

Celebrities Category

Celebrity news & gossip from the world’s showbiz and glamour magazines (OK!, Hello, National Enquirer and more). We read them so you don’t have to, picking the best bits from the showbiz world’s maw and spitting it back at them. Expect lots of sarcasm.

Manuele Malenotti is not a parody, promise – video

MANUELE Malenotti is not a parody. Manuel is “your hangover on Sunday night”. Manuele Malenotti once stepped out with…Lola Ponce. He owned Belstaff, the Italian label that has sold the likes of Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Tom Cruise and George Clooney a canvas jacket. Manuele Malenotti is…

Posted: 26th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Kristen Stewart cheats on Robert Pattinson with ancient married filmmaker?

TWILIGHT fans are an insane bunch, throwing every single emotion they have in the direction of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

And today, they’ll be all of a tizz when they hear the story that K-Stew has been cheating on R-Pattz with a married filmmaker who is twice her age. Allegedly.

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Posted: 25th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Eddie Murphy: Still not dead

JACKIE Chan, Vanilla Ice, Miley Cyrus, David Beckham, Jon Bon Jovi, Lady GaGa and Will Smith all have something in common with Eddie Murphy.

They’re not dead.

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Posted: 25th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

In photos – Madonna in concert at Murrayfield Stadium

IN photos: Madonna in concert at  Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland. Madonna was once in-yer-face, minge-sashaying edgy and daring. Now with her Botox and fillers she looks like she worries what we think about her. We want a vaj-tastic singing Helen Mirren, letting it all hang loose, sexy and free. Madonna is just too immaculate.


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Madonna performs at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Posted: 24th, July 2012 | In: Music | Comment

Ashton Kutcher: The swordsman of beautiful women, despite being thoroughly repugnant

HOLLYWOOD women clearly have no taste in men. No-one underlines this more than Ashton Kutcher, who has unfathomably had his member in the close proximity of a number of beautiful, coveted women. Not only that, they end up falling in love with him, showing that it isn’t just a matter of enjoying a ride with a celebrity with a face like a knee.

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Posted: 24th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Girls Aloud to reform at the behest of Her Majesty

NOVEMBER 2012 will be the tenth anniversary of Girls Aloud winning Popstars: The Rivals. A decade ago, Cheryl, Kimberley, Nadine, Nicola and Sarah erupted onto the pop scene and became just about the greatest girlgroup these shores ever produced.

However, like all famous popgroups, they’ve gone their separate ways and some of them look like they hate each other. Cheryl, of course, became famous all by herself and Nadine turned into something of a joke hate figure, with the others seemingly perfectly lovely and a little flawed (just what you want from popstars really).

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Posted: 23rd, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Plan B: Accidental racist

CROCS. Mullets. Socks and sandals. Global Hypercolor knickers. They’re all pretty bad fashion faux-pas, but none really compare to one Plan B made, which made him look like a massive racist to which he’s had to apologise for.

Basically, Plan B appeared on the cover of Shorlist appearing to be a fan of Neo Nazism.

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Posted: 23rd, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

German Air Guitar Championships – photos of grunt

FACE of the day: Stefan Voltz, aka “Mr. 10000 Voltz”, performs during the ninth German Air Guitar Championship in Berlin, Germany. The competition consists of two rounds, the freestyle and a compulsory exercise. The idea is to pull your orgasm face. This is, of course, how The Scorpions got started…


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Marie von Borstel aka "Moldy Peach", performs during the ninth German Air Guitar Championship in Berlin, Germany, Saturday, July 14, 2012. The competition consists of two rounds, the freestyle and a compulsory exercise. (AP Photo/Gero Breloer)

Posted: 22nd, July 2012 | In: Music | Comment

In photos – Onboard BA1D One Direction London To Manchester

WERE you on board flight BA1D One Direction London To Manchester, the Comic Relief Charity Flight. Fans paid £50,000 to come fly with Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik. Hair miles don’t come chapter. It’s all about the hair…


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Niall Horan (left) and Louis Tomlinson of One Direction at London City Airport on board flight BA1D - a private charter flight from London to Manchester, hosted by the band for competition winners, which raised £50,000 for Flying Start - British Airway's charity partnership with Comic Relief.

