
Key Posts

Key Posts Category

Paul Yarrow Is The TV News Raider Live On The Scene: Pictures

PAUL Yarrow in the TV news lurker who is always on the scene – live! He is a “News Raider”. Yarrow On The Scene has featured on BBC, ITV, Sky and Channel 4. Paul Yarrow is the self-styled “fat guy who wants to be on television”. (James Corden , as you were.) Anorak has spotted Mr Yarrow lurking on the Antiques Roadshow, at a 7/7 memorial, outside the Houses of Parliament, live from Peckham, by Hyde Park and joining in a Gaza protest. If Mr Yarrow was female, fit and blonde he’d get a job as TV sports reporter; if he can say “How do you feel?” he could be a BBC sports reporter; if he could look a bit less attractive and get a shabby suit, Mr Yarrow might yet make it as a political broadcaster…


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Posted: 30th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

The 2010 Kerrang Awards In Pictures: Bullet For My Valentine Win Big

THE 2010 Kerrang Awards at the Brewery in East London and pre-do drinks in pictures. Welsh outfit Bullet For My Valentine were named the best British act and the best live band. Jared Leto’s 30 Seconds To Mars were best international band. And The Kerrang! Hall Of Fame Award went to Motley Crue, represented by Vince Neil’s hair:


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Jason James from Bullet For My Valentine who won the Best British Band and Best Live Awards at The Relentless Energy Drink Kerrang! Awards at The Brewery, London.

Bands featured: Funeral For A Friend, Joel and Benji Madden of Good Charlotte, Feeder, Sarah Cawood,Tim Minchin, Rammstein, Project A, Corey Taylor of Slipknot in Laura Ashley tie-backs, Polly Rae, Lostprophets, Biffy Clyro, Skunk Anansi, Vince Neil of Motley Crue, Bullet For My Valentine, Laura Whitmore, Trash Talk and Deaf Havana.

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Posted: 29th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comments (2)

Kyron Horman’s ‘Homicide’ In Pictures And No News

KYRON Horman: Anroak’s at-a-glance round-up of the missing Oreaon boy in the news. Today: the ‘homicide’, the ‘suspect’, the persecution of Terri Horman, the character assassination of DeDe Spicher and no news presented as fact:

The Smear Job

All the police have an idea that Terri Horman had something to do with Kyron Horman’s disappearance. They have no proof. They have no evidence. But they do have the media to apply the pressure and crank up the whispering campaign. The aim seems to be to make Terri Horman crack. As a plan it is painfully weak.

As the report goes:

Law enforcement investigating the disappearance of 7-year-old Kyron Horman have been putting pressure on a small circle of friends of his stepmom Terri Moulton Horman, including a 43-year-old Tualatin woman named DeDe Spicher.

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Posted: 28th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (9)

Wikileaks Afghanistan War Posters: Careless Talk Costs Lives In Pictures

WIKILEAKS leaking of confidential Afghanistan War material costs lives! Well, so says the US military. The war over there is very different to the Second World War. But every war is brutal. Facts are on a need to know basis. And how much do you need to know? Were World War 2 in the era of 24 rolling news would we know any more than we did then?  In honour of Wikileaks and loose lips sinking ships, we bring you a selection of war posters warning to keep mum – like dad does

Wikileaks Gives Lazy Journalists Biased History Of War In Afghanistan: Pictures


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Posted: 28th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

The Best And Worst Fan Tattoos Ever

THAT fan tattoo of your club, TV idol, hero was a decent good at the time. But, then, the lifelong passion turned into a fad and you are left with an Anthea Turner picture on your buttocks. Anorak presents the greatest bad fan tattoos ever. Britney Spears is forever bald; Bono might be sacrilegious; Michael Jackson is dandling young Mr Culkin on his knee; Celine Dion is on your chest; God bless Tony Danza; Patrick Swayze is a unicorn; and if anyone has or sees a Tony Blair tattoo, let us know…

Tattoos – Weird And Stupid Ones
Tattoos – Retro Ones
Tattoos – On Your Arse
Tattoos – Super Heroes
Tattoos On Faces – The Mughsots
Tattoos: The Misspelled Ones


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Images via: izismileGeekologieRobot Vs BadgerSqaure Eyes

Posted: 27th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Paris Hilton Introduces More Comedy Nazis And The Hitler Dance

THE Daily Star leads with a picture of Paris Hilton and her “Nazi salute shame”.

