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The Greatest Face Modifications Ever

ANORAK presents a collection of modified faces. Can humanity do better than God, intelligent design or the professionals who work out of Messers Nip ‘n’ Tuck’s Hollywood studios? Face number 10 is patriotic. Number 3 might yet undo the Taliban’s work. And Number 9 is walking snooker table…

See: The Greatest Tattooed Mugshots Ever


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Posted: 12th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

In Great Pictures: Slick England Thrash USA At World Cup

BARACK Obama has declared war on England. Let there be no mistake. Achtung! Achtung! The phoney war is over. Tonight England take to the pitch to right wrongs. Sing up for England – join your chorus to the song book here.

Say “NO” to cocky GIs shagging your girlfriends.
Say “NO way, dude” to American cultural imperialism.

The papers are gung-ho for Obama’s Americans who would do us down.

The Independent says “15 million” will what the game.
The Express adds in illegal immigrants and puts the figure at “20 million”.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 12th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comment

The Top Ten Oil-Related Football Chants To Serenade The USA

ENGLAND is ready to take on our old foe the USA. Barack Obama is cranking up the jingoism with talk of kicking English “ass”. The only arse kicking – and it’s arse, Bar-ark – will be done by our England boys on the velt of South Africa. Anorak’s terrace choir has been singing all day. And we will be singing all night. we will singing when the BP oil is still pumping.


Oily Oily Oily, Oy Oy Oy
– Yampster


We drill!…
We spill!
..We pay the fucking bill
I-N-G-E-R-L-A-N-D! …. I-N-G-E-R-L-A-N-D!
– Percy Stilton


He’s got a dead bird in his hands
He’s got a dead bird in his hands
He’s got a dead bird in his hands
He’s got a dead bird in his hands
– Paul S


Que Sera, Sera
You sold us KFC
You got BP oil for free
Que Sera Sera
– Roo


You’re a tanker, you’re a tanker, you’re a tanker, referee…
– A. Norris


BP where ever you may be
We are the famous EFC
And we don’t give a F*ck
Whoever you may be,
‘Cos you’re really fat and very oily


When you walk through a spill
keep your eyes down low
and don’t put your feet in the crude
at the end of the beach there’s a pool of tar
and the sound of Obama being rude
– Yampster


..I am not dim…. and I can see…
…The Yanks are trying to steal BP..
The Yanks are trying to steal BP!
– Mr Stilton


In 2010 we had a little slip
Along with Tony Hayward near the mighty Mississip.
We cracked a bit of piping and it’s leaking at the seams
Then we brought the bloody Oil Slick to the town of New Orleans.

We capped our well and the Barrels kept a’comin.
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We capped once more but it still kept a’runnin’
Up the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico.

We looked down the beaches and we see’d the oil slick come.
And there must have been a hundred yards of dirty oily scum
It rose so high and we couldn’t do a thing
So we blamed the Bloody British and all they did was sing

We capped our well and the Barrels kept a’comin.
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We capped once more but it still kept a’runnin’
– yip-Yap Yampster

More slick ones to add…

Posted: 11th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (35)

In Pictures And Hideous Vuvuzelas: South Africa And Mexico Kickstart The Platitudes

FOOTBALL’S World Cup has arrived in South Africa. South Africa’s Siphiwe Tshabalala scored the tournament and his sides first goal in a game against Mexico. When all the hacks and marketeers have gone home, the memories will of the players. Football fans know that football does not need couching in terms of healing a nation – hell, healing an entire continent. We don’t need to listen to the broadcast media reporting from the Heart of Darkness, all wide-eyed with the joy or misery of it. We do not need to be told how noisy it is – we can see the mouths puffing into mini alphorns and detect sound of a plague of gnats trapped in Venetian blind. Football is just what it is. Enjoy.


