
Strange But True

Strange But True Category

Weird, offbeat and bizarre news from around the world. Funny, strange & odd news stories that make you wince, laugh and fear for humanity.

Derby Pensioner Arrested For Sex On Isle Of Wight Beach

IS the Isle of Wight Gazette’s story of OAP sex on the beach tinged with ageism? We journey to Shanklin on the Isle of Wight, where a 49-year-old woman is giving an older man a blow job on the beach.

Get a load of the opening line:

A randy pensioner has been arrested over a sex romp in broad daylight on a packed public beach.

Randy pensioner? Were he not a “randy pensioner” would the outrage be so acute?

Several holidaymakers are said to have fled the beach in disgust before dialling 999.

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Posted: 13th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (3)

Chief Sub-Editor Opens ‘Shcool’ In South Carolina

CLOSE to Southern Guilford High School in North Carolina, Anorak’s chief sub has been on a working holiday as a pavements artist. School’s out in North Carolina. But “School” is cool…

Our chief sub once worked as a tattooist:


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Posted: 12th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Man Conned Women Into Changing His Dirty Nappies

SEAN Kelly lied when he told two women he was incontinent and needed help changing his nappies.

The 40-year-old of Port St. John, Florida, claimed to have the emotional maturity of a five-year-old (whish may be a couple of years shy of the truth).

In 2008 and 2009, Kelly placed an advert on and soon hired two carers to change his nappies. Kelly pretended to be the brother of the disabled man.

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Posted: 12th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Pea Plant Grows In Man’s Lung In Our Human Compost X Ray Pictures

X RAY of The Day features Massachusetts man Ron Sveden and the pea plant growing in his lung. (Does this count as one of your Five A Day?)

Sveden, who suffers from emphysema had been coughing a lot and feeling “listless“. His wife phones called 911. Medics discovered one of this lungs had collapsed. In the lung is a pea plant. It is half-an inch high.

The medics guess that the pea grew when Sveden swallowed a pea down the wrong hole.

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Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (2)

Photos Of Margate’s New 1.5m Long Cycle Lane

PRESENTING the world’s shortest cycle lane – a 1.5 metre long cycle route installed by Kent County Council in Margate, Kent, as part of a 160,000 route from the seafront to Draper’s Mill.

The route is only short if your bicycle is long…


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General view of a 1.5 metre long cycle route installed by Kent County Council in Margate, Kent, as part of a 160,000 route from the seafront to Draper's Mill.

Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)

Roger Boyes And The Priest Paedo Is Our Nominative Determinism Of The Day

NOMINATIVE Determinism of the Day takes us back to when the Catholic Church was purging itself of paedophiles and ROGER BOYES was telling Times readers:

“Vienna Boys’ Choir caught up in sex abuse scandals”…

We are told that the German equivalent for Roger Boyes is Helmet Hertz…

Dr aTchoo

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Dr Atchoooooooo

Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

McDonald’s Unveils HamBurglar’s New Sidekick – Meet McSlugger The Nugget Junkie

TO a McDonalds in Toledo, Ohio, where Melodi Dushane is ringing in the New Year with a packet of six chicken McNuggets. The year may well be downhill from here but for one day Dushane will live the high life and let it roll.

Woman Gets Knuckles Caught In McDonald’s Toilet

But they don’t serve those deep-fried chicken sweetbreads before 11am. A debate ensues. Birdie the Early Bird knew that. But he’s not around much since the incident with the sinks.

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Posted: 10th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (2)

Cross-Dressing, Girl-Voiced Black Man Continues To Evade Sussex Police

CHRISTOPHER Brown is the heavily built transvestite wanted by the police in Worthing, West Sussex.

LA Police Cover Up Murder Suspect Eduardo Ibarra Perez’s Man Boobs, For Decency

Brown, who goes under the nickname “macho” is said to wear women’s clothes on the railway network in a bid to disguise himself. The idea, presumably, is that he looks like Tessa Sanderson and thereby remains incognito.

The Most Bizarre Police Photofits Ever

The 36-year-old, also known as “Uncle“, has a “high-pitched” and “feminine” voice. His left eyelid is drooped.

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Posted: 10th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)

Police In Cheltenham Seek Owner Of Missing Inflatable Breasts

ARE the you the owner of a pair of novelty inflatable breasts found in a bag in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire?