This is the same paper owned by Richard Desmond who once in a meeting with the Daily Telegraph’s hierarchy, reportedly, called all Germans “Nazis”, told his executives to sing “Deutschland uber Alles” and “strutted up and down the room holding his fingers to his lips and giving stiff-armed salutes”.

Lithuania Labels Exported Food With Official Swastika – Marketing Fail

Back, then, to Hilton’s “shame”. Paris denies making the Nazi salute. She is not ordinary tourist in Berlin, pointing out something up there and wiping a finger beneath her hooter.

For starters, Hilton has been in St Tropez, which hasn’t been German for decades. And it’s all innocent.

In Pictures: The Top Ten Comedy Nazis

Says her spokesman:

“Paris was dancing and having fun with her arm up in the air as she always dances like that and was scratching [her] face when a photo was taken.”

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Posted: 27th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

Oscar’s Face Transplant In Pictures

AT the Vall d’Hebron in Madrid, the man known to the media only as Oscar, 31, shows the result of his full face transplant. It took medics 24 hours to remove the donor’s face and place it on Oscar’s head. Oscar needed the treatment after accidentally shooting himself in the face in 2005. He can drink and speak, although not yet that well. He wants to do “little things, like walking down the street without anyone looking at him, or sitting down for a meal with his family. Doing things that all of us do on a normal day.

(Hollywood plastic surgeons await demand for the next big thing.)



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Posted: 26th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Wikileaks Gives Lazy Journalists Biased History Of War In Afghanistan: Pictures

NEWS of the War in Afghanistan comes in the form of 90,000 documents leaked by the Wikileaks website. It’s news of the war between January 2004 and December 2009, as told by US military to Us military. The Guardian, the New York Times and Der Spiegel all lead with the leak.

9/11 pictures

Why did Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange target these organs? What of the sites’ biases? Interesting and clever to get the mainstream media on side – and with all those corporate lawyers and high visibility should things turn nasty. The full story needs to be invesitgated.

Wikileaks understands this – and it understands that journalists have gotten lazy. Why investigate the difficult story of a distant war – and all that need to talk to actual soldiers and experience it first hand – when you can just publish a load of hand delivered info on the web from your armchair?

Why The Pentagon Is Hunting Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Over Bradley Manning

And what of the shocks?

Well, there are the “black ops” soldiers who seek out the Taliban to kill without trial. There are more civilian deaths than many might have thought because the Taliban are trying to kill local police and have increased their use of road-side bombs.

Wikileaks And Julian Assange Caught In Bias Storm Over Reuter’s Iraqi Journalists ‘Slaughter’

The Guardian:

92,201 internal records of actions by the US military in Afghanistanbetween January 2004 and December 2009 – threat reports from intelligence agencies, plans and accounts of coalition operations, descriptions of enemy attacks and roadside bombs, records of meetings with local politicians, most of them classified secret.

US national security adviser Gen James Jones claims the leak “could put the lives of Americans and our partners at risk, and threaten our national security”.

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Posted: 26th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Daily Star Admits Grand Theft Auto Rothbury Was Raoul Moat Fantasy

REMEMBER Jerry Lawton’s scoop that Raoul Moat was being immortalised in a version of Grand Theft Auto, the video game? The Daily Star sensed fury and outrage. Only, the story was utter nonsense.

READ: Raoul Moat Is Now A Video Game: Grand Theft Auto Rothbury (Pictures)

The Daily Star has published an apoligy – and it is wonderfully frank:


On 21 July we published an article claiming that the video games company Rockstar Games were planning to release a version of their popular Grand Theft Auto video games series titled “Grand Theft Auto Rothbury”.

We also published what we claimed would be the cover of this game, solicited comments from a family member impacted by the recent tragedy and criticised Rockstar Games for their alleged plans.

