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Derrick Bird: The Evil Twin Theory (Pictures)

DERRICK BIRD: Anorak’s look at the Cumbrian killer in the news – the will, the tax bill, the Devil, David Bird’s evil twin (David Bird pictured), never knowing and guns kill…

The Sun (front page): “PSYCHO CABBIE FLIPPED OVER £100 TAX BILL”

No, not flipped his home like, say, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling who flipped his home four times. No, – get his – the man who shot 12 people dead went nuts. And the sun says he did so because he got a tax bill. Time to blame the State.
He was facing a bill for more than £100,000 after dodging income tax for decades.

Derrick Bird: The Victims’ Stories In Pictures

Says David Cameron:

Mr Cameron said: “Of course we have to do everything we can to stop these dreadful events. But you can’t legislate to stop a switch flicking in someone’s head and for this dreadful sort of action to take place.”

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Posted: 4th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Derrick Bird: All The Facts On The Cumbria Massacre (Photos)

DERRICK Bird has pushed Stephen Griffiths, the Cannibal Killer who allegedly did not eat his victim’s remains but tossed them into a river, from the front pages. So much for cannibalism. What of Mr Derrick Bird, who killed 13?

The Mail says 13 are dead. The Sun says it’s 12.

The Sun says “cabbie Derrick Bird” is the “SHOTGUN MADMAN”.

The Mirror says Derrick Bird murdered 12 in “COLD BLOOD”.

Such are the facts in the paper trying to keep up with events.

So why did Derrick Bird do it? Why did he murder 13, wound 25 and then top himself?

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Posted: 3rd, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (4)

Greatest Mugshot T-Shirts Ever

HARD luck on wearing that T-shirt when you were arrested by the police. The one that says you are probably lying is too bad. The T-shirt that claims the owner has an enthusiasm for “midget porn” is unfortunate. And the one about being a great dad, worn by the perp up on a child abuse charge, is nasty. Enjoy the irony:

The Greatest Tattooed Mugshots Ever


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Posted: 2nd, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

The Guatemala Sinkhole: Amazing Pictures

IN Guatemala City, a sinkhole has swallowed up a patch of ground. The BBC reports none dead nor injured. Guatemala officials report 120 dead and at least 53 missing. What’s in your basement?


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Posted: 2nd, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (8)

Stephen Griffiths: Trisha, Evil Eyes, Sex Acts And A Ripper Yarn

STEPHEN Griffiths: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the Crossbow Cannibal in the news – Evil eyes, Nine bodies, a case full of ills and sex acts…

Griffiths, 40, has been charged with murdering three women who worked as prostitutes Suzanne Blamires, Susan Rushworth and Shelley Armitage. There is little news, so the media get to padding. Get this insightful Mirror headline:

Police to quiz Stephen Griffiths over whereabouts of missing bodies

Well, yes. Although they might have already asked him.


A suitcase containing tools was pulled out of the river over the weekend and has yet to be forensically tested.

A suitcase? Not the canvas bag, the so-called Murder Kit? The Telegraph has more:

Scientists are still waiting to examine a black canvas flight bag recovered by police divers from the bed of the River Aire around 200 yards from where parts of Miss Blamires’ body were recovered in Shipley. An initial inspection suggested it contained knives, hacksaws, some human tissue.

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Posted: 2nd, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Stephen Griffiths: Kirsty Rushworth, Murder Kit And A Death Library

STEPHEN Griffiths: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the alleged serial killer in the news – Murder kit, body parts, Kirtsy Rushworth and a family of prostitutes, an ex-lover speaks of horror and there is evil in the air…

Stephen Griffiths, 40, of Thornton Road, Bradford, was studying for a PhD on 19th-century Bradford homicides. He has been charged with the murder of three women, Suzanne Blamires, 36, Shelley Armitage, 31, and Susan Rushworth, 43. All three women were working as prostitutes when they went missing. It is alleged that Suzanne Blamires was killed with crossbow bolt fired into her head.

The Stephen Griffiths’ Case And Trial In Pictures

Body parts have been found in the River Aire at Shipley. The media laps it up. And it looks like the Crossbow Cannibal nickname is sticking. But as body parts are found, it s looks like Griffiths is no cannibal, at least not a very hungry one.