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South Africa's Siphiwe Tshabalala (centre) scores his sides first goal of the game

Posted: 11th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comment

In Pictures: World Cup Opening Ceremony At Soccer City

IN Pictures the Opening Ceremony for the World Cup at the Soccer City Stadium, south Africa. It’s going to be huge. And – let’s face it – if England win it will be brilliant. Old Mr Anorak, our patron, has detailed his pretorian contingent of Polish handimen and Lativan dancers to erect a England flag on their faces. Grab your vuvuzela and blow up, blow up, blow up for England! If you can still hear – you weren’t there…


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Fans gather inside the Soccer City stadium for the opening ceremony

Posted: 11th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (5)

The Greatest Lesbian Kisses On Film: A Gallery

THE lesbian kiss is the mainstay of the jobbing starlet making her way in showbiz. The kissers are never lesbians. Hollywood does not like real lesbians. Lesbianism is an orchestrated spectacle. Lesbians are seen but not heard. These girls – all photogenic; all lithe limbed; all young (well, at least one of the coupling is) – are just fooling around. Madonna kisses Britney Spears. Miley Cyrus kisses a dancer, sort of. Young women who are lesbians get a point of reference that says lesbians aren’t real. And the boys and the men get excited. Here’s a gallery of lesbian kisses played out for our entertainment:


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Kylie Minogue and Ana Matrionic at Glastonbury

Posted: 11th, June 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Big Brother 2010: The Dregs – Live Blog In Pictures

BIG Brother: the last series will pick the housemates from 81 people. These are the last 81 people in the UK not to appear on a reality telly show. The ones not chosen will be hosed down and placed in museum for everyone to gaze upon.

Josie Gibson. From Bristol. Huge floaty dress.

A 25 year old Financial Sales Rep. Cider With Josie.

Steven Gill. He’s got no legs. He’s got one eye. Was a soldiers. Injured in line of duty. Eight children.

Hometown: Leicestershire. Occupation: Ex HM Forces

Ben Duncan: Jacket. Jeans. Floppy hair. Utter ****. Hate figure. Boooooooooooooooo!

Age: 30. Job: Writer / broadcaster. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Chants of “Get Ben out!”

Rachel White: Hubba-hubba. It’s Beyonce! Vain. Great. Age: 23. Job: Hair stuff.

Nathan Dunn: Northern. Chicke Tikka Baltis is “my thing”. Cropped jeans and white pumps. Tell him. Go on. Tell him.

Age: 26. Hometown: Bingley, Bradford. Made of: “twisted steel and sex appeal” – and a monobrow.

Dave Vaughan: Mad monk. The new Chris Biggins meets that chubby Asian chef who sued to be on the telly. (Name please.)

“I love Jesus and I am a Christian minister. For 3 or 4 years I was on drink, drugs sex and rock and roll. For the last eighteen years I’ve become a different person. At times I get so overwhelmed by Gods presence and if people get around me they get transformed.”

Caoimhe Guilfoyle: Nice rubber vest. Nice hair. Horrible tattoo. Trying too hard.

Age: 22. Hometown: Dublin

“I used to be a little loner, a geek but now I’ve blossomed…I’m happy. I’m not an attention seeker. I lived in Madrid for two years, in the first few weeks I was fired from my job and kicked out of my flat for being too noisy.”

Govan Zachariah Hinds:

Govan. Really. He’s 21. And as hard as butter.

“I can be quite bitchy….it’s a real problem of mine. I can bring intelligent conversations or I can be silly and funny. I have never had a relationship with anybody…sometimes I do get lonely. I’m smiley, I’m shiny, I’m happy, I’ve got a nice smile and a big d**k!”

Hometown: Leicester. Occupation: Voluntary Worker

Shabby Katchadourian: Our favourite. Pretentious knob.

Writes for the Guardian. Don’t they all?

Ife Kuku:

Dancer. Iffy? Not a bit of it. Determined.

“Some people say to em you sound really posh for a black girl! What do they think all black girls talk like?”

John James Parton:

Australian. Highlights. Thinks we are amazed by him.

I look like David Beckham, obviously he’s not an ugly bloke so I won’t tell people don’t call me Beckham. I don’t like doing housework, I’m not lazy….just waiting for my big break!

Sunshine Martin: Calls herself Sunshine

Real name: Yvette. Vegan. Looks it.

Booed heartily. Gauche. Moi? Mais oui. Trainee medic. Yeah, Doc Martin.

Corin Forshaw: Hard faced Katie Price disciple.

Age: 29. Hometown: Cheshire

“I’m a nice person, don’t be a bitch to me and I won’t be a bitch to you!”

Mario Mugan:

Dressed as a mole.


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Davina McCall with John as he enters the Big Brother house at Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.