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Posted: 24th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

RIP Alex Higgins: A Misspent Life In Pictures

RIP Alex Higgins. You lived life as in-door Hurricane of smoke and blue snooker chalk. Northern Irishman Higgins was world snooker champion in 1972 and 1982. He had been suffering from throat cancer. Being good at snooker was once a sign of a misspent youth. It really was that good. Higgins went better – he had a misspent life. And we loved him for it. Before the androids of snooker earned the big money, the game threw up characters. Higgins was a man blessed with charisma and talent. This is his life in pictures – and they are wonderful and rare pictures:


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The new World Snooker Champion, Alex Higgins being saluted by his baby daughter Lauren with his wife Lynne, after last nights's nail-biting battle against six-times champion Ray Reardon at Sheffield's Crucible Theatre. * Higgins holds the trophy for the second time having won it ten years ago.

Posted: 24th, July 2010 | In: Flashback, Key Posts | Comments (6)

Funny Mugshot T-Shirts: A Gallery

PRESENTING more of those ironic and entertaining mug shot T-shirts. Go equipped and make the police smile:

The Greatest Tattooed Mugshots Ever


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Posted: 24th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Pope Ignored 700-Year-Old Saint Over His Priestly Child Sex Pervs!

ONE of the joys of being an intermediary between this world and the next (Sat Navs for the latter not yet available) is that each month Madame Arcati receives an email bulletin from the famed American medium Elizabeth Baron.

Elizabeth is a phenomenon.  Her spirit guide is no ordinary immortal but the 14th Century Saint Catherine of Siena (25 March 1347 – 29 April 1380), aka Mrs Jesus Christ and still a seraphic virgin. Among St C’s many modern accomplishments was helping US troops track down the former dictator of Panama, Manuel Noriega, via Elizabeth back in 1989. How she did this you can read about here – not wishing to strain Anorak readers’ credulity, I give you the option. Perhaps click the link later after you’ve had a drink.

But there’s no doubting St Catherine’s American patriotism, even if she was Italian-born 700-odd years ago.

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Posted: 24th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comments (15)

The Celebrity Mugshot Gallery Because You’re Not Dead Yet: Pictures

ZSA Zsa Gabor, born Sári Gábor, is in ailing health. The media loves a newly dead or ill star – almost as much it  loves them being arrested. A great time, then, to look back at her celebrity mugshot. She was once pinched for slapping a policeman. The crime earned her three days in jail and chance to be famous for something other than being married nine times and appearing in such straight-to-bucket films as A Very Brady Sequel. Gabor enjoyed the fame resulting from her arrest. And other celebs, too, arguably, have had their careers improved by a spell with the police force. In this gallery you will see mughsots of such famous drunks, tossers, druggies, accused felons and fame whores as Lindsay Lohan, Hugh Grant, Al Pacino, Jane Fonda. Nick Nolte, Gary Coleman, Mel Gibson and Snoop Dogg. You don’t need to get arrested to remind Hollywood agents that you’re still alive and newsworthy – but it might help…


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Zsa Zsa Gabor

Posted: 24th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

Ian Tomlinson: PC Simon Horwood, Dr Freddy Patel And A Televised Police ‘Cover Up’

IAN Tomlinson died shortly after a policeman called Simon Horwood hit him. Ian Tomlinson was making his way home from work during the G20 protest in London 2009.

He was bitten by a police dog. He was hit by a polcie baton. We saw him hit no-one.

The police investigated the police. The Crown Prosecution Service, what is termed an independent body, found that no copper had any case to answer. That assault you saw on the telly didn’t happen.

There will be no chance for a judge to decide is the police non-assault led to the death of Mr Tomlinson. There is no case to answer. It never happened.

We have not heard from PC Horwood. His everyone of events is unknown to us. But had it gone to court, we would have heard PC Horwood’s side of the story. Has he been deprived of the chance to clear his name of the stench.

But It Was Manslaughter?

* Police complaints investigators recommended that the riot officer filmed pushing Ian Tomlinson to the ground before he died at the G20 protest last year should be charged with manslaughter, according to the dead man’s family.

This revelation has added to controversy over the decision by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to bring any charges against the police officer in question, PC Simon Harwood. The recommendation was included in a report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for prosecutors last August.

Yesterday, the CPS rejected that opinion and ruled out any criminal charges, including lesser offence of assault or misconduct in a public office.

