smears are coming from paedophiles as well as spooks. But some are one and the same. But they all know that the tide has turned.

For the first time we are blocking some paedophiles and paedo-apologists who have engaged in extreme trolling to upset abuse survivors.

… Not worth naming them. We do not want to give them publicity.


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Wow. The dead are being buried in their own filth without charge, trial or conviction, and now the living are being attcked. But who are they?

Richard Barthlomew notes:

Over the past few months, Exaro News has made a name for itself with a series of inter-related stories about an alleged paedophile ring involving senior politicians that supposedly operated with the collusion of the security services in the 1970s and 1980s. But in the above, the website has shifted – in an extraordinary casual and off-hand way – from investigating historic claims to making inflammatory accusations about people operating on Twitter today.

Exaro‘s most sensational claim appeared last month: that a survivor, named as “Nick”, had witnessed a then-serving Conservative Party MP “strangle a boy to death during a sexual assault” at an “abuse party”. Nick also claims  that a second boy was murdered by two unknown men in front of “a former Conservative cabinet minister” at a different event, and that a third boy had been “deliberately [run] over and killed” by a member of the gang. The timeline, for some reason, is slightly confused: the first murder took place “around 1980″, and the second one “between a year and 18 months” later; but the third – which Nick “took to be a warning” – is curiously dated to “the summer of 1979″.

Since November’s publication, I’ve seen several people on Twitter express scepticism about the story or raise misgivings about how Exaro and Nick are interacting with the police. I also note that one critic (involved with the contrarian “Spiked” group) is on record as having described Stuart Hall’s crimes as being “low-level”, and I can see how this might provoke a hostile “paedo-apologist” accusation. Further, there is one (anonymous) Twitter user who is approaching the issue in a way that is unpleasant and goading. But where’s the evidence of paedophiles “smearing” Exaro News on Twitter (or elsewhere)? And where’s the evidence of the remarkable claim that they are also “spooks”?

The published allegations about a “Conservative cabinet minister” are vague, but specific enough to allow anyone so inclined to make a short list of suspects. Similarly, these Tweets are vague enough to avoid proper scrutiny, but just specific enough to cast a shadow over anyone with reasonable and good-faith reservations about aspects of Exaro‘s approach.

That’s the effect. But as someone who supports “new media” and “citizen journalist” investigations into matters of public interest, I really hope it wasn’t the intention.


UPDATE: By way of a footnote, I would also like to note a couple of other recentExaro Tweets that have caught my eye and set off alarm-bells: (1) an RT of a Tweet by another person responding to news that the site has been short-listed for a journalism award:

I should think the only people that won’t vote for you are paedophiles & the ‘cover uppers’!

Perhaps this was meant as a joke rather than as a serious proposition, but even if so it remains very ill-advised for Exaro to appear to endorse the sentiment.

And (2), an attack on Chris French for writing in the Guardian about false claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse:

…He is, in total ignorance, casting doubt on Nick-type victims. SRA is a red herring icw Midland

TheGuardianitself came under fire for publishing the piece after asking to speak to “Nick”.

I should perhaps make clear that this doesn’t mean that I think Exaro News should be dismissed out of hand – the case of Cyril Smith shows that a politician was able to get away with paedophilic abuse (although not, so far as we know, murder) in plain sight, and that the security services may have protected him (as others have suggested, perhaps in order to blackmail him).

Exaro also has testimony from ex-law enforcement officers that they were aware of “a significant paedophile group in Parliament” who were allegedly “untouchable”; these two (unnamed) officers apparently also claim to have been “aware that boys were being killed”, although no details are given as to what is meant by “aware” (saw bodies? heard rumours?). Obviously, that needs looking into.

One thing we’ve learnt over the past 12 years, following the first media revelations about historic sex abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in 2002, is that institutions have again and again facilitated the abuse of children, in some cases because of child protection failures and in others due to collusion. There is naturally widespread goodwill towards those who are investigating the issue, and anger against the thought of all those who escaped justice because they enjoyed positions of authority and trust.

But the spectre of Joseph McCarthy should remind us that it not good for any campaigning group or individual to be above criticism.