Posted: 11th, June 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Big Brother 11 2010: Housemates In Pictures And Nicknames

BIG Brother 2010. All the housemates in pictures and nicknames:

Rosie Gibson: Cider With Josie.
Steven Gill: Nelson
Ben Duncan: Duncan Flares
Rachel White: Beyonzee
Nathan Dunn: Monobrow
Dave Vaughan: Friggins
Caoimhe Guilfoyle: Vowel
Govan Zachariah Hinds: Andi Peters
Shabby Katchadourian: Stabby
Ife Kuku: CooCoo
John James Parton: Wally Parton
Sunshine Martin: Doc Martin
Corin Forshaw: Fraudon
Mario Mugan: Muggy

Big Brother 2010: The Dregs – Live Blog In Pictures


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Davina McCall with John as he enters the Big Brother house at Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.

Posted: 9th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comment (1)

Fox Attack On Lola Koupparis And Isabella Koupparis: Pictures And Horror

LOLA Koupparis and her twin sister Isabella Koupparis, aged nine months, are in hospital, having been attacked by a fox in their London bedroom.

The twins’ grandmother Zoe Koupparis, has news:

“Lola is a lot better but Isabella is still sedated. We’re really pleased about Lola. Nick and Pauline [the twins’ parents] are definitely pleased but of course they’re concerned about Isabella.”

The Sun has more background details. Because the parent’s are middle-class and that matters:

Mr Watson – who visited their £850,000 home at Victoria Park in Hackney to pick up a children’s chair – said: “They are bearing up under the circumstances.”

Some good news, then. Yesterday the family home was worth only £800,000.

In Nightmare Pictures: The Fox Attack In East London

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 9th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (7)

Those Post Oil Spill BP Logos In Pictures

BP is embroiled in an oil spill in the gulf. Natural oil is leaking into the natural seas. Barack Obama will not rest until the oil spill is capped. He most likely won’t shower, either. Can sea sponges and the French flag save the US Gulf? The oil industry, pretty much the safest, most regulated industry in the world, is in the mire. So big is the disaster that Ashton Kutcher is travelling at 7mpg to the scene in his thoughts and a massive car. Others are creating images:


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Posted: 9th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Money | Comments (4)

Derrick Bird: The CCTV Snuff Movie Goes On Sale: Pictures And Video

DERRICK Bird. Today there are memorial services for Derrick Bird’s 12 victims. And in readiness for the mourning the Sun brings thrilling news that the “PSYCHO CABBIE’S” rampage has been caught on CCTV.

For just 30p you can see the pictures!

Yes, the memories can wait because with any luck – fingers crossed! – we can get a CCTV movie of Bird’s killings. Bird is the “massacre madman” in this CCTV snuff movie. Of course, the film needs a rinse through the marketing department to make it really stick, and we comments to your attention to the Star’s billing of “TAXI TERMINATOR”.

Derrick Bird: Drugs, Self-Harm And Paul Goodwin

Says the Sun:

“Four shotgun blasts fired by Bird can be heard on the chilling film.”

It’s not Steven Seagal but it’s bound to be pretty good. Perhaps if the each shot could be illustrated by an image of whoever was being murdered or maimed with each round the film could be made more dramatic, a touch of human interest?

Derrick Bird: Hon The Thai Bride And More Steven Seagal

The screams heard on the film are from wounded pub landlord Harry Berger – hit in the shoulder and hand…

The second volley was the awful moment when Bird killed 64-year-old cyclist Michael Pike.

Inside the Sun and: “Camera on backstreet captures hell.”

Derrick Bird Was Stopped By Red Lights And Prostitutes: News Round Up

The Sun set the scene. Cue the voiceover. It was a time of heroes…

The restful quiet of a tranqil seaside village was broken only by seagulls squawking in the grey skies.


“…two sharp blasts cracked through the thin coastal air”

Those Media Scores: Derrick Griffiths (Taxi Terminator) 12 – Stephen Griffiths (Crossbow Cannibal) 3 (Maybe)

The Express says Taxi Terminator 2: No Mercy:

SICKENING footage of gun killer Derrick Bird ruthlessly blasting fellow cab driver Darren Rewcastle to death was captured on CCTV.

Images recorded by a surveillance camera are understood to show in high definition the exact moment Bird pumps bullets into the head of his 43-year-old colleague.

These horror films need more blood and horror. Twelve dead is, well, not all that much. In Rambo loads more die.

Derrick Bird: The 13th Victim, Jason Carey, David Crabtree And Police Keystone Witness

Here’s Jonathan Wilkinson to say that he was the last person to see Bird alive.

