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BBC Presenter Holly Walsh’s Helicopter Crashes At Worthing Birdman Contest In Photos

CBBC presenter Holly Walsh is putting in the hard yards for her craft by jumping from the pier during the annual Worthing International Birdman festival in East Sussex. The aim of the contest is to take a running jump from the end of the pier and “fly” to West Sussex or somewhere even more exotic.

Holly Walsh is dressed, somewhat unimaginatively, as a helicopter. Along one side are the inked the words “Always With A Smile”.

She runs. She jumps. She hits the water hard enough to dislocate her shoulder and fracture her arm. She is rescued by a lifeboat crew – not people dressed as a cardboard lifeboat but an actual boat – and taken to hospital.

If the destination is Worthing Hospital, the flight will have taken Walsh just over a mile inland.

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Posted: 16th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s Incredible Photos Are Robot Porn

ROSIE Huntington-Whiteley is taking over form Megan fox as the object of teenage boys’ adolescent daydreams as the Tansformers’ films love interest. She is also the face of Burberry, and the backside, bra, bosom and thighs of Victoria’s Secret, The Plymouth-born lovely is the face of the Incredible bra, a bra so incredible that you can’t take you eyes off it no matter how much buttock Rosie shows you. Try it. It’s as if the bra follow you around the room…

Spotter: Stylebrity


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Posted: 12th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | Comment

Property Porn Pictures: A Look Inside London’s £140m Flat At One Hyde Park

PROPERTY porn time, readers, as we take you inside the world’s most expensive flat, a £140m property on the Knightsbridge side of London’s Hyde Park (dyslexic readers may read Hype Park).

The compact and bijou residence is a unit on Christian and Nick Candy’s latest development, One Hyde Park.

For just over £6,000 per square foot, the two-floor apartment has four bedrooms, a tunnel connecting you to the neighbouring Mandarin Oriental Hotel, floor-to-ceiling windows, a McLaren dealership downstairs, SAS-trained security guards (not in the SAS but trained by the SAS – so not that impressive), bullet-proof windows, an air purifier to combat poison gas attacks and the passing bus emissions, a panic room to feed your persecution complex, and shiny bell on the front door.

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Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | Comments (5)

JetBlue Escapee Steven Slater’s Depraved Rap Sheet

STEVEN Slater was charged with reckless endangerment in the first degree for whooshing down a bouncy slide as he escaped a thanklessly crap job with JetBlue. He was also charged with (click rap sheet on left to read it all):

The US judiciary has an arcane way with words. The land of “Motherfucker” (Stephen Slater lexicon) and gangsta rap is stuck in the 19th century.

Get a load of Slater’s other alleged crimes:

  • Criminal mischief in the second degree
  • Reckless endangerment in the second degree – a crime that requires “DNA samples upon conviction”
  • Criminal mischief in the fourth degree
  • Criminal trespass in the third degree

Mischief? Tsk! Naughty Slater, the wee rapscallion.

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Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (5)

Pea Plant Grows In Man’s Lung In Our Human Compost X Ray Pictures

X RAY of The Day features Massachusetts man Ron Sveden and the pea plant growing in his lung. (Does this count as one of your Five A Day?)

Sveden, who suffers from emphysema had been coughing a lot and feeling “listless“. His wife phones called 911. Medics discovered one of this lungs had collapsed. In the lung is a pea plant. It is half-an inch high.

The medics guess that the pea grew when Sveden swallowed a pea down the wrong hole.

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Posted: 11th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (2)

Flight Attendant Steven Slater’s Pictures Teach Us How To Quit A Crap Job

EXIT of The Day award goes to JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater, who gave a practical demo in air rage and escaping a heated plane by activating the slide on his JetBlue flight and sliding down it to the tarmac at JFK airport.

The feeling is that days or knowing the slide was so close, just waiting to be enjoyed, proved too much to stand.

The story goes that Slater argues with passenger. The New York Daily News tells us that Slater was hit on the head by bag.

Slater on the intercom: “To the passenger who called me a mother-fucker, fuck- you. I’ve been in the business 28 years. I’ve had it. That’s it.”

To the bouncy slide. At last! Before going he grabbed two beers from the kitchen. He opened one and grabbed hold of his flight bags.