Sceptisism is healthy…

Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Rolling Stone’s UVA debacle has traces of Satanic Panic

Margaret Talbot has a view on the Rolling Stone’s UVA rape story. She agrees with us: it’s the Satanic Panic all over again:

More than a decade ago, I wrote about the McMartin preschool case, and other satanic ritual child abuse accusations that turned out to be false. Back then, the slogan many supporters of the accusations brandished was, “Believe the Children.” It was an antidote to skepticism about real claims of child abuse, just as today, “Believe the Victims” is a reaction to a long history of callous oversight of rape accusations. “Believe the Victims” makes sense as a starting presumption, but a presumption of belief should never preclude questions. It’s not wrong or disrespectful for reporters to ask for corroboration, or for editors to insist on it. Truth-seeking won’t undermine efforts to prevent campus sexual assault and protect its victims; it should make them stronger and more effective.

Sceptism is healthy…

Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Eleanor de Freitas and Alexander Economou is a tale of victims and causes

Alexander Economou, 35, was accused or raping Eleanor de Freitas, 23. He was innocent. But the police and State would not let the matter drop.

Hugh Muir wrote of “her attacker”. That was later changed to her “alleged attcker”.

He adds:

This summer we learned that the number of successful rape prosecutions had dropped after five successive years of increases. In 2007-08, 58% of cases brought to trial were successfully convicted. By 2011-12, that figure had risen to 63%. Since then, it has declined to 60. The number of cases referred to the CPS by the police also fell in 2012-13 despite the number of rapes being reported rising by 30%.

But Mr Economou is innocent. Using this case to make a wider point misses that point. It is based on the idea that rape is ‘fate worse than death’. It is heinius crime. But so is going to prison for a crime you did not commit.

The police are central to the febrile climate, where sex crimes are the worst crimes. Having ignored rape victims and mishandled cases, the police are scrambling for clarity of vision. This mean they miss the full picture. Healthy sceptisism sees you labelled as a rape apologist.

Sex has been recast as a risky affair.

Zerlina Maxwell tells the Washting Post: “We should believe, as a matter of default, what an accuser says.” No. Just as we should not belive as matter of fact what the defendant says. We need only to study the facts.


The Daily Express.

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Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

You’ll never guess how Rose West has become ‘creepy’

ROSEMARY WESTFor those of you who quite fancied Rose West, the housewife sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 10 young women and girls, comes disappointing news. Her victims’ dismembered bodies were buried the the home she and her husband Fred West shared at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester, the so-called House of Horrors.

This disppointing news is that Rose West “has lost weight, stopped wearing glasses and grown a moustache and prisoners say she gives everyone the creeps”.

Where as before everyone used to pass the woman and comment on her grace, poise and girlish complexion. Rose by name…

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Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

The New Republic becomes clickbait

We might not agree with  The New Republic, but we liked the fact it existed.

It’s dead now.

Franklin Foer, Leon Wieseltier, Paul Berman, Timothy Snyder and Michael Walzer resigned.

And the future looks poor:

New Republic owner Chris Hughes and newly installed CEO Guy Vidra announced Thursday they were repositioning the 100-year-old magazine to become a “vertically integrated digital media company.” They hired Gabriel Snyder, who previously ran Gawker and The Wire, and was most recently at Bloomberg Media, to be its new editor-in-chief.

There has been tension at the magazine since Vidra’s arrival over differing visions for the publication. Staffers saw management as overly focused on Web traffic at the expense of its legacy of narrative journalism and criticism.

The New Republic now seems unlikely to continue that legacy in any recognizable sense, since the majority of its longtime writers and editors have left, taking the magazine’s institutional memory with them.

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Posted: 7th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Madeleine McCann: Roderick MacDonald, No Suspects And DCI Nicola Wall

Madeleine McCann: a look at reporting on the missing child in the news:

Get Hampshire reports: “Convicted Aldershot paedophile questioned over Madeleine McCann disappearance”

Roderick MacDonald, 77, was questioned by police in his prison cell as British officers try to uncover vital clues about who snatched Madeleine, aged three at the time of her disappearance, in 2007. MacDonald, said to have been in the Algarve when she vanished, was questioned about his alleged connection to a child sex gang operating in Portugal and linked to her disappearance.

How linked?

It is believed he was pressed on what he knew about a spate of burglaries which occurred in the Praia da Luz resort where Madeleine’s family were staying when she went missing. British detectives think the burglaries – believed to be carried out by a lone intruder between 2004 and 2010 – could be the key to finally solving what happened to her.