PC Simon Harwood

That’s him on the video of Mr Tomlinson being struck with a baton and pushed over from behind (see pictures below). PC Harwood’s identity number is covered up and he has a scarf across the lower part of his face. Were it not for his uniform, you might mistake him for a thug seeking anonymity in the mob. But he did NOTHING wrong. Although, while the investigation went on he was suspended from a job looking after the public and keeping law and order.

* A second pathologist, Nat Cary, has challenged the CPS decision to drop criminal charges saying Tomlinson suffered injuries that would support an acutal bodily harm (ABH) charge. Mr Cary said the injuries were “not relatively minor” and that they were “consistent with a baton strike”.

What do we know about PC Harwood:

The married 43 year-old had been due to face a misconduct hearing over the alleged road rage incident, understood to have happened in the late 1990s, but instead retired on medical grounds.

So. He was no longer a copper?

A few years later, the father of two rejoined the Met as a civilian computer worker before applying to Surrey Police for a job as a police constable in May 2003.

A spokesman for Surrey Police said: “He applied to become a Pc with us in 2003. Following our vetting procedure, liaising with the Met Police and passing a medical examination, he was accepted.”

Following this? There’s more:

Pc Harwood spent a year and half working in Surrey before applying to be transferred back to the Met in the autumn of 2004.

By which time that original road rage allegation was no longer an issue?

The Experts

* Dr Nat Cary, who carried out a second examination concluded that Mr Tomlinson fell on his elbow, which “impacted in the area of his liver causing an internal bleed which led to his death a few minutes later”.

Prosecutors admitted there was evidence that Ian Tomlinson had been assaulted by the riot squad officer. But they said he could not be tried for manslaughter or even assault because of the results of the first post-mortem by controversial pathologist Dr Freddy Patel.

* The expert, who has previously been disciplined by the General Medical Council and is now under investigation again, decided Mr Tomlinson died of a heart attack.

However, two further post-mortems by different experts ruled the 47-year-old father-of-nine died because of internal bleeding.

Dr Freddy Patel – aka Dr Mohmed Saeed Sulema Patel

* The expert is now facing fresh claims that he bungled four post-mortems between 2002 and 2004. The GMC is examining 26 charges of sub-standard practice. He is accused of giving questionable verdicts on the causes of deaths, several of which later turned out to be suspicious and has been under investigation since 2005. He was suspended from the register last summer and barred from undertaking post-mortems in suspicious deaths.

Dr Patel Again

* Inquiries into the doctor began after the Camden Ripper Anthony Hardy was caught in 2003. Dr Patel ruled a naked and bruised woman found in Hardy’s flat a year earlier had died from a heart attack. Hardy went on to kill two more women. Dr Patel denies the misconduct charges and insists he was not criticised over the Hardy case.

The Family Reacts

Paul King, Ian Tomlinson’s son, says:

* “Words can’t describe how we feel, we feel very let down, very disappointed… You haven’t heard the last of us yet… It’s outrageous. We feel like it was not a full investigation from the beginning. It’s a big cover-up. They knew that if they dragged this out long enough, they would avoid charges. They knew just what they were doing. They’ve pulled us through a hedge backwards – now we have to go on living our lives.

Tomlinson’s widow, Julia, told reporters last night:

“The decision not to charge him came as a particular shock because the IPCC [the Independent Police Complaints Commission] told me they had recommended charges of manslaughter when they sent the file up.”

The police do not always keep the peace. Sometimes they get stuck in. Anyone who has ever been to a football match will know how the police can antagonise a volatile situation by looking hard and menacing. They challenge you to have a go.

But if you hit a man, perhaps an off-duty policeman, and he soon after dies… If you assault a man with a baton… If you strike the first blow… If it is all captured on CCTV… If you are not connected… Well, if you do that you are in the police station and then in court on a charge. But if you are in a uniform and the thing is captured on a private camera, the evidence is not to be trusted, the rules are changed and it is deemed that nothing happened.

Although a man is dead. Here’ the visual evidence:


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PC Simon Harwood accompanied by his wife Helen leaves the City of Westminster Magistrates Court, London.

Posted: 23rd, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi’s Life And Crimes In Pictures: Lockerbie, MacAskill And Lies

ON August 20th, 2009, Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill approved the releases of Mr Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. This week, the issue of the mass murderer’s  release from jail is being debated by David Cameron and Barack Obama. They will achieve nothing other than grandstanding.