Posted: 21st, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Mark Wright blows his glass top all over Calvin Harris

MARK Wright, star of OK! magazine’s first abortion ‘n’ tell, a trimmed post-modern vanilla Jaffa Cake, emeritus fanny magnet of The Only Way Is Essex tweets a line from a Calvin Harris track:

“I feel so close to you right now/ It’s a false field.”

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Posted: 21st, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

John Travolta proves that Mykonos is not just for the gays

SO. What did John Travolta do to further quash those gay rumours? Well, having produced a Barbara Streisand-driven video montage for his wife on Mother’s Day, the anchor / actor went on holiday. The Daily Mail put it best:

“John Travolta tries to put gay sex scandal behind him … in Mykonos”

Mykonos. Described by one website as:

Of all the holiday destinations in Greece, for gay travelers Mykonos Island is perhaps the most well-known.

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Posted: 21st, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Steve Irwin lives on London’s Holloway Road (photos)

STEVE Irwin, Australia’s Princess Diana, lives on in a corner of London’s Holloway Road. Diana got the Circle of Tears and a figurine. Irwin gets  thrill ride for the kids, both big and small. There should be a protocol for how the great entertainers want to be remembered. Queen Elizabeth should get a statue of her on horse that at the press of button spins around the Lester Piggott Carousel in Kevin Keegan Park…




Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Spinal Tap actor arrest for ‘lewd act’ in cinema

COMEDY is teeming with unsung heroes and, one of the best is Fred Willard. You’ll recognise him from Spinal Tap, Everybody Loves Raymond, WALL-E, Best In Show, Modern Family and his fall-down, flat on your face funny stint in A Mighty Wind.

Alas, poor Fred has been arrested on suspicion of committing a lewd act at an adult theater in Hollywood, according to authorities.

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Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Meatloaf to sue Meatloaf tribute act (because the tribute is better?)

MEATLOAF is one of pop’s more peculiar superstars, treading the line between ‘awful rock’ and ‘awful opera’ with a variety of awful concept albums and a tremendous waistline. He’s sold a gazillion albums and appeared in numerous films, but that doesn’t mean he can sit around, resting on his laurels.

He’s got Meatloaf tribute acts to sue!

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Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Tom Cruise, already engaged to another woman?

IS Tom Cruise the Jesus of Scientology or something? The Force is strong in this one and he seems fast-tracked to the top of the Thetan pile for some reason. Is it anything to do with his vast wealth and influence? Probably not. What kind of church would make a decision on their future on something as flimsy as that?

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Posted: 20th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Halle Berry rushed to hospital, possibly for lack of ability

THRNNNNK! That could well have been the noise made by Halle Berry’s bones as she injured herself while on the set of The Hive. That’s right. Berry was involved in an incident which saw her being rushed to hospital last night, which is all very worrying.

The actress was working on her new film – which also features Abigail Breslin and David Otunga, whoever they are – when the incident occurred and an ambulance was called to take her to the Cedars Sinai medical centre in Los Angeles.

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Posted: 18th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comments (2)

Nadya Suleman’s strip show photos – Octomum gets covered in cash

OCTOMUM took her clown car-size womb to the Playhouse Gentlemen’s club in Florida. Nadya Suleman, for it is she, wowed the paying punters – although it is not known how many paid to get in or were smuggled in via Octomum’s generous caverns. Nadya scored $5,000 for two 12 minute slots. Autographs were $10 a pop. Pictures were $25 each. Private dances were $200 for four minutes.

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Posted: 18th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

In photos: Hard Rock Calling in Hyde Park

DID you go to the Hard Rock Calling show in London’s Hyde Park? Did you see that magic moment when Sir Paul McCartney and Bruce Springsteen had the plug pulled on their show? Were you one of the masses who endured the rain and mud to watch the show which built to a finale as Macca and The Boss thundered through a rendition of Saw Her Standing There and Twist and Shout? Do you work for Westminster Council’s licensing department, which was keen to adhere to the 10:30 curfew on noise and turned the show off at 10:40, so killing the last song?

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Posted: 17th, July 2012 | In: Music | Comment

Nephew blames Sylvester Stallone for son’s death – Edd Filiti gets famous

SYLVESTER Stallone’s son, Sage, was found dead in his LA home over the weekend and, like the death of anyone young, it’s thoroughly depressing. However, when it concerns a famous person, there’s a whole spectacle to be had where the entire extended family gets dragged in for the media rodeo.

And the latest bit of unfortunate news is that Sly’s nephew has lashed out at the actor, saying that the Hollywood star neglected his late son who desperately wanted his dad’s love. Eighteen-year-old Edd Filiti – the son of Stallone’s half-sister Toni Ann – said his cousin wanted his father’s affection, in a series of angry Facebook postings.

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Posted: 17th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comments (4)

RIP Jon Lord – Deep Purple were better than Beethoven (photos)

RIP Jon Lord, the Leicester-born keyboard player with Deep Purple has died. He was 71. And with his passing goes a slice of your youth. Lord was the co-writer of the pop classic Smoke On The Water. He is another victim of cancer.

As Lord said in 1973: “We’re as valid as anything by Beethoven.”

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Posted: 17th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Nazi-confused French National Front threaten to sue Madonna over Swastika image

MADONNA is in trouble with the French National Front. They might be suing her after she showed a video of party leader – Marine Le Pen – with a swastika on her forehead during a concert in Paris. Of course, most of the fans at the show whooped with delight at the image, but Le Pen’s crew are not pleased at all.

The images that were projected draw a terrible link between the party and an ideology that we reject,” party Vice President Florian Philippot said Monday. “Just because she is rich and well known does not mean we should accept such atrocities. It’s an insult against Marine Le Pen and an insult to all the National Front party members.”

After the image of Pen appeared in the video, it melded into that of one of Adolf Hitler.

Of course, the Daily Mail have been keen to point out that Le Pen has transformed the French National Front and now, it’s a rather good, clean party. And, as you’ve just read, Florian Philippot is keen to distance the party from all those horrible Nazis. They’re not into all that at all.

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Posted: 16th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Catholic school for Suri Cruise, because they’re not every bit as distressing as Scientology

THE split between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes has largely focused on the spiritual wellbeing of Suri, their daughter. Most mutterings have said that Katie didn’t want Suri going through the various hoops that Scientology has in place to find out more about their subjects.

And so, apparently, Holmes has enrolled her daughter into a Catholic school, because that’s obviously a much better idea isn’t it? Especially given that the school in question is the Convent Of The Sacred Heart in New York, which produced the well balanced pair of Nicky Hilton and Lady GaGa.

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Posted: 16th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Buy Jimmy Savile’s Jim I’ll Fix It chair for £15,000

FOR SALE: TV HISTORY (with stains various)!

[Jim I’ll Fix It] The 1970s Jim I’ll Fix It mechanical host’s chair for Sir Jimmy, red plush upholstered board construction, one arm incorporating an ashtray and two switches (now not functioning) to open the two front flaps, one for the tray to hold Sir Jimmy’s tea, the other for the tray to hold the medals, on a circular low base with casters, 92.5cm high, 120cm wide,… More
£10,000 – £15,000

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Posted: 13th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

Frank Ocean lets it Be

WHICH celebrity told Frank Ocean – the bisexual rapper: “Be Fearless. Be Honest. Be Generous. Be Brave. Be Poetic. Be Open. Be Free. Be Yourself. Be In Love. Be Happy. Be Inspiration”?

A) Hamlet?

B ) Mother Mary

C) Be-yonce Knowles


Posted: 13th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Sharon Stone flashes her magnetic poles

SHARON Stone, an actress famous for not wearing Y-fronts, crowing her legs (veins, Sharon. Veins!) and shagging a younger man is enlarging on her history:

“Women are taking over this new position in society, and they’re becoming magnetic. That’s just what’s going to happen.”

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Posted: 13th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities | Comment