We’d wager he’s a Leeds fan…

“Knives, hacksaws and ‘body tissue, in bag.

The Star ups the tale of a kit with news of actual human remains:


How do we know Mr Griffiths killed these victims, or any, and that they are victims?

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Posted: 31st, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Eurovision 2010: The Winners, The Losers And The Pictures

IT’S the Eurovision live blog. Eurovision is the type of democracy that teaches the world how prejudice and glitter can mix. The stunners and the munters:

There are 25 singers and songs. Yeah, just 25. The last time Old Mr Anorak listened people sing 25 songs in a row was at the Somme to keep spirits up.

The Winners & The Losers

Band name of the night: Moldova’s Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira

Sunstroke is the legal high of choice in Moldova.

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Posted: 30th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comments (13)

Stephen Griffiths: Uneaten Body Parts, Stickman, Missing Pets And A Former Lover Talks

STEPHEN Griffiths: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the alleged serial killer in the news: the ex-lover, dead pets, missing lizards and body parts uneaten…

Daily Mail: “Grinning shyly at his mother’s side, the boy who now calls himself the Crossbow Cannibal”

Griffiths’ family know him by his middle name, Shaun. Or “Stickman”.

His uncle Joe Dewhirst (his mum’s half-brother) says he was a “runt”, as a lad.

How many nicknames does one alleged serial killer need? A one who allegedly east his victims, Says Richard Bath:

Because of the Ripper link, the town of Bradford has once again been collectively traumatised by the grisly discoveries, although, given the news that the police are investigating whether the killer ate part of Blamires, the events of the past week would be harrowing even without the historical precedent.

As for being a cannibal, well, lots of human remains are being found:

The team recovered the body parts yesterday from the River Aire in Shipley, close to where the remains of another prostitute, Suzanne Blamires, were found on Tuesday.

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Posted: 30th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Stephen Griffiths: Bodies Found In The Gutters

STEPHEN Griffiths: Anorak’s at–a-glance look at the ‘Crossbow Cannibal’ in the news. It’s Day Three of the story and its bad news for Griffiths:

Day 1: Stephen Griffiths: Ven Pariah, Demons, Hookers, Photos And The Yorkshire Ripper

Day 2: Stephen Griffiths: His Girlfriend, Prostitutes, TV Porn Stars And Public School

Day 2 update: Stephen Griffiths Is The Crossbow Cannibal: Now For The Book

Daily Express (front page): “I AM THE CROSSBOW CANNIBAL”

The Express cannot accept this new nom-de-gore, the one Griffiths gives himself in court. The front-page headline says this is the:

“Name Ripper suspect gave in court”

Stephen Griffiths is from Yorkshire. The press demand that he be a Ripper. He cannot be the Crossbow Cannibal. Sorry, Stephen Griffiths. They won’t let you have that one.

The Star says that Griffiths’ claims to be the Crossbow Cannibal makes him cocky:

JUST CALL ME THE CROSSBOW CANNIBAL – Arrogant ‘vice-girl Ripper’ makes amazing confession in the dock

You might have killed three women, Mr Griffiths, but the media will not tolerate arrogance. You are a Ripper. End of. Next!

The Times, a paper of record, agrees, and on its front page yells:

Crossbow Cannibal in path of the Ripper

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Posted: 29th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Stephen Griffiths: Ven Pariah, Demons, Hookers, Photos And The Yorkshire Ripper

STEPHEN Griffiths is arrested on suspicion of killing three women. The press call them prostitutes. They were women in a dangerous job, criminalised and made vulnerable by the state. The women were prostitutes in and around Bradford.

Suzanne Blamires, 36, is dead. What is thought to be her remains were found floating on the River Aire. A woman’s head was found in a rucksack. Shelley Armitage, 31, has been missing since April. Susan Rushworth, 43, vanished in June 2009.

Yorkshire Ripper – Story File

Stephen Griffiths is 40. He was, reportedly, enrolled on a course at the University of Bradford, where he is specialising in homicide studies. He has a degree in psychology.

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Posted: 27th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (34)

In Pictures National Movie Awards 2010: Winners, Losers and Tom Cruise’s Hair

ALL the pictures of the winners, losers and arrivals at the 2010 National Movie Awards at the Royal Festival Hall. Yep, movie awards. What nation is this, America? It’s film, or if you are certain vintage, it’s the pictures or the flicks.

And calling it the National Movie Awards 2010 implies the National Movie Awards 2011 is not a done deal. If it were, the do would be called The Moves, or The Namards. Instead, it’s bit of TV pap, dreamt up by marketing departments that gave Twilight and award for the Most Anticipated Movie of the Summer – let’s hear it for the hype department!

On a brighter note, the awards allowed us to see Tom Cruise wearing hair last seen in the window of Mr Jeffrey’s gentleman’s outfitters and sport his trophy like a Little Tommy Gun.


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Tom Cruise with his Screen Icon award at the 2010 National Movie Awards at the Royal Festival Hall, London.

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Posted: 27th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (7)

2010 National Movie Awards In Pictures: Twilight, Tom Cruise’s Nylon And Robert Pattinson’s Hair Sads

THE red carpet at the 2010 National Movie Awards at the Royal Festival Hall was a chance to see Tom Cruise audition for a roll as a less lifelike Ken doll, Chipmunk extend his hand gesture (and you, pal) and Orando Bloom look less pretty rather then more manly in a beard. Now we deliver the pictures of the do proper.

Kylie Minogue smiled, Emma Watson looked young and Peter Facinelli won the Best Fantasy and Most Anticipated Summer Movie awards for The Twilight Saga:New Moon.

Yep, he won an award for being hyped. What. The. ****. We were just about getting over the use of the world “movie” – it’s film – when Facinelli scooped his gong for the PR and marketing departments sterling work in spending money.

Here are the pictures – which everyone get in…

Oh, and look out for Robert Pattinson’s hair sads. RIP.

In Pictures: Orlando Bloom And Chipmunk’s C-Word Present The 2010 National Movie Awards


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Tom Cruise and Gwyneth Paltrow during the 2010 National Movie Awards at the Royal Festival Hall, London.

Posted: 26th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Sarah Ferguson Pimps Prince Andrew: The Cash For Equestrians Scandal In Pictures And Video

SARAH Ferguson pimps Prince Andrew in a tabloid sting, and we wonder if a meeting costs £500,000 how much a vial of his blood or a tube of semen goes for?

Of course, there are risks: Andrew shares the same genes with Princes Edward, the Tweed In Tweed, and things can disappoint. We’d advise crossing the DNA with Shergar’s and creating a new breed of Windsor – higher, loftier, faster. It’s the Cash For Equestrians scandal.

Sarah Ferguson: Life, Times And Fashion Crimes In Pictures

So. Caps off to the Express whish leads with a picture of Fergie biting her nails alongside the headline:


Or “stables” as Princesses call them.

The Daily Mail asks on its front page): “NOW WILL ANDREW THROW HER OUT?”

Yes? No? The Sun says:

Her grovelling came after she was yesterday seen in tears at Heathrow airport – and a pal said she may quit Britain for good.

The Duchess is in Los Angeles, where she is receiving the Catherine Variety Sheridan Award for her charity work.

Says a flame-haired source:

“Please give generously, guv’nor. I’ve been to Hull and back.”


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Posted: 24th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (13)

Ronan Keating And Francine Cornell: Pictures And Love And On Your Knees

DID you know that Ronan Keating is “in love” with Francine Cornell, the blonde backing dancer now pushed to front stage centre? Lara Gould, Simon Wright and Dean Piper tell Mirror readers that the Boyzone singer with the uber alles hair is “in love” with Cornell and has been seeing her for seven months.

The paper says Cornell chucked her boyfriend of three years Nick Robbins for Keating, perhaps because cheating is wrong and Cornell wanted to see only one man at a time?

Nick’s father Royston explains in a commentary rich in detail:

“…He took her all over the world on holidays. She moved into his Chelsea flat and he helped her career…The last time I saw her was at a birthday dinner my wife and I attended with Nick and her a few days before they went off to Portugal. It was at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London…

“The next thing I heard was that she had told him, in front of all their friends on holiday, that she wanted to end things. It was October 25, Nick’s 30th birthday.”

Fetch the knife, the fork and the spoon and stick them right in.

“Nick was really upset. But he wouldn’t have a bad word said against her.”