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Posted: 10th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

The Saucy Seaside Postcard: A Gallery Of Smut, Sex And Suggestiveness

ANORAK looks back at the saucy seaside postcard, including works by Phil Millar (Pedro) – he would have painted the pictures which then would become postcards – and artist Donald McGill, the artists whose work was banned by the Seaside Authorities for being ‘‘too suggestive”.

The more vulgar the smut– the more laden with double entendre and hideous the people featured; the more garish and rough the picture – the better. These postcards were created when sex was not a product of the corporate marketing department but something exotic other people did:


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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Flashback, Key Posts | Comment

Dr Karen Woo Was Murdered For Being A Christian: Photos And News Round-Up

KAREN Woo was murdered by the Taliban in Afghanistan in a placed called Badakhshan. The 36-year-old surgeon had been working in Nuristan.

She is on the front page the Express, Mirror, Mail, Independent, Times, Telegraph and the Observer. Only Robbie Williams’ wedding prevents Woo’s face appearing on all the papers’ front pages. She is British and photogenic.

She is the NoTW’s beautiful British surgeon”.

She died with nine others, including six Americans, two Afghans and a German. Their bodies were found stripped of valuables.

The gunmen spared an Afghan driver, who recited verses from the Islamic holy book Quran as he begged for his life.

Dr Woo had been working with Christian charity called the International Assistance Mission (IAM). The charity offers eye care to people living in remote villages. Her Christianity is relevant to her death.


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What do we know about AM. Its website says:

IAM is an international charitable, non-profit, Christian organisation, serving the people of Afghanistan, through capacity building in the sectors of Health and Economic Development.

IAM’s core values are:

Dependency on God
Love for All
Quality Work

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Posted: 8th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (5)

Can Michelle Obama Single-Handedly Save Spain From Bankruptcy?

UNTIL now all we had on Michelle Obama were her arms and dodgy prom dress. Now we get to call her Marie Antoinette as her lauds it around Marbella with all the taste of a Peter Stringfellow’s warm G-string a la mode.

Granted, Michelle is doing her bit to single-handedly save the Spanish economy. Spain is shafted. There is no work and no cash. But maybe if Michelle Obama can rent enough rooms – she’s up to 60 – and employ enough police to rope off bits of beach for her and her Obamettes to swim in – things can improve.

Of course, Marbella is already full of flashy new money tosspots in big boats, shiny flanges on wheels and this year’s take on the Russian long back leather coat. Michelle Obama risks blending in.

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Posted: 7th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comments (3)

Sky News Takes Credit For Five News Paedophile Sting

SIMON Beard, of Little Harrowden, Northamptonshire, is the paedophile “Jailed After Sky News Sting”. Or was it Five News that got him?

Simon Beard, a “youth consultant”, has been convicted of attempting to incite a minor to commit a sexual act, grooming a minor for sex and a dose of indecent exposure.

He is jailed for 21 months at London’s Southwark Crown Court

And Sky News says it caught him.

He began an online relationship with a 13-year-old girl called “Amy” without realising he was talking to undercover reporters. Beard exposed himself on webcam and asked Amy to do the same.

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Posted: 6th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (7)

Naomi Campbell Puts Liberia On The Map – Blood Diamond Case In Words And Photos

NAOMI Campbell is the news. A story that would have barely registered as a blip on the news radar has a celebrity angle. Can Campbell do for Lieberia what Angelina Jolie did for Namibia?

Will Al Qaeda keen to get back on the new agenda invite Lindsay Lohan to lunch? Get a load of this courtroom exchange:

Campbell: “I’d actually never heard of Liberia at that time.”
Taylor’s defence lawyer: “Many people hadn’t until you turned up today.”

Naomi Campbell has been giving evidence in the Hague in the Blood Diamond trial of former dictator of Liberia Charles Taylor. If the gift of “dirty stones” Campbell received can be linked to Taylor, the case against him is strengthened.

Did Taylor – on trial for crimes including murder, rape and torture – us such diamonds to pay for weapons to use in a ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone?

The prosecution failed to the Campbell to state the diamonds she received were definitely were from Taylor.

Now read on….