Anorak told you what would happen.

And we told you again.

Yesterday, MacASkill was on a visit to HMP Shotts in Shotts, Lanarkshire. Prisoners may like to tell Mr MacAskill that they murdered 270 people and are feeling so ill they’d like to go home. Ask him. See what he says.


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Kenny MacAskill said back then:

“On the evening of 21 December 1988 a heinous crime was perpetrated. It claimed the lives of 270 innocent civilians. Four days before Christmas, men, women and children going about their daily lives were cruelly murdered.

“They included 11 from one small Scottish town. That town was Lockerbie – a name that will forever be associated with the worst terrorist atrocity ever committed on UK soil.

“A prisoner transfer application has been submitted by the Government of Libya seeking the transfer of Mr Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi.

“The man convicted of those offences in the Scottish courts. He has also now sought to be released on compassionate grounds due to his prostate cancer that is terminal.”

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Posted: 21st, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comments (14)

Lindsay Lohan Prison Pictures And Dina’s Empathy

LINDSAY Lohan is seen walking ahead of her loving mother Dina Lohan, aka White Oprah, into court.

Lohan is now in jail?

How long will she remain in jail?

And will dina release a picture of herself dressed in orange prison robes?

Lindsay Lohan For Tyler Shields (NSFW)

And dad:

Michael Lohan has issued a statement through his attorney:

“Michael spent the morning praying for his daughter. He’s devastated she’s going to jail. He loves her very much and he’ll pray for her.”

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Posted: 20th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (3)

Pictures Of Mel Gibson’s Home Where He Allegedly Hit Oksana Grigorieva

HERE’S your chance to look around Mel Gibson’s house Lavender Hill Farm. This is the place where Oksana Grigorieva allegedly got fast tracked to her dentist – Mel, it is said, punched her in the face because she “deserved it”. You can buy the place for $14.5 million and have it DNA swapped at your leisure. You can then nail a mezuzah to the corner of every telly in the house, play Mel’s films on loop and see if the thing explodes in a hellish fireball. And don’t forget to invite Danny Glover over to the exorcism…

Spotter: Maureen O’Connor


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Posted: 19th, July 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (3)

Let’s Spell It Out, The Times Paywall Is A Disaster

THE Times website has lost 66% of its audience since the online paywall went up the other week – disastrous news I’d have thought, but not according to the Guardian.

It’s “a dramatic decline, but not as steep as many had forecast,” it opines. How steep is steep? “The site had been expected to lose 90% of its traffic.”

This ridiculous claim is unsourced and I suspect dreamt up by a PR contact within News International. It is hardly probable that the paywall would have been launched on an expectation of retaining just 10% of readers.

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Posted: 19th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comments (6)

Lovebox Weekend: Grace Jones And Duran Duran Blow Mark Ronson: Pictures (Not All SFW)

THE Lovebox festival in London’s Victoria Part welcomes Grace Jones, one part of the hybrid Jones-Madonna Camel that goes by the name Lady GaGa. Jones’s aroused power saw, peacock hair was was almost outdone by Tahita Bulmer of New Young Pony Club and Peaches’s genitalia. And then Mark Ronson and The Business Intl performed with Duran Duran in a bouffed display of hair not seen since Vidal Sassoon discovered Dallas on the telly. We took pictures:


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Grace Jones performs live on stage at Lovebox in Victoria Park, London.

Posted: 19th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment (1)

Weird X-Rays: How Did A Light Bulb Get In Your Anus?

ODD X Rays 2 – A collection of the most bizarre, weird, perverted and mentally scarring X-Rays of all time. Look out for the 6-inch pair of surgical scissors sewn into Australian Pat Skinner, the woman who sat on a pin, the huge nail a builder fired into his face – he never knew it as there until he visited the dentist – and the light bulb stuffed up the anus of man in Pakistan…

X Ray Horror 1


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Posted: 19th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Jessi Slaughter, Aka Jessica Leonhardt, 11, Is Under Police Protection: The Parodies And The Videos

JESSI Slaughter, Jessica Leonhardt, is the 11-year-old star of the anti-trolling video that has caused her to be placed under police protection. It was all so funny. Until it wasn’t. The internet has made an 11-year-old cry and her dad angry.