Good-oh. Anyhow, Ronan is “in love” with Cornell. And love will triumph:

He is “besotted” with Francine – who he met during last year’s Boyzone tour – and even considered leaving his wife Yvonne to set up home with her.

All facts. And it is beautiful.


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Writing in the Irish Indy, Niamh Horan draws a tableau of love in its purest form:

Yvonne had met her on countless occasions when she hung out with the band and their dancers backstage at gigs and tour after-parties.

At one stage Yvonne had even seen the woman gyrate with her husband on-stage. In one of band’s typically raunchy routines, Francine would wrap her stocking-clad legs around Ronan’s waist and hold onto his neck as they smiled excitedly into each other’s eyes and danced to the beat of the music. But according to Ronan it was all an onstage act. They were just showbiz colleagues and good friends, he swore. Anything else was pure speculative nonsense.

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Posted: 23rd, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (4)

In Pictures: Justin Bieber’s Groupie Face Tops Cheryl Cole

JUSTIN Bieber won the face off hands down at the Radio 1 Big Weekend, at Vaynol Estate in Bangor, North Wales. Cheryl Cole’s Grosvenor House grind was no match for Bieber. Jared Leto’s middle-aged coxcomb looked less a product of virility than a result of hairspray and bloody mindedness. Flarence Welch, of Florence and the Machine’s, Miss Havisham burka was a nice try. Ellie Goulding, Tinie Tempah and Alicia Keys’ ComfiSlax (Anorak own brand) were all trumped by Bieber’s face. This is the face the fans see when Bieber interviews for groupies. This is face of your honeymoon dreams, Bieberettes. This is face that walks into doors that say ‘push’ and still pulls…


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Justin Bieber performing on the Main Stage at the Radio 1 Big Weekend, at Vaynol Estate in Bangor, North Wales.

Posted: 23rd, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

In Pictures: Cheryl Cole Works The Bangor Stage At Radio 1 Big Weekend

CHERYL Cole is on the Main Stage at the Radio 1 Big Weekend. She’s fight-fight-fighting for the love. Ashley Cole – whom she has fought with, and some would say lost – is in South Africa. He’s fighting for England to win the World Cup. Ashley wins. You can buy love. You can’t buy the World Cup. Well, ok, you can, allegedly. He’s ‘nation’s sweetheart’ Cheryl thrusting her pelvis like a Premier League footballer in a suite at the Grosvenor Hotel impersonating a Bangkok stage dancer…


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Justin Bieber performing on the Main Stage at the Radio 1 Big Weekend, at Vaynol Estate in Bangor, North Wales.

Posted: 22nd, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

Lianne Smith And The Guilt Of Staffordshire Police

LIANNE Smith: WHEN a British police snatch squad set up the arrest of a suspected molester of children they say they asked his partner and mother of their two children if she needed assistance.

That would be after they had confirmed her husband was being charged with up to 13 sex offences dating to 2005 …about the time, at 37-years-old, she was pregnant with their first child.

Lianne Smith: The Madeleine McCann Factor

Just who, exactly, took the decision that a 43-year-old mum of two, who was being left in Barcelona, was able to cope alone with what must have been the most shattering set of circumstances and public degradation? Where does the final responsibility lie when the mum Lianne Smith yesterday pleaded guilty to killing her two children in documents released in Spain after a secret court court hearing?

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Posted: 22nd, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (6)

Ivor Novello Awards 2010: Winners And Pictures

LILY Allen scooped her three Ivor Novello Awards. Says she: “Really, truly, from the bottom of my heart, it’s the songs I’m most proud of. This song [The Fear] is so much about feeling lost in a lot of ways. All of a sudden, this has made me feel found.” Johnny Marr won the “inspiration prize”. Says he: “I always thought that the greatest thing you can achieve as a musician is to be called an inspiration – aside from a big house in Sunningdale obviously.”


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Lily Allen is interviewed after winning Best Song Musically & Lyrically to add to her earlier PRS For Music Most Performed Work at the Ivor Novello Awards at the Grosvenor House in central London.

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Posted: 20th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

The World Music Awards in Pictures: Paris Hilton’s Chest, Jennifer Lopez Arts, Peter Andre’s Man and More…

TO the World Music Awards in Monte Carlo, the foremost meaningless awards do in the world music awards calendar. This is where loaded gentry Barron Nicholas Hilton meets Paris Hilton, sister Nicky and mum and dad Hilton on a blueish carpet. (Why Barron – why not King? Barron ask mum and dad why they puts a glass ceiling on your life.) And get a load of Paris leaning backwards to make her chest lean forwards. Her sister is a prop, literally.  The Hiltons are doing Europe. But this isn’t Europe. This is Monaco, a prototype Las Vegas without the buffet, but with better surgery and Lotus eaters.

Paris Hilton Boob Watch

We’ve got all the pictures of the talent, including Jennifer Lopez’s Legend Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts. Not, Arse, arts. Jenny Who Owns The Block is a mum of two but someone forgot to tell her tailor.


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Barron Nicholas Hilton (far right), Paris Hilton (second left), Nicky Hilton (centre), Kathy Hilton (second right) and Rick Hilton (far left) arriving for the 2010 World Music Awards at the Sporting Club, Monte Carlo.

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Posted: 19th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (12)

In Pictures: The Life Of Brooke Greenberg, The Girl Who Never Grew Up

MEET Brooke Greenberg, the girl who can’t grow up. Brooke is 17 years old. She is trapped in the body of a toddler, although media so not believe her brain has developed either. Says mum: “They [the specialists] just said she’ll catch up.” Says dad: “I mean she did not put on an ounce or she did not grow an inch … That’s when I knew there was a problem.” Medics have called her condition Syndrome X. This is her life in pictures:


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Age 1

Posted: 17th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

The FA Cup Final In Pictures: Fans, Kids And Chelsea V Portsmouth

THE FA Cup Final in pictures, featuring John Terry’s Chelsea Blue against David James’s Portsmouth FC (o.n.o.). We’ve got lots of pictures of the fans – if you were there, check them out for your face in the crowd – and pictures of the match. At the end, we’ll have pictures of the players’ kids using the old cup as a potty, and pictures the wives and lovers getting on the telly to launch their media careers.


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Portsmouth goalkeeper David James (right) makes a save from Chelsea's Didier Drogba (left)

Posted: 15th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (3)

In Pictures: Russell Crowe’s Middle Aged Robin Hood Woos Milf Marian

TO the Cannes screening, then, of Robin Hood, Ridley Scott’s attempt to turn the robber of rich men into a Middle Aged James Bond. And who better to play Middle Aged Bond than middle aged Russell Crowe? In this episode, Robin gets of with Milf Marian and sticks it to loads of Frenchies on beaches. It’s like a Club 18-30 theme holiday but without the dramatic tension and vomit. And then there’s the tagline: “Robin Hood- Licence To Quill.” Enough already…


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Lin Peng arriving for the official Robin Hood screening, at the Palais de Festival during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival, France.

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Posted: 12th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (42)

Waterstones New Logo Is Average And White With Big Saggy Breasts

WATERSTONES has a new brand logo. The bookshop is going to save itself from the online onslaught by seducing customers with a huge pair of saggy breasts. The slogan is “Feel every word”. It might just work. A reader writes that the image dreamt up by those creative wizards reminds her of something else…


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Posted: 11th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | Comments (4)

Celebs Who Look Like Cartoon Characters: A Gallery

HERE’S a gallery of cartoon characters that look like other people – some famous, like Rihanna and Madonna; others just like people who see in the street and think they look familiar.


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Posted: 11th, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

In Pictures: The Black Eyed Peas And Cheryl Cole Bed Show

TO the The Black Eyed Peas concert at the O2, gamely supported by Cheryl Cole. Fans came with high hopes that the concert would turn into a live sex show or a Girls Aloud concert, as the in pre-match hype BEP singer Fergie has “told pal WILL.I.AM that SHE will bed CHERYL COLE before he does.”

To active minds this means Fergie will shag Chezza. To anyone else, this is a source saying:

“Fergie has been telling everyone she’s more likely to sleep with Cheryl than he is.”

Going on to say, no doubt, that she also has more chance to shagging Queen Elizabeth than he does, moreover Ellen Degeneres and the Vienna Boys Choir.


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Posted: 6th, May 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, Music | Comments (2)