Jonathan, from Northallerton, North Yorks, said: “We were out for the day when this car raced past, clipped another vehicle and burst a front tyre. I had no idea what the driver had done at this point but I got out of my car and ran after him down a lane. I thought he was a hit-and-run driver and thought I should get the registration plate and his details. He was about 160 yards ahead of me. The car was weaving all over the place and because one tyre had gone he was driving on the rim.”

Wilkinson catches up to the vehicle. But Bird is not inside. Bird was later found dead.

“I went back to the car and we heard the news on the radio. I could have been another of those killed.”

Anyone else want to up the bopdycount?

Bird, 52, is thought to have driven to the home of fellow taxi driver Michael Pettitt after murdering three people and seriously injuring four others. A witness saw Bird knocking on Pettitt’s door:

“Michael had nipped round to borrow a mower off a friend because his was broken, but when he got back a neighbour told him that a man matching Bird’s description had been banging his fists on the door. It was right after all the other shootings in Whitehaven and the neighbour was worried that it was Bird who had come looking for him. The fact that Michael had wanted to cut his lawn may have saved his life.”

Hmm. Perhaps someone can be killwd under the blades of their mower? You know, for the sake of the film..?

Meanwhile, people mourn their loved ones…


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Whitehaven taxi driver Don Reed who was shot and injured by Derrick Bird who went on a shooting rampage in Cumbria, killing 12 people.

Derrick Bird: The Evil Twin Theory (Pictures)
Lady GaGa Is Dead, Presumed Murdered In Copycat Killing (Pictures)
Derrick Bird: The Victims’ Stories In Pictures
Daily Express Readers Invited To Give Facebook Thumbs Up To Derrick Bird Massacre
Derrick Bird: Graham Bird Vistis His Mother Linda And An Explanation
Giles Coren Uses Derrick Bird To Plug His Anger Management Book
Derrick Bird: Taxi Driver Don Reed Shows His Wounds (Photos)
Derrick Bird: All The Facts On The Cumbria Massacre (Photos)
In Pictures: The Life And Crimes Of Mass Murderer Derrick Bird
Derrick Bird: The Last Will And Testament In Full

Posted: 9th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

In Pictures: Voices And Faces Behind Famous Cartoon Characters

EVER wonder what the face behind a cartoon character looks like? Here’s a gallery featuring Nemo, Homer Simpson, South Park, Spongebob and more… Do you have a face for cartoons?

Cartoons That Look Like Celebs: Rihanna’s Woodpecker


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Dan Castellaneta - Homer-Simpson

Posted: 8th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comment (1)

In Pictures: Justin Bieber Pulls A Girl At Wembley Show

JUSTIN Bieber plays the Capital Radio Summertime Ball and having danced with Usher and on stage (look out for the young Bieber’s Pull Ups chaffing) – and looked not a lot unlike the product of a mating between a young Jane Fonda and Jimmy Osmond – Bieber pulled a fan from the crowd. She swooned. (She sat on a stool and was still bigger than Justin.) Bieber crooned. The sun set. The girls panted. Bieber’s helmet of hair caught the fading light. He then made the sign of the Devil. And all was good… All the pictures from the show:

In Photos: Captial Radio Summertime Ball (Rihanna, Bieber, JLS, Cheryl Cole And…)


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Justin Bieber on stage during the Capital FM Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium.

Posted: 8th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comments (3)

Ugly Cats: A Gallery Of The World’s Ugliest Cats

PITY the suicidal ugly cat judged worthless in a hard world obsessed with looks. He tries to end it call but can’t. It takes nine goes. He becomes apathetic. But if he jumps off a high building or drops an anvil on his head or stands next to one of them his looks may well improve. There is hope for Ugly Cat. For now, there are pictures in our gallery of the un-photogenic felines. (Listen out for cat number 11)…

The World’s Ugliest Pets

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Posted: 7th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

In Pictures: Rihanna Takes A Dip In Sauce

RIHANNA wore red hair as she followed Cheryl Cole’s f*** you fists, Justin Bieber’s pull ups dance and them all onto the Wembley stadium stage. Rihanna’s hair colour is tomato ketchup mixed with Daddies sauce. It did mean that you could see her at the back, from where she looked like a Babybel cheese. The Capital FM Summertime Ball – bring dip:

Rihanna Naked (NSFW)


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Rihanna on stage during the Capital FM Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium.