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Posted: 6th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Arsenal Open Day In Photos And A Summer Of Fabregas Quotes And Shaved Legs

OFF to the Emirates stadium to watch Arsenal train in the sun. All eyes on Cesc Fabreagas, retuned from what looks like failed plan to move to Barcelona. The question burnt on a thousand lips was: “Has he shaved his legs and chest?” Cesc ran past within touching distance of the Anorak. Robin Van Persie, of Holland, gave chase. This was Holland v Spain in the World Cup final all over again. But Van Persie resisted all national instinct to kick the Spaniard in the chest.

Cesc’s summer of quotes:

“When you see that things are going so well for [players at Barcelona], I think I would like to go to Barcelona. Then if they want me or not is another thing. It’s what I want and what I would like.”

“It is not up to me any more. It’s just now about Arsenal and whoever else has to be [involved] and that’s it. I don’t want to say anything else.”

The Barcelona players play tag with Cesc’s emotions – and you thought Gary Neville was the biggest company man in football:

Xavi: “Villa and Cesc [Fabregas], if he comes too, are welcome to help us to continue playing the football that characterises us and achieve further success,”

Gerard Pique: “I had a similar situation at Manchester United. I am a Barcelona fan, I wanted to return and I am convinced that Cesc will come here.”

Xavi: “It is criminal for a player of Cesc’s quality not to be winning the biggest prizes in football. He really has no choice but to leave. He is making the right decision and I hope the Arsenal fans wish him well.”

Xavi: “Two years ago I said Cesc would end up playing for Barcelona and now I have it more clear than ever. It is clear that Cesc will come to Barcelona.”

Lionel Messi: “I would love to play with Cesc, because we have shared many things together in time. We agree on the fundamentals of Barca football.”

Xavi: “Arsenal need to understand they are only delaying the inevitable. If we don’t manage to get his signature this season then Arsenal only really have him on loan for a year – because there is nothing they can do to stop him joining next summer.”

Puyol: “He is having to stay at a club where he no longer wants to be for another year. I wonder how intelligent it is keeping a player who doesn’t want to be there.”

Messi: “I am still confident Cesc will come home this summer. Arsène Wenger is an intelligent and decent man and he knows where Cesc’s heart is. It is only natural he is trying to keep Cesc, but I don’t think he would keep anyone long-term whose heart is at another club.”



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Arsenal's Francesc Fabregas during a training session at the Emirates Stadium

Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (2)

In Pictures: Naomi Campbell Works The Charles Taylor War Crime Trial

NAOMI Campbell has been giving evidence to the war crimes trial of former Liberian leader Charles Taylor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague. Campbell is said to have received a “blood diamond” from Taylor, who faces charges including criminal responsibility for murder, rape, sexual slavery and the use of child soldiers. Had Taylor only given Campbell a diamond-encrusted mobile phone and then got on the wrong side of her, things may have been different. The Blood Diamond-Coated Phone Case was the one that got away…


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Video grab taken of Naomi Campbell giving evidence to the war crimes trial of former Liberian leader Charles Taylor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in The Hague.

Posted: 5th, August 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

The Sexy C-String For Your ‘Sexy Area’ – A Video

“THE Sexy C-String For Your Sexy Area” can be worn under “skirts, dresses etcetera”…

Your present-a is vewy interwested in fings. Next stop for her, readin’ der whevver on channall fyve in her C-string…

Small, medium or large? Or all three at once?

C is for ‘Comfi’, as in Anorak’s ownbrand of trousers, the Comfi-Slax.

The Other Products You Missed:


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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | Comment

Kiesha Abrahams Is Australia’s Madeleine McCann

KIESHA Abrahams is missing. Can she be Australia’s Madeleine McCann?

The last person known to have seen the six-year-old is her mother Kirsti, who out her to bed at the family home in Hebersham, western Sydney last Saturday night.

Next day, Kiesha was gone. The front door was ajar. The was no sign of a forced entry.

Pictures Of All The Madeleine McCann Suspects

Mum and the child’s step-father, one Robert Smith, are part of big hunt.

The officer in charge of the investigation, Detective Inspector Russell Oxford, revealed that the last time anyone had seen the little girl outside her immediate family was on July 7, when her half-brother Levi Smith was born.