The boobs were in bag long with a teddy bear photo frame and a silver clock.

Also in the bag a coin with the name Jonathan Jones and the birthdate 5-11-89.

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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Ed Stafford’s Amazon Walk In Videos, Pictures And Other Online Goods

ED Stafford has walked the length of the Amazon River. No, not swam. Walked. No again. Stafford is not the first person to navigate every page on the Amazon website. That challenge needs time. Stafford walked along a river bank for two and a half years.


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Undated handout picture of former soldier Ed Stafford, who is due to finish a record-breaking 4,000 mile trek spanning the length of the Amazon River today .

The former captain in the British Army did it “because no one has done it before”. Well, not anyone who wrote it down and took photos and video.

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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Groom Tevfik Altun Accidentally Shoots Three Dead With AK47 At Tukish Wedding (Photos)

HAVING chosen the perfect dress and the best post prandial digestives, groom Tevfik Altun picks up the ceremonial AK-47 assault rifle, shoots into air to celebrate the nuptials and kills his father Arif Altun, and his two aunts Yasemin Koseoglu and Munire Koseoglu.

Eight other people are wounded at the wedding do in the village of Akcagoze in Turkey’s southeastern province of Gaziantep.

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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (3)

Krazy Gun Guy Sings Elton John And George Michael’s Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me While Gay Bears Rub Off

KRAZY Gun Guy will now sing Elton John And George Michael’s Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me while two gay bears rub off.

He performs before a crowd of small mountain goats and the St Winifred’s School Choirso you can key out the background and pop me anywhere you please“.

Krazy Gun Guy will do all this while holding a large firearm.

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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)

Is Vladimir Ladyzhensky’s Death At World Sauna Championships The Most Stupid Death Ever?

AT the annual World Sauna Championships, Finland, Russian Vladimir Ladyzhensky (left) and local hero Timo Kaukonen (right) have taken it to the wire.

Both have notched up six minutes in the 23oF heat. Half a litre of water is added to the sauna every 30 seconds. Both have collapsed with server burns. But only Mr Ladyzhensky dies.

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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (4)

Jay Shells Launches Dog Shit Art On New York Streets

JAY Shells has created a 28-square-foot panting of a dog taking a crap in Manhattan.

Mr Shells is annoyed at New Yorkers who let their dogs befoul the pavements and fail to clean up after them.

The artwork features the legend “Clean Up After Your Dog!” and has attached to it free biodegradable bags.

Dog owners can thus remove the bags, stick a warm dog poo inside and then chuck it into the nearest tree, as is their wont.

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Posted: 8th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Sussex Busker Who Can Only Play Oasis Arrested

DEAN Langley is the busker who can only play Wonderwall by Oasis and American Pie by Don McLean. On July 29, 2010, you might have caught his two-hour gig outside the Anchor Pub in Hastings, East Sussex.

The landlord asks him to make it stop. (Busking is all very well if you are passing quickly by the busker. Listening to 2.1 seconds of busking – the average time it takes to walks past a busker on the London Underground – is enough. any mroe induces feeling of helplessness given to rage given to regret.)

Langley screams abuse at the landlord. Police come. He screams abuse at them.

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Posted: 8th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (7)

Man Hospitalised By Biggest Beaver He’d Ever Seen

“THIS was one of the biggest beavers I’ve ever seen,” says 55-year-old Russ McTindal, of Georgia. The animal has spotted Mr McTindal and gnawed his arm.

Says the victim:

“It was attacking me. It was actually attacking me. I hadn’t provoked him or anything.’

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Posted: 6th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Boy Called Adolf Hitler Given To Foster Parents

REMEMBER little Adolf Hitler Campbell. We first met Little Hilter when he was being refused a birthday cake back in 2008by some baking Nazi who didn’t like his sort.

Now we meet Adolf and his three-year-old sister JoyceLynn Aryan Nation as they are kept apart from their parents. Little Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, 2, will also remain in foster care.

The uber kinder were removed from their family home in January 2009. Heath and Deborah Campbell, father and mother of the master race, are deemed unfit to look after their offspring.

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Posted: 6th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Man Kills and Eats Grandma But Passes On Her Eyes

TO the Ukraine, where computer programmer Sergei Zhmaryov, 26, has eaten his grandmother but forgone the eyeballs.

Well, so goes the allegation. The lad is accused of gouging 60-year-old Lydia’s eyeballs out with glass form a broken mirror before eating her.

Detectives also think Zhmaryov cut grandma’s tongue out while she was live to stop her screams for help.

Or to eat separately. It may be grim to say, but not all body parts are as choice or as tasty as the next.

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Posted: 6th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (6)

Twilight Fan Of The Day Kills Housemate And Drinks His Blood

TWILIGHT Fan of the Day is Mauricio Mendez Lopez, 42, who is accused of killing one Macario Luna Cruz, 32, and drinking a glass of his blood in their Florida home.

Witness Mirella Mendez, the vampire’s niece, says she saw him with a knife in his right hand and a drinking glass coated in blood in his left hand. As he left the home, Lopez “raised the glass in the air and said aloud, ‘… this is my secret’ and laughed as he ran away from the residence”.

Mendez says that “a ritual in Mexico involves the person drinking the blood from a murder victim to prevent law enforcement from being able to find and prosecute them“.

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Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (2)

Man Uses Homemade Police Car To Pull Over Woman Driver

THE court calls Robert Connolly, 24. He is accused of converting his black Vauxhall Corsa to resemble an unmarked police car.

The vehicle, yer honour, is equipped with flashing blue lights, a loud siren and an onboard control panel in the roof.

Police say they saw Connolly pull over a woman motorist in Earlsdon, Coventry and give her a stern telling off.

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Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Behold the Weeping Oily Virgin Mary Of California

ROSIE Rizo of Los Angeles and Micha Abounassar of Glendale say the statue of the Virgin Mary is “weeping”. The statue wept while Rizo prayed before it and then continued to feel “oily” for nine days thereafter.

Odd indeed, that powerful spiritual forces need a cheap mass-produced china figurine to make themselves manifest. And as for her being oily… Well let’s not judge Mary too harshly – she lived in an age before dermatological skin treatments were widely available, and who can say that have never had a problem zone?

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Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Brian May Is The Devil? If It’s On The Web If Must be True

BRIAN May is the Devil? Well, so says this website – and you thought he was only looking out for foxes and Anita.

Presenting, ‘If it’s on the web it must be true’:


Now, let’s take a quick look at the top photograph. May is seen posing with a fan who clearly has been heavily indoctrinated by ‘A Kind of Magic’ programming. May is smiling broadly while boastfully displaying the satanic number 666 on his t-shirt. Yes, ‘666’ is flanked by two fours on either side to make the message somewhat less blatant, but May strategically wore a black vest to block the fours and make sure that ‘666’ was the prominent image. Would you go around casually flaunting the mark of the beast?

Spotter: Xeni Jardin

Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comments (5)

Cow Gives Birth To A Pig: Photo

IN Zimbabwe, a cow has given birth to a pig. (You don’t get this with cloned beef, readers!)

Turkish Scientist Mates Sheep With Man: Pictures

Mr Tinos Mberi of Chatsworth, Masvingo, was amazed. He regains his composure to tell us:

“The whole body and size was that of a piglet. The nose and mouth was like that of a pig, except that it did not have a hairy body.”

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment

Eel Swims Up Fishmonger’s Anus: Pictures

THAT eel stuck up the fishmonger’s anus got there because he fell into a vat of eels and one swam up his arse.

So says Li Chang, 43, of Guangzhou, southern China. Says he:

“I guess they were scared when I suddenly landed in the tank so they started wriggling everywhere. Several shot up my trouser leg. And then to my horror I felt one go up my bottom.”

Eel Swims Up Man’s Anus And Eats His Bowels: Pictures

“I didn’t say anything at first when I climbed out – I was too embarrassed. I dried myself off and tried to carry on working, but it was just too painful.”

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (3)

Blackburn And Liverpool’s Mobile Jail Catches Lucky Children

IN Shadsworth, Blackburn, children be given respite from the relentless grind of life in the area by being offer 30 minutes in a mobile jail run by ex-cons who have made careers out of being ex-cons.

The “prison cell on wheels” is housed in an 18-tonne lorry. The cell measures 8ft by 12ft. There is a clean bed, a bedside toilet (the stuff of dream of any teenage pisshead) and iron bars. It will show schoolchildren just how better life can be if they aim for it and work hard in their studies.

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Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)