Posted: 6th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

In Pictures: Cheryl Cole And Derek Hough’s Ballroom Karma Sutra

CHERYL Cole followed Justin Bieber onto the Wembley Arena stage to sing about fighting for love. Cheryl is divorcing England’s sweetheart Ashley Cole. He’s doing his bit for his country among the colonials in Africa as his wife is being felt up by Derek Hough on stage. (Vera Lynn should weep.) Derek’s step-dad Aaron Nelson says: “For Derek, this is true love. There is no doubt about it. He is totally in love with her and it’s easy to see why. She is one hell of a girl.” Here’s Cheryl in pictures. Look out for the ballroom karma sutra and the big “**** you, loser” finale…

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)
In Photos: Captial Radio Summertime Ball (Rihanna, Bieber, JLS, Cheryl Cole And…)
Cheryl Cole Hurts Ashley And England’s World Cup Dream: What Would Vera Lynn Do?


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Cheryl Cole on stage during the Capital FM Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium.

Posted: 6th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

In Photos: Captial Radio Summertime Ball (Rihanna, Bieber, JLS, Cheryl Cole And…)

ALL the photos from the Capital Radio Summertime ball, featuring Justin Bieber,, Usher, Rihanna, JLS, Cheryl Cole, Dizzee Rascal, Kesha, Scouting for Girls, Alexandra Burke, Jason Derulo, Ellie Goulding, Tinie Tempah, The Wanted, Esmee Denters and Chipmunk… Want to see the photos? Here they are – enjoy them all:


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Posted: 6th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

In Many Pictures: Usher, Justin Bieber And Play Wembley Stadium

USHER treated Justin Bieber to a simulated hardcore porn show (picture 1) at the Capital FM Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium. Sure, Miley Cyrus, there are more important things in life than pretending to kiss a girl for Britain’s Got Talent. Usher realised this by dressing as a mid-life crisis Stan Laurel (pic 11) and pretending to shag a dancer while she had oral sex with a colleague. Justin Bieber looked thoughtful. Will i am looked like a minicab driver from Hackney (pic 3). Bieber then joined will.i-am and usher on stage and looked like he’d won a prize in a magazine (picure 9) and been invited on stage as Jane Fonda look-alike (picures 5). Kesha looked like John Travolta in a wig. And we looked on…


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Usher on stage during the Capital FM Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium.

Posted: 6th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

Derrick Bird: Was He Driven Mad By Steven Seagal Film?

Derrick Bird: Stephen Seagal, On Deadly Ground, last words, evil, a Thai bride and drugs…

Sunday Telegraph (front page): “Gunman’s last words: Am I being paranoid?”

Well, not his last words. Not by long chalk.

Derrick Bird: The Last Will And Testament In Full

Cumbria gunman Derrick Bird watched violent film before killings

He watched the telly. Did the telly make him do it?

Derrick Bird, the Cumbria gunman, spent the night before his killing spree watching a violent film at his best friend’s house before asking, as he left: “Do you think I’m paranoid?”

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 5th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Spelbound Wins Britain’s Got Talent 2010: Pictures, Videos And Live Blog

SPELBOUND Wins Britain’s Got Talent. The little orange action figure with the six pack who flew over Amanda Holden’s head says he’d like to thank Amanda for… Come on, who thought he was going to thank Amanda for the make-up?

Amanda says Spelbound should open the London Olympics in 2012. We like it. Who needs hundreds of drummers, tens of minutes of fireworks and athletes waving at their mums and videotaping the crowd – a quick 90 seconds of tumbling extravagance, a huge pot of Touche Eclat and job done. Cheap as chips.

They are terrific.

Simon Cowell: On live TV that was one of the most astonishing things I have ever seen!

The others:

Janey Cutler: Edith Piaf is better off out of it. Likeable woman. Loadsa pluck. Amanda says Janey wanted her autograph. She didn’t tell us if she gave it to her.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 5th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comments (10)

Derrick Bird Was Stopped By Red Lights And Prostitutes: News Round Up

DERRICK Bird: He murdered David Bird; Kevin Commons, 60; Darren Rewcastle, 43; Isaac Dixon, 65; Michael Pike, 64; James Jackson, 67, and his wife Jennifer, 68; Jane Robinson, 66; Kenneth Fishburn, 71; Garry Purdham, 31; Jamie Clark, 23; and Susan Hughes, 57. Bird then killed himself. The news round-up:

First up some more facts about the murders:

Daily Mirror: “57 MINS OF MAYHEM

Armed police feared Derrick Bird was planning to make a deadly last stand after killing 10 victims in 57 minutes, officers revealed yesterday.

The Sun: “Killer’s deadly dash in 65 minutes

CRAZED cabbie Derrick Bird killed ten of his 12 victims in just 65 minutes of horror, police said yesterday.

A boy’s story supplies more facts, laced with a bit of horror fiction from the Mirror’s Rebecca Evans. Jordan Williams is in the papers:

I stared into killer’s eyes ..they were black like a bird looking for its prey

Kind of:

Bird gunned down cyclist Michael Pike before turning his pitiless gaze on horrified schoolboy Jordan Williams standing a few feet away.

Jordan said: “He was staring straight at me. His eyes were black like those of a hawk looking for prey. I stared back. He’d just shot a man in front of me. We were like it for about seven seconds, but I didn’t run. I don’t know why. For some reason he just grabbed the wheel and started moving.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 5th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

The Wisest Graffiti Ever: A Gallery

GRAFFITI can be great. It can be patronising, uplifting and knowing. It can make you think. Anorak has pulled together a gallery of the greatest graffiti of wise words…

How all pictures are safe for work.

In Pictures: Kabul’s Talibanksy Bomb Their Banksy Visions
Banksy Walks On Water For Global Warming: In Photos
Rebecca Harrison’s Pilgrimage To Bethlehem’s West Banksy


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Posted: 4th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Miley Cyrus Hates Shallow Pop, Appears On Britain’s Got Talent (Lesbian Kiss Pictures)

MILEY Cyrus was on Britain’s Got Talent. Miley was singing her song called Can’t Be Tamed.

That’s her pretending to kiss a female dancer.

That’s her dressed in fishnets and basque.

That’s her in the choreographed dance routine giving full throat to:

For those who don’t know me, I can get a bit crazy
Have to get my way, yep
24 hours a day
‘Cuz I’m hot like that
Every guy, everywhere just gives me mad attention
Like I’m under inspection,
I always get a ten
‘Cuz I’m built like that

Here’s the virginal Miley telling Billboard magazine:

“With anything-the clothes I wear or the way I want to look-I don’t plan it. Even with the video [for “Can’t Be Tamed”] I had the treatment, but beyond that, it was whatever comes. We didn’t have all the choreography set in stone because I didn’t want it to end up looking fake and polished. Everything in life has to come naturally or I feel like it’s just been done.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 4th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio | Comments (2)

The Most Famous Newspaper In The World: From Dallas To Depserate Housewives (Pictures)

THE Most Famous Newspaper In The World is the one that appears on the telly most often. It’s not the New York Times or the Walford Gazette, it’s the paper that has been seen on the telly for years. This paper – the one with the story of the “Girl Third Brightest In Her Class” – has mopped up blood on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, kept the cops informed in No Country for Old Men (2007), helped out JR on Dallas (1991), appeared on Married With Children (1997), and featured on: Six Feet Under (2003), Malcolm in The Middle, Everybody Hates Chris, Scrubs and Desperate Housewives (2007-2010). The news doesn’t change…


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A murder of crows, page 2, (1998)

Posted: 4th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Lady GaGa Is Dead, Presumed Murdered In Copycat Killing (Pictures)

IF like Stephen Griffiths, the Crossbow Cannibal who, allegedly, left victims’ remains behind, or Derrick Bird,  you live in a world where fantasy blends with reality you will warm to the story that Lady GaGa is pretending to be killed and eaten on stage.

Or, as the Sun puts it, she was eaten alive “in front of thousands of schoolkids”.

Lady GaGa Naked (NSFW)

The Star tells its readers just how big a deal this is:


No, not mums’. Mum’s.

Derrick Bird: The Evil Twin Theory (Pictures)

To the MEN Arena in Manchester, where GaGa “strutted in a low-cut basque” as a dancer “bit into her neck, sending fake blood gushing down her chest”. Lady GaGa than “writhed in the gore before slumping down in a death pose”.

The softer parts were then chopped up into mince meats and served as burgers to the fans, and the left overs that could not be made into soup tossed into the River Aire. It’s some act. Lady GaGa gives her all.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted: 4th, June 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (5)