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Julian Assange And A Broken Condom ‘Rape’ In Sweden: A Timeline Of Events

JULIAN Assange, founder of Wikileaks, is wanted on suspicion of rape. Is it a set up, a smear? The Swedish word for it is sexfalla, which sort of means honeytrap. Assange slept with two women in August 2010. And then they said he raped them because he failed to wear a condom.

The timeline of events:

August 11: Assange is in Sweden. He is to speak at the behest of the Brotherhood Movement. His address will be on “war and the role of the media”.

He is met by a woman. At university she was the “campus sexual equality officer”. She is a feminist. She has a posting on her website called: “7 steps to legal revenge.” It’s a guide to getting back at an ex-lover.

Assange and the woman agree that he can stay at her Stockholm apartment.

August 12: Assange has drinks at the Beirut cafe in Stokholm.

August 13: The pair have dinner. They go back to her place and have sex. He wears a condom. It breaks.

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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (4)

Turkey Nick Clegg Votes For Christmas: Student Fees Protest Photos

AHEAD of tomorrow’s Commons vote on student fees, and tomorrow’s demo in London, the students were protesting in College Green, Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham and outside the Royal College of Art in London. Lots of the signs at the student demos have declared “I can’t even afford a sign”. But the students at the college managed to make huge one. It’s in the form of a letter to Nick Clegg, the LibDem leader making the colour yellow appear cowardly and not at all trustworthy. Clegg is the turkey voting for Christmas.


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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comment (1)

West Sussex Petrol Bomber Runs Into A Lamppost: Video

AMIR Ali, of Crouch End, London, tried to petrol bomb the Imperial pub in Broadfield, West Sussex. His accomplice, still being sought, tossed the device. It bounced off the window and struck Ali. In the course of his escape ran into a lamppost.

At Hove Crown Court he denies being behind the attack. He is, nonetheless, jailed for eight years…

Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

US State Department Invites Julian Assange To Speak At World Press Freedom Day 2011

IT’S UNESCO World Press Freedom Day in the USA, an events supported by the US State Department. The Day lasts three days – May 1 – May 3. It’s hosted in Washington D.C.. And guest speaker is surely Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Right? Says the blurb:

The theme is 21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers.

In light of the US cable leaks, the irony comes thick and fast:

The United States places technology and innovation at the forefront of its diplomatic and development efforts.

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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comment

Can 4Chan Save Julian Assange And Avenge The Wikileaks Founder’s Arrest?

HAVE no fear Wikileaks, the chaps from 4chan are here to support free speech and truth (and once Julian Assange has decided what that is, he’ll let you know) by distributing denial-of-service attacks against Paypal , Mastercard and Swiss bank PostFinance. All three have declined to process Wikileaks cash. They are all capitalist enterprises, and Assange, an arch capitalist, will surely be sympathetic to the market forces that influence their decisions.

On 4chan, “Coldblood” vows that any organ “bowing down to government pressure” is a legitimate target for their payback.

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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Technology | Comment

Julian Assange’s Personal Webpage: IQ.Org

JULIAN Assange, the Wikileaks founder, had a web page. We say had because since Anorak showed you highlights of it first time around, IQ.ORG has been- irony of ironies – deleted. Still, we saved a copy. So here it is:


Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Mugshots: The Funniest Ones And Bad Hair

MUGSHOT time, readers. Having seen those ironic T-shirts, and those tattooed faces, it’s time to show you the mug shots that are just plain funny and odd. Criminals do it with humour, readers. Some others do it with very bad hair. So, come on, perps, go the extra yard to brighten a copper’s day… Which one do you like best?

Tattoos On Faces – The Mughsots


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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment

Shrien Dewani: Zola Tongo’s Statement In Full And How Anni’s Death Hurt South Africa

SHRIEN Dewani has been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of Anni Dewani in Gugulethu township in Cape Town, South Africa. They were on a trip to see the “real Africa”. The whispering campaign can now end. This story has substance.

This is huge news story that one any given day should be front page of all the papers. But Julian Assange has been arrested on suspicion of rape. The Guardian is obsessed with WikiBitch, the story that US diplomats make bitchy observations about funny foreigners. It’s not the 9/11 of diplomacy, as one Italian ludicrously put it, it’s a raw script for an episode of 1970s TV show Mind Your Language.

And this is not an idle digression. The murder of Shrien Dewani in South Africa- on her honeymoon – hurt Johnny Foreigner in South Africa. A Swedish national, married to a British man was brutally murdered. Black faces were rounded up. The usual suspicions are given credence.

Max Clifford is Mr Dewani’s spokesman. Says he:

“(These) allegations are totally ludicrous, extremely convenient for SA and hurtful for a young man (who is) grieving. He wants justice for the murder of his wife, he wants the truth to come out. Very little truth has come out of SA about this whole matter.”

South Africa is being blamed.

Only, things maybe not as they seem.

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Posted: 8th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (16)

Leyton Aggression Boils Over: It’s 1965 And World Führer Colin Jordan Is At Large

IT is reported that Phil Woolas has given up his fight to hold onto his seat after lying about an election opponent, and there will now be a by-election in Oldham East and Saddleworth. Nick Griffin of the BNP has announced his intention to stand, and it seems inevitable that immigration will be one of the main issues of the election.

There has been much discussion about the ‘robust’ tactics in recent election campaigns, but the clip below, from a 1965 episode of Panorama, shows a time when politicians needed to be ‘handy on the pavement’.

The Leyton by-election that year involved a Labour candidate, foreign secretary Patrick Gordon Walker, who needed a safe seat after losing Smethwick at the general election after a racist campaign by the Conservatives. Cue Colin Jordan of the National Socialist Party. At an international conference in the Cotswolds in the summer of 1962, Jordan and George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, had established the World Union of National Socialists and declared Jordan its ‘World Führer’. Now it was a case of ‘today Leyton, tomorrow the world’.

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Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comments (4)

Barrett’s On This Day: A Sticky Wicket In Brisbane


News, views, and aperçus from Britain’s forgotten archives…

Latest stories:

A dead star is born – Python’s parrot lives on – READ

Blood off a duck’s back – Claude Terrail’s millionth customer – READ

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Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment

Julian Assange Not Dead After Run In With Met Police

JULIAN Assange was hiding out in London. The Met Police knew where he was. He was not selling newspapers under the alias Ian Tomlinson, wearing a Millwall top and walking through a crowd in The City, and so able to be despatched with minimal fuss.

He was not dressed as a swarthy, fari-dodging electrician from Brazil called Jean Charles de Menezes., and was thus not shot many times in the head.

He was not posing as a burley Glaswegian by the name of Harry Stanley. He was not carrying a coffee table leg in a plastic bag, that looks a bit like a gun if you are a police marksman with a squint.

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Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

X Factor 2012: Next Year’s Finalists – Lori Watt

THE X Factor is building to a dreary climax. The entertainers are gone and we are left with Dot Cotton’s mini me (Cher Lloyd); a five piece ensemble called One Direction who are a shoo-in to front a campaign to make all boys carry a clean hankie in their pockets; and Matt Cardle, a nice singer of nice songs.

So. Here’s to next year’s finalists. And in 2012, we will surely thrill to Ladies Chill in my Veins by Lori Watt:

Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

Facebook: A Gallery Of Anti-Paedophile Cartoon Profile Picture Fails

FACEBOOK users are combating child porn, violence against children and paedophilia by using cartoon portraits on the profiles. The paedos do not stand a chance! (If it hadn’t have been for you meddling kidzzzzzzz..!) But the cartoons can backfire. Choose wisely. Avoid Hentai and priapic doodles. To help you, we’ve compiled a gallery of inappropriate cartoons not to use…


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Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Technology | Comment

Rory Peck Awards: Najibullah Quraishi Delivers Comedy Gold Behind Taliban Enemy Lines

IN this video we join Rory Peck winner journalist Najibullah Quraishi behind the enemy lines with the Taliban. It is an extraordinary film that goes some way to showing the human face of the enemy – and how male stupidity pays no heed to colour nor creed…

Posted: 7th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

The Best TSA Gropes In Photos: How To Feel Up A Stranger Legally

THE TSA gropings are open to anyone who likes to get felt up in public. But what can you expect? What is the approved method of feeling up a stranger and not being arrested nor smacked in the mouth? The procedures can be termed:

The Eggs & Spoons: The man is held in place and squeezed
The Red Sea: The woman’s breasts are bisected by a sawing motion; this may work as well for men with moobs.
The Victory V: The breast is supported in a Churchillian salute

A guide in photos:


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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Queen Elizabeth’s Used Knickers For Sale: Photos

PSST! Wanna buy a pair of knickers worn by Queen Elizabeth 2? No, Liz is not augmenting her meagre wage with a bit of personalised sales from the boudoir.

Theses apples catchers are owned by Hungarian-born Miami legend  “Baron” Joseph de Bicske Dobronyim aka Sepy, whose previous claim to fame is that his home was used a backdrop for scene in the 1972 film Deep Throat.

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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Royal Family | Comment

Wikileaks: Hounding Julian Assange Is Illegal And Immoral

WIKILEAKS has become forever tied with Julian Assange. The founder will not leave his British hideout and face those rather odd rape charges in Sweden. Wikileaks would continue to publish in his absence. But vanity is a powerful drug.

Anoraks readers are debating Assange:

A US readers writes:

FIRST, I’m not knocking Freedom of the Press even though there are times you well know I’ve spoken out against their publishing info on people’s private lives.

However that damn Confidentiality Agreement the CNN made a point of saying they didn’t sign it as found it unacceptable is really bugging me. I have to question if in fact money exchanged hands by those newspapers who got the information first. Why is the Guardian not addressing that?

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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (7)

The Unicorn Cow Presents A World Of Monsters

IN China, Jia Kebing owns a unicorn cow. The cow has a horn on its head. The horn is 8 inches proud. Says Jia:

“My farm is famous in this region for this cow and people come in here just to see it.”

Anorak is all for new animals. We live in an age when new creatures are hard to come by. The Victorians had news of rhino and tigers, creatures of fantasy made real by having them killed, stuffed and brought home to prove the fact. Darwin spoke of magical birds. Georgians had news of kangaroos. We have a Montauk (an otter with alopecia) and microorganisms.

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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comments (2)

Katia Zatuliveter: Sex, Photos, Short Skirts, And Anna Chapman

KATIA Zatuliveter is being deported for alleged spying for the Russians. Did the woman born in Dagestan work for the SVR (External Intelligence Service)? Not sure. But she certainly worked for Mike Hancock, the Liberal Democrat MP for Portsmouth, a man revealed in TV interviews to be partial to pink cable-knit jumpers.

She is blonde and 25. He is grey and 64. He is married with two children. The stereotypes are in place to make this story fly.

The Firm:

Katia is married to Andrew Cowburn. He runs Choices (Northern UAK). The motto: “Knowledge is our business”:

Here at Choices (Northern UK) Ltd we aim to offer quality information, advice, guidance and application support to international students wishing to study in the United Kingdom.

The Denial:

Mr Hancock issues a statement denying Katia is a spy. He ends with:

She has been an excellent and conscientious employee and I wish her well in all this. There was nothing she was doing for me that was in any way sensitive.”

The Attraction:

That sound you hear is a loud “fnar” from the Daily Mail. It leads with:

A womanising MP was targeted by a suspected Russian spy in a Moscow ‘honeytrap’ sting, Whitehall sources believe.

So. Her sex and looks got her the job?

One Westminster source said: ‘She would walk around in very short skirts and high heels with Hancock and they would be seen having lunch together. Certainly some thought she was charming and intelligent.’

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Posted: 6th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians | Comment

Wikileaks: Julian Assange’s Assassination Proves Journalism Matters

IS JULIAN Assange being smeared by a sex story? You could ridicule the Wikileaks’s founder for his inchoate Hunter S Thompson-styled jottings. You could wonder that Wikileaks, a terrific website full of news that others thought unfit to print (unless it complied with their agenda) has turned into gossip rag. But the sex story – an alleged rape – is the one that is sticking and doing damage.

Says the Swedish judiciary:

The Matter concerning Julian Assange has been detained in his absence charged with rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. Mr Assange had appealed the detention decision issued by Svea Court of Appeal.

Assange hears the charges and runs. He should hand himself in and allow Wikileaks to be bigger than his ego. He won’t. And so Assange and Wikileaks are tethered.

But there is hope. The operation to discredit Assange, punish him, evict him, and traduce his name is a big deal – it shows that Assange is a worry to some in power.

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Posted: 5th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (3)

The Unabomber’s Home Is For Sale: $69,500 Gets You This (Photos)

WHO wants to buy “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski’s ranch and turn it into a theme park? “OWN a piece of history”, exhorts the estate agent’s blurb. Hark back to those arcane pre-9/11 days when the US’s biggest bomb threat was homemade.

“A lot of history goes with this location.”

But what to do with it once it’s yours? Open it as a retreat to would-be survivalists who want to see if spending time alone in the wilderness turns them into a three-tie killer, creationist, jihadi, or squirrel festishist?

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Posted: 5th, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, The Consumer | Comment

Peter Andre And Pollyanna Woodward: Photos, PR And Gossip

PETER Andre, sentimental pop acorn fertilised by Katie Price’s jungle fingers, is to be named in the divorce of Channel Five’s Pollyanna Woodward and QVC’s Lee Clark. Well, so says the NoTW.

The talk is of text messages between the two. One night, Clark claims, there were over 100 texts. There is no proof of the pair having had a physical relationship – Woodward and Andre both say it was platonic – but this NoTW exclusive needs wings, so Carole Aye Maung and Neville Thurlbeck write:

Over the next few days Lee’s phone records show Pollyanna and Peter continued texting furiously.

What about frantically? Or orgasmically? Can you text ruttingly?


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And then we get:

He knew his wife – the daughter of a bishop – had met Peter at a dinner hosted by OK! magazine boss Richard Desmond

Anyone else read that and feel a sneer creeping on their face? A Channel Five presenter is making front-page news about alleged dalliances with an OK! stalwart. Yep. Channel Five and OK! are both owned by Richard Desmond.

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Posted: 5th, December 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Woman Calls Police To Report Snowman Stolen In Kent: Listen To The Audio

YOU are about to hear a recording of a woman reporting her snowman as being stolen. It was in her garden. And then, when she came out, there is was – gone!

She has used pound coins for eyes and teaspoons for his short metal arms.

Says the victim:

“It ain’t a nice road but you don’t expect someone to nick your snowman.”

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Posted: 3rd, December 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comment

FIFA And Qatar’s World Cup Fix: The Fake Brietling Watch Gift

I HAVE absolutely no interest in football whatsoever. But here’s a true-life story for soccer fans weeping over FIFA’s World Cup preference for Russia and Qatar.

Last time I was in Qatar, booked into a 6* suite courtesy of [deleted for legal reasons], my stay coincided with that of FIFA reps there on official business. Returning to my room one evening I was delighted to find a wrapped gift on my bed. It was a beautiful Brietling watch. However, from the label, I quickly deduced I was not the intended beneficiary: it read something like ‘To our FIFA guest’. It transpired later the hotel had wrongly allocated me a FIFA suite.

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Posted: 3rd, December 2010 | In: Key Posts | Comment (1)

Panda Bear Poos £30,000 Venus De Milo Statue

A PANDA bear has excreted a 24-inch high replica of the Venus de Milo. For panda bears these are hard times. Polar bears are getting all the bear action.

Whereas once the news was full of news of Moo-Wee trying to impregnate Wee Ha, all we get now is polar bears sat on tiny lumps of ice to illustrate the perils of global warming, and how hot-bodied polies are melting the icecaps .

So. Good news for pandas. But also the story pans out to be that the poos were not pre-formed as epic works of art but gathered and made that way by Zhu Cheng, a Chinese sculptor.

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Posted: 3rd, December 2010 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True | Comment