
Search Results shannon matthews

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Shannon Matthews wants to be left alone

SHANNON Matthews’ name is bouncing off the walls at the High Court.

In February 2008, Shannon, 9, vanished. The media descended on working class Dewsbury Moor, West Yorkshire. After 24 days, Shannon was found. She’d been abducted by her mother as part of a scam to win reward money. Her mother Karen and uncle Michael Donovan were each jailed for eight years.

Shannon’s father, Leon Rose, is now appealing against an official report by Kirklees Safeguarding Children Board being made public.

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Posted: 17th, October 2012 | In: Reviews Comment

Shannon Matthews


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File photo dated 3/3/2008 of Karen Matthews, the mother of missing schoolgirl Shannon Matthews, making an emotional appeal for her safe return. Shannon was "drugged to subdue her" as part of a "dishonest and wicked plan" to kidnap her by her mother and the man in whose flat she was found, Michael Donovan, a jury heard today. See PA story COURTS Shannon.

Posted: 17th, June 2010 | In: In Pictures Comment

Shannon Matthews: Half Truths, Family Fun And Fairy Tales

SHANNON Matthews: Social workers could not have foreseen the abduction of Shannon Matthews by her mother, a serious case review has concluded says the Guardian today.

That was the serious case review by the head of the service which (in the opinion of several other social work team leaders) may very well eventually be found to have failed Shannon…the Kirklees Council’s own social work review team.

The report team’s head Alison O’Sullivan, chair of the board and director for children and young people at Kirklees Council, yesterday said:

“The trigger for the review was, to quote directly, an ‘unusual, unexpected and challenging event.’”

O’Sullivan refused to answer questions on the reasons the family was not on any “at risk” alert despite police insistence that it was necessary.

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Posted: 17th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1)

Shannon Matthews: The Story Of Media Greed And Karen Matthews’ Tears In Pictures

SHANNON Matthews: In February 2008, Shannon Matthews was ‘abducted’ by her mum, a Buzz Lightyear look-alike called Karen Matthews (pure evil), and her uncle, a pasty Crazy Frog impersonator called Michael Donovan, and a school uniform pervert to boot.

They did it for money. Were they spurred on by the voracious media coverage of Madeleine McCann? Did the media want this as much as Karen Matthews?

Karen Matthews: On Sex, Shopping And Kate McCann

The hunt for Shannon was West Yorkshire police’s biggest and most expensive operation since the hunt for the Yorkshire Ripper. It lasted for 24 days. Shannon was found in the box of Donovan’s bed. She’d, apparently, been kept in his loft, tied to the rafters with a length of elastic. In her blood were traces of temazepam and melcozine.

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Posted: 16th, June 2010 | In: Reviews Comment

Madeleine McCann: ‘Shannon Matthews’ Cops’ Join The New Hunt

MADELEINE McCann – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann – The Daily Star reports that the West Yorkshire Police Homicide and Major Enquiries Team (HEMET) aka HELMET, will investigate the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

You might have heard of them before. As the Star notes, these are the “Shannon cops”. This is the police team who found Shannon Matthews.

Madeleine McCann, Shannon Matthews And Missing Child Protocol

Only, it wasn’t them that found Shannon Matthews. The 300 local police looking for the missing child found Shannon Matthews because a neighbour Michael Donovan aka Paul Drake, heard child footsteps in his flat in Lidgate Gardens and knew he had no children.

The Express told us:

Detectives had all but given up hope of finding Shannon Matthews alive when she was discovered in what they thought was a routine door-to-door inquiry.

And then there wer the tip offs.

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Posted: 18th, March 2010 | In: Madeleine McCann Comments (8)

Sahil Saeed