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann | Comments (4)

The Sun Meets White Power Raoul Moat Fan Teresa Bystram – One Of Its Own

RAOUL Moat’s funeral was not the last you will hear of Raoul Moat because the Sun leads with news that his send off was a “better day out for the kids than Legoland” for Moat Maniac Teresa Bystram.

The sun is just getting to realise who its readers are. And it is shocked.

Anorak agrees with Bystram. Legoland is OK if you’re into plastic action figures and bricks but going there doesn’t get you into the papers, unless while there you shoot someone in the face.

But this is not about theme parks. This story is based on another chance to see the famous Teresa Bystram, formerly Theresa Bystram (all papers), who pulled on her Chelsea FC kit (blue – this was a funeral after all) and took three of her brood to see Moaty off to that big club door in the sky.

The Sun calls Teresa and her kids “weird”. The Sun, which went to Newcastle to watch a nutter get cremated and then took a photo of a woman in a Chelsea kit and stuck her on the front page, says Bystram is 53 and “warped”.

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (9)

Eel Swims Up Fishmonger’s Anus: Pictures

THAT eel stuck up the fishmonger’s anus got there because he fell into a vat of eels and one swam up his arse.

So says Li Chang, 43, of Guangzhou, southern China. Says he:

“I guess they were scared when I suddenly landed in the tank so they started wriggling everywhere. Several shot up my trouser leg. And then to my horror I felt one go up my bottom.”

Eel Swims Up Man’s Anus And Eats His Bowels: Pictures

“I didn’t say anything at first when I climbed out – I was too embarrassed. I dried myself off and tried to carry on working, but it was just too painful.”

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Posted: 4th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (3)

Julian Assange On ‘Crushing Bastards’, David Gower And Manning’s Death Sentence

JULIAN Assange, the Australian founder of Wikileaks with the looks of a combed David Gower, says “inside sources in the White House” warn him not to visit the US. He needs inside sources to tell him that? Doesn’t Assange read the media or follow that journalisic mainstay – the hunch?

If one thing has emerged from the Wikileaks story it is that Wikileaks likes being the story. Why mention your sources inside the White House if you want to protect them? You mention them to give yourself credibilty.

If Wikileaks is to be undone, it will be undone by vanity. But how important is it and those leaked documents on the Afghan war? A news round-up on how the media became the news:

READ: Wikileaks Gives Lazy Journalists Biased History Of War In Afghanistan: Pictures

Assange was talking to the Frontline Club:

“Today the White House put out a private briefing to reporters about Wikileaks and me and it quoted a section from an interview with me in Der Spiegel saying that I enjoy crushing bastards.

“Somehow the White House finds that offensive. In terms of returning to the United States I don’t know. Our sources advise from inside the US government that there were thoughts of whether I could be charged as a co-conspirator to espionage, which is serious.

“That doesn’t seem to be the thinking within the United States any more however there is the other possibility of being detained as a material witness and being kept either in confinement or not being allowed to leave the country until the Manning case is concluded.”

9/11 pictures

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Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Christina Hendricks’ High School Cheerleader: Pictures Photos

CHRISTINA Hendricks, Mad Men’s Joan Holloway – the epitome of the coalition female – is seen at age 17 posing for a photo in Matrix, her school magazine at Fairfax High School in Virginia. Yep, without the golden globes and the red hair, Hendricks is pretty hard to pick out.

Christina Hendricks Conversation Presents Cirque Du Soleil’s ‘Viva Elvis’ In Pictures

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Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Caught Looking At Breasts: An All-Star Gallery

BOOB Watch rounds up all those time a celeb or just a regular Joe has been caught getting an eyeful of breasts: featuring the eyes and boobs of Zac Efron, Dustin Hoffman, Prince Albert of Monaco, Prince Charles, Joe Jonas, Scarlett Johansson, Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Sophia Loren, Catherine Zeta Jones, P Diddy, John Kerry and many, many more…

Paris Hilton Boob Watch


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Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment (1)

Raoul Moat’s Funeral In Pictures, Starring Mrs Bystram, The Who And Chelsea

RAOUL Moat has been buried. After the made-for-TV death, the service.  The Sun leads with news of his “fans” at his funeral. The Star says on its front page that “Ghouls sob for monster.

Might these be the ghouls who watch the funeral of a dead killer through a camera lens and then write about those ghouls who came to stare? Or are these the ghouls who place a wreath forming the word “DAD” on a grave?

The Belfast Telegraph says that the 20-minute private service at Newcastle’s West Road Crematorium “attracted a crowd of friends and acquaintances from the killer’s years as a doorman”.

Although we do get to meet mother-of-eight Theresa Bystram, who “travelled on an overnight bus from Weybridge, Surrey”;

Mrs Bystram, who took three of her sons with her, said: “I absolutely loved him. I just think he is a hero and I wanted to pay my respects.”

We are not told is she knew the dead killer in person or through the media.

The Mirror says it know, labelling Bystram one of the “twisted ghouls”. She “had never met the former bouncer was a mother and her three children who travelled nine hours on an overnight coach to be at the service.”

The mother gave this warped explanation for her attendance: “We just felt we needed to come up. We feel Raoul was a legend. We watched it on the news all the way through and we prayed that he wouldn’t get caught. I absolutely loved him… Fair enough people died but they must have deserved it. He didn’t deserve what he got in the end.”

Only one person died – Chris Brown, Sam Stobbart’s lover. Ok, two died, if you included Moat – but Bystram says “people must have deserved it”, so “fair enough”…

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Posted: 3rd, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (13)

Alex Higgins: The Life And The Funeral In Pictures

ALEX Higgins, the Hurricane who lived an admirably misspent life on the snooker baize and betting shops lawns, was laid to rest in Belfast. They came to salute a local hero. Someone called him the ‘People’s Champion’. It’s a sentimental turns of phrase for the life of a sporting champion who made the heart beat a little faster.

The Funeral:


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A woman photographs a new mural of Alex Higgins at the Royal Bar on Belfast's Donegal Road where his funeral cortege will pass along on it's way to St Anne's Cathedral where the funeral service will be held tomorrow.

We looked on as Jimmy White, the Whirlwind, carried the body of Alex Higgins down Belfast’s Donegal Road to St Anne’s Cathedral. It was fitting.

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Posted: 2nd, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comments (2)

James Bulger Killer Jon Venables Is Working For The Football Association: Daily Mirror Caught Offside

JON Venables is now working for the Football Association. As the Daily Mirror reports:

It was good enough for murderer Jon Venables in his latest trial and it will be introduced as an experiment by the FA this season.

A police van?

We’re talking video technology for disciplinary hearings.

The two pariahs of the tabloid news agenda are now linked – the killer paedo and the law-breaking footballer. Did Venables ever play footy to any decent standard? Just wondering if his life of crime was football’s loss?

Venables didn’t need to appear personally in court recently, he was linked to the courtroom by camera.

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Posted: 2nd, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Sports | Comment

In Pictures: Chelsea Clinton’s Royal Wedding To Produce Shirkers, Nazis And Slappers

CHELSEA Clinton’s wedding photos: The product of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s loins married Marc Mezvinsky before 500 guests in Rhinebeck, NY. Sky News says the events has been “dubbed America’s royal wedding”. In which case, expect Mr and Mrs Clinton-Mezvinksy to get divorced very soon, having given birth to in-bed freeloaders who marry a mix of Nazis, slappers and six-toed, chinless breeding stock. Anorak’s roving reporter says Chelsea is not intimidated by having Edward Mezvinsky as her future father-in-law. We have pictures:


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Posted: 1st, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comments (27)

London Olympic Official Merchandise: And Other Things Made In China

LONDON Olympics 2012: Before the medals and the hype and the drugs and the glory that will repay the £9.3billions its costing to stage the games, the merchandise. And not the unofficial merchandise – the perfume, the knickers and the ecstasy tablets. This is the official merchandise – the towels, bags, cushions and bedding featuring the Great British flag in pink, white and turquoise, much of it bearing the much derided London Olympics logo of Lisa Simpson fellating an athlete, and the monocular mascots Wenlock and Mandeville. But don’t blame the British. Blame the Chinese. They made the stuff. Although, curiously, the bottle opener was made in Britain…


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Key rings featuring the 2012 London Olympics logo, at a preview for official Olympics games merchandise.

Posted: 31st, July 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comment