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Posted: 7th, December 2014 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comment

Paris Rapes: ‘Because you are Jewish’

Frenh jewry is unfer attack:

Three unknown assailants invaded the home of a Jewish couple in the Paris suburb of Créteil on Monday, raped the 19-year-old woman, and robbed the home, saying it was “because you are Jewish,” local French media reported on Tuesday.

“The Jewish community is in shock over this,” a journalist who covered the story told The Algemeiner. Noting the concern about the case, he said, “When I posted the story on my social networks – they went crazy from reshares.”

Keep a bag packed – just in case it’s time to leave…

Esther, 36, works at a nearby kosher supermarket. Unlike Meghnagi, she says the incident has affected her view of the neighbourhood. “Créteil is not what it used to be,” she says. “I don’t feel safe here, especially early in the morning when we open for business, or when it gets dark.”

She says she has asked her husband to stop wearing his kippah (or yarmulke, a traditional Jewish skullcap) out in public and no longer sends her son out to buy bread at the corner.

Plus ca change:

Unfortunately, it appears that it is ‘open season’ on Jews in France following so many recent violent attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions going all the way back to the brutal torture and murder of Ilan Halimi,” European Jewish Congress President Dr. Moshe Kantor said in a statement about the attack, referring to the 2006 torture and murder of a Jewish phone salesman.

This will not end well…


Posted: 6th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

How lad culture will save you from the UVA rape story

university va


The story of a gang rape at University of Virginia fraternity has been all over the web. Only, Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s story in Rolling Stone magazine lacked one thing: fact. The rape story turned out to be a non-rape story. But many had sezied on it as a sign of horrors on university campuses.

None of the allged rapists were named. But there were clues. And no right to reply was given.

According to Phi Kappa Psi lawyer Ben Warthen, the frat apparently did not host a party on the night of Sept. 28, 2012, which is when Jackie said she was lured upstairs by her date, “Drew,” and gang raped by seven men. Jackie had said she met Drew because they were lifeguards together, but no member of the fraternity was employed by the university’s Aquatic Fitness Center during that time frame. Also, the Rolling Stone story implied that the rape was some kind of an initiation ritual, but pledging takes place during the spring semester, not the fall.


Up until now, Jackie had been reluctant to reveal the name of the man who took her on the date. But this week, according to the Post, she told it to some of her friends—activists who had supported her since the alleged rape. The man whose name she gave belonged to a different fraternity, not Phi Kappa Psi. A Post reporter contacted him and he said he knew Jackie’s name but had never met her in person or taken her on a date. That’s a detail to pay attention to. He could be lying, of course, but that’s a pretty bold lie, not just to say he’d never dated her or taken her to a party but he’d never met her.

Megan McArdle:

I wrote last week about the explosive rape allegations against a University of Virginia fraternity in Rolling Stone. This morning I see that Richard Bradley, a former editor at George who had the unhappy distinction of having been taken in by Stephen Glass, is raising questions about the story and the reporting by the author, Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

I read Bradley’s article and thought, “well, if there are problems with Erdely’s story, it will probably come out eventually, because there’s enough detail that can be checked.” But there’s a corollary to that: If the Rolling Stone article’s allegations are true, there’s also enough detail to put at least a couple of people in jail, and possibly the whole group, even if Jackie (the victim) is reluctant to assist the investigation.

For starters, there are two people whom the university can surely identify right now. First is “Drew,” the boy who worked as a lifeguard at the university pool with her, invited her to the party, and handed her over to his brothers to be raped. There are about 80 brothers in this fraternity; the odds that more than one of them was an upperclassman lifeguard in 2012 seem pretty small, unless this happens to be the swim team frat.

Second is the kid who raped her with a beer bottle when he found himself unable to maintain an erection; she says she recognized him as a classmate from a small anthropology discussion group. The story strongly implies that the rape was an initiation ritual for the fraternity, and since fraternity rush takes place in the second half of freshman year at UVA, this boy was almost certainly a sophomore, or maybe an upperclassman who transferred in. At any rate, it’s very unlikely that there is more than one young man who was a new member of Phi Kappa Psi in 2012, and also a member of lower-level anthropology class. The university ought to be able to identify these two young men in a matter of a few hours.

But the university may well be able to identify everyone, because the story strongly suggests that an entire new class of Phi Kappa Psi brothers participated in a gang rape, either of Jackie or of the two other girls who she learned were also gang raped at the fraternity around the same time that she had been. As far as I can tell, Virginia has no statute of limitations on rape, which means the police should be aggressively investigating these sickening allegations. The university has a duty to its own community, and to the community at large, to do its utmost to identify as many rapists as possible, and help the police to bring them to justice.

The story was used to beat all men in the Greek system.

Ashe Schow:

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Posted: 6th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Alois Brunner was Syria’s agent who trained Kurds in Turkey

Now that Alois Brunner is dead, we can learn all about him.

Syria secretly employed the world’s most wanted Nazi as an agent of terror to destabilise Turkey and rejected appeals by America and Germany to hand him over, declassified US files show. Damascus harboured Alois Brunner, the right-hand man of Adolf Eichmann, and kept him for advice on security and terror and so that it did not show weakness in the face of Israeli demands…

Secret US diplomatic and CIA documents have revealed how determined Damascus was to keep the man who directed the deportation of more than 100,000 Jews, almost all of whom died…

“Brunner is known to be protected in Syria by armed guards, presumably from the Syrian intelligence services,” William L Eagleton, the US ambassador to Damascus wrote to George Schultz, the US Secretary of state, in 1984.

“In the past, our source [in the West German embassy] added, Brunner has done work on behalf of the Syrian intelligence services in training Kurdish guerrillas who operate from Syria against Turkey.”

Brunner’s file ends with an erroneous report that he died in 1961 after opening a letter bomb. It was the year that Eichmann was put on trial after being captured by Mossad. Requests to Syria to provide Brunner as a witness were ignored, and evidence ended in August. In September, Brunner opened a letter bomb. He was not killed, and it appears that the Syrian authorities moved him from hospital to hospital to lose their CIA trackers. He disappeared until 1982 when Serge Klarsfeld,a Nazi hunter, contacted him in Damascus. The West Germans made another extradition appeal in 1984, only to be met with denials that he was in Syria.

He lived a long life:

When Efraim Zuroff, the chief Nazi hunter at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was asked if Brunner could have lived to 98, he said: “People without a conscience live longer. No stress.”

Unless they’re caught…

Posted: 6th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Kyron Horman says: let’s tie Terri Horman to a tree and beat her with sticks

n this June 11, 2010 file photo, the family of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman, from left, Tony Young, his mother Desiree Young, his stepmother Terri Horman and his father Kaine Horman stand together during a news conference, in Portland, Ore.

n this June 11, 2010 file photo, the family of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman, from left, Tony Young, his mother Desiree Young, his stepmother Terri Horman and his father Kaine Horman stand together during a news conference, in Portland, Ore.


Kyron Horman – Anorak’s look at the story of the misssing Oregon child in the news. And the news is that police do not know what happened to Kyron Horman. They do not yet know if a crime befell him. The entire investigation is based on one thing: getting Kyron’s step-mother, Terri Mouton Horman, to tell them she did it. Only, she says she didn’t. And the local police’s ham-fisted attempts to entrap her and work with the media to force a confession have failed miserably.

If this case ever comes before a judge, you wonder how it has not already been prejudiced.

The hunt for Kyron Horman has battered freedom, not boosted it. The media-led public criminalisation of someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime should give you goosebumps.

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Posted: 5th, December 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (17)

Tabloid Tropes: the Daily Star holds the front page for Big Brother

The Daily Star (prop. Richard Desmond) often leads with news of Big Brother, the show on Channel 5 (prop. R. Desmond).

Do the ownber’s business interests impace on the Star’s editorial policy? Of course not. It’s just that Big Brother (peop. R. Desmond) is such huge news is must be on the front page. These headlines appeared on the paper of record in 2014. We haven’t included the small front-page snippets, just the big splashes:

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Posted: 4th, December 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews, TV & Radio | Comment

Tabloid Tropes: The Daily Express cured Diabetes in 2014

The Daily Express spent a large part of 2014 talking about Diabetes. Well, when it wasn’t holding the front page for Dementia news and Madeleine McCann:



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Posted: 4th, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Tabloid Tropes: The Daily Express cured Alzheimer’s in 2014

The Daily Express spent a large part of 2014 talking about Dementia. The story never went anywhere, but then… do its readers know?




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Posted: 4th, December 2014 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Galliano and Balotelli merely echo the free speaking anti-semites at the polite dinner table

John Galliano has appeared at the British Fashion Awards. Galliano has been away since he told Jews: “People like you ought to be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers would all be f***ing gassed. I love Hitler!”

Liverpool striker Mario Balotelli published a picture declaring the cartoon character Super Mario “jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew”.

Wigan Athletic owner Dave Whelan says Jews “chase money more than anybody else” and a bit “like the English” (even the English Jews?).

Zionism is a term spat out to attack Jews.

Giles Coren comments:

It is the low quality of modern antisemitism. Perhaps it has to do with a 21st-century dumbing down caused by commercial television and the internet, but where are our Wagners? Our Nietzsches? Our GK Chestertons? While Balotelli merely “likes” someone else’s ancient stereotype, TS Eliot had the gumption to write beautiful modernist epics condemning civilisation’s corruption by the Jews. To have been so eloquently hated by such brilliant men was flattery indeed for the humble Hebrews of the 19th and 20th centuries.

So it is a sad day for Jews when gormless celebrities muttering about coins represent the summit of European antisemitic achievement. My grandparents fled here from a land where Jew-haters had the commitment and discipline to progress from pub rallies and badly spelt pamphlets in comical gothic script to mass international murder in less than 15 years. These piffling, inarticulate outbursts are an insult to their memory.

Anti-semitism is now a respectable position to hold.

The New Statesman asks the question:

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The Economist told its readers the Star of David is a barrier to American peace with Iran. (This cartoon was removed and apologised for.)


economist racist


We spotted LibDem operatives Madeleine Kirk and Jenny Tonge, and the lovely Labour MP Tam Dalyell who spoke of the Government being in thrall of a cabal of Jewish advisers“. 

Coren is right. Jews have seen worse. They used to keep a suitcase packed – just in case.

But be in no doubt that anti-Semitism is thriving.

Sainsbury’s, The Tricycle Theatre and The Edinburgh Fringe have all censored Jews. Europe and the enlightened’s ban on circumcision is a ban on being Jewish, enshrining anti-Semitism in law.

These are dangerous times to be a Jew…


Posted: 3rd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Scared St Paul’s School pupils go about London in disguise

Pupils at St Paul’s School, in Barnes, London, are in disguise:

They are being told to wear hooded tops as they journey to and from the school so they blend in more easily with other local teenagers. It is believed criminal gangs are targeting the boys at the £22,000-a-year school because they think they are carrying expensive items. One parent told the said there have been as many as 14 muggings in the past few weeks.

She said: “If anything they could get into trouble with teachers for keeping their uniform on these days. The mugging problem has become very bad lately.” Teachers are now reportedly keeping watch on nearby Hammersmith Bridge as muggers target boys on either end because they know there is no way of escape.

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Posted: 3rd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Giraffe Conservation Foundation says giraffe meat is ‘sweet and delicious’

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As David Baddiel “Slightly unhelpful info from head of Giraffe Conservation Foundation.”

Get your yummy giraffe meat while stocks last!



Posted: 3rd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Madeleine McCann Arrests, Clues And Trolls: All The 2014 Front Pages

Madeleine McCann is the story that keeps on spinning. When the innocent child went missing, the voracious media embarked on a feeding frenzy. Kate and Gerry McCann, her parents, were libelled, so too was Robert Murat. Books were written. TV shows were inspired. Fact became merged with fiction. Sensation was presented as truth. And all the while the child the press renamed ‘Our Maddie’ remained vanished.

2014 has not been a bumper year for storirs of Out Maddie, but there have been many many front page, mostly in the Daily Express, Daily Star and Daily Mirror. The paper talk is off “Maddie Cops” making arrests “soon”, “suspects”, “quizzes”, “diggings”, “clues” and “trolls”.

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Posted: 3rd, December 2014 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews | Comments (3)

The List of Things Banned From UK-Made Porn

Actress Elaine Barrie observes as actor John Barrymore, Sr., demonstrates the spanking scene on director Otto Preminger in "My Dear Children," during rehearsals, Jan. 1940, in New York. (AP Photo)

Actress Elaine Barrie observes as actor John Barrymore, Sr., demonstrates the spanking scene on director Otto Preminger in “My Dear Children,” during rehearsals, Jan. 1940, in New York. (AP Photo)


WHEN you hear that a government is getting involved in porn, you’d be forgiven that they were hiding schoolboys in an attic and filming them suffering unimaginable horrors and sweeping the whole thing under the rug while shouting “LOOK! FOREIGN PEOPLE! THEY’RE THE ONES YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT!”

Alas, British MPs are responsible for the country’s moral conduct as well, which means they’re the ones putting a modesty blanket on things like films, magazine and adverts.

So, with that, we look at the things that have just been banned in UK-made pornography… and even the prudish among you might be surprised at what is considered illegal to film in Britain, thanks to an amendment to the 2003 Communications Act.

And it seems that female pleasures are the things being hit hardest.

The Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014 requires that video-on-demand (VoD) online porn now adhere to the same guidelines laid out for DVD sex shop-type porn by the British Board of Film Censors (BBFC), with the board seemingly taking a random approach to deciding what is acceptable sex.

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Posted: 2nd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comments (2)

109 Women Prosecuted For False Rape In Five Years: But How Many Were Lying?

The ‘campaigners’ say 109 women were prosecuted for false rape claims in five years. The story lacks a key fact.

Sara Laville writes:

On Tuesday, the charity Women Against Rape (War) is taking its campaign to the House of Commons, where some of those who have been jailed for lying about rape allegations will speak out against their treatment by the authorities.

The vast majority of the convictions in the last five years, 98 out of 109, involved prosecutions for perverting the course of justice – which carries a maximum life jail term – rather than the lesser offence of wasting police time, which has a maximum tariff of six months in prison or a fine…

But Prof Claire Ferguson, a forensic criminologist from the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia, said it was not the norm to prosecute women for false allegations and that only those in the most egregious cases were charged, often where the accused man had spent time in custody.

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Posted: 2nd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

Headmaster Found Giving Head to Maths Teacher

IT wasn’t that long ago we had the scandal of a teacher having it away with a 16 year old student in Argentina (and the subsequent video ending up on a porn site), and now, there’s another one.

A headmaster has been filmed by students giving head to a female maths teacher.

Over in Slovenia, students heard groaning coming from what a empty classroom, and it wasn’t the type of moans that result from having too much marking to do. Of course, being nosey, the kids investigated and whipped out their phones.


There, they found 41 year old married father of two Drago Kamenik with his head between the legs of 45 year old maths teacher Manja Meterlj. You can assume they initially thought it would be two students at it, but when they found out it was a pair of teachers, well, you can imagine what ran through their minds.

It is worth pointing out that Drago Kamenik has strenuously denied the claims of his pupils, saying that the video has been doctored and his face photoshopped on. Sadly for Kamenik, this sounds like a married man caught playing away and desperately clutching for something to get him off the hook.

He said: “The man in the video is not me, it has been photoshopped. I also spoke to my wife. Can these fools even begin to imagine what damage they have caused by doing this?! As for the maths teacher, she is a very good teacher and has had many positive things said about her.”

And now, Drago has contacted the police and is threatening to sue.

However, the students have replied, saying that they upload another video clip to prove it’s him. If the headmaster IS guilty, then he’s chosen one of the worst enemies in the world: Tech-savvy, spotty teenage boys.

And here’s a grotty still from the video, should you be at all interested in that sort of thing, or demanding some kind of evidence.

drago kamenik

Posted: 2nd, December 2014 | In: NSFW, Reviews | Comment (1)

Alois Brunner Is Dead



Alois Brunner is dead. Adolf Eichmann’s assistant condmend 128,500 Jews to the Nazi death camps. Brunner led the Central Office for Jewish Emigration in Vienna from 1939 to 1943.

Investigators working for the Simon Wiesenthal Centre says Brunner died in Damascus. He died a free man under the name Georg Fischer.

The Asad-led Syrian government refused to send Brunner to Germany and Austria. (In Austria he would most likely have lived free and easy amid many other unrepentant racists. But the Germans have adressed their crimes )

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Posted: 2nd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment (1)

Westminster Peadophiles: John Allen, Michael John Carroll And Defaming The Dead

Westminster Paedophiles:  a daily look at reporting on the theory that polticans abused children in the 1970s and 1980s.

The Mirror: “Two notorious paedophiles at centre of nationwide network of abusers including Tory and Labour politicians”

The news:

John Allen, 73, and Michael John Carroll, 66, were friends when they were abusing youngsters North Wales and London respectively in the 1980s… Two notorious paedophiles were at the centre of a nationwide network of abusers which allegedly included both Labour and Tory politicians, a Mirror investigation has found.

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Posted: 2nd, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment

The Murder Of Zemir Begic: Racism And Mayhem In America

zemir begic


Zemir Begic is a name you hear lots more.

Zemir Begic was 32. He’d been married to Arijian for six months.

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Posted: 1st, December 2014 | In: Reviews | Comment