Miss Slaughter / Leonhardt  is the star of “You Dun Goofed Up“, a YouTube video in which she says her life has been runined by people on the website StickyDrama – reportedly, one tdomf_e8e13 posted an accusation that she was having sexual relations with Blood on the Dancefloor’s Dahvie Vanity, 25. The accusation runs:

BOTDF lead singer Dahvie Vanity is at it again! He was apparently having a “friend with benefits” type of relationship with self-proclamed “scene queen” Jessi Slaughter who is only 11! … I found this pic of the two of them at the may 2nd concert in Orlando.

…I have also talked to other people who say that they did fuck last sumer when she was 10. I cannot believe that Dahvie has sunk to this level! I don’t know whether this rumor is true, but if it is he’s disgusting!

Jessi reponded:

Muh Mom Has Read This And Is Talking To Dahvie On The Fone Right Nao!
So I Would Shut Your Mouths If I Were You!
I Have Muh Life And Dahvie Has His.
We Are Just Friends!

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Posted: 18th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (22)

Raoul Moat: Sam Stobbart’s Story In Words, Pictures And Video

SAM Stobbart, shot by her ex-lover Raoul Moat, tells everyone what occurred that fateful night.

Stobbart has secured the services of Max Clifford and been paid six figures for her story. She looks pretty good, all things considered. And not quite one of the Daily Mail’s stereotypically skeletal, rough-looking bottle-blondes”.


Says Sam:

“Me and Chris were having a really good time, obviously we had forgotten about Raoul by then.”

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Posted: 17th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Tesco Beautifies Mel Gibson’s Horrible Harangues!

MY head rings with Mel Gibson’s potty-mouthed profanities. I have not heard such things, at least not since I was a choir boy (before the gender realignment op, that is). On my knees.

Yet in the world of Madame Arcati, every bad thing can be turned into something beautiful. To wash away Mel’s verbal pollutions, may I suggest you visit the websites of various famous retail outlets or iconic organisations and childishly type into their search boxes a few of Mel’s sociopathic cuss words and phrases.

Be amazed at what they throw up in the struggle to make sense of Mel and his strange mind: ugliness converted.

For instance:

“I am one tough motherfucker”: There’s only one place for this, Its store locator interprets this as… Muir of Fowlis, in Aberdeenshire. Quite lyrical really. Must visit.

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Posted: 17th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comments (9)

Ian Collins’ Interview With Raoul Moat Fan Siobhan O’Dowd

RAOUL Moat: Here’s the interview Ian Collins scored with Raoul Moat’s No.1 Fan Siobhan O’Dowd, the social media superstar.

Collins is presented as the voice of reason talking about a “multiple murderer“. Moat killed one. But – hey – who needs facts? Moat “frightened the life out of thousands of people.

Sometimes, readers, one dead and two maimed is not enough for a voracious media.

Raoul Moat: NoTW Buys Sam Stobbart’s Story For Six Figures And Creates The Legend

Raoul Moat Fanclub Creator Is Single Mum – Wants Shooting (Pictures)

The Best Of RIP Raoul Moat You Legend: Facebook Moatmaniacs Turn On Their Man

Paul Gascoigne’s Radio Appeal To Raoul Moat: Audio And Pictures



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Raoul Maot lies prone

Posted: 17th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

Raoul Moat: Siobhan O’Dowd Shows Jealous Tabloids How Social Media Works

MORE news on Siobhan O’Dowd, the 21-year-old, unemployed single mum from Burnley who managed to create a Raoul Moat website with 38,000 fans in just a few days from her own home. You’d think the tabloids would give her a job as their head of social media. But, no. They are jealous of her appeal of crass stupidity and want to do her down.

Sky News says O’Dowd took down her site that “lured 38,000 supporters” (or not). Lured? As the Collins English Dictionary defines:

verb To lure someone means to trick them into a particular place or to trick them into doing something that they should not do. (=entice)

O’Dowd Facebook page was called “RIP Raoul Moat You Legend“. It lured in people looking for porn, news on football transfer rumours and fashion tips. If she lured, then the tabloids advertised.

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Posted: 16th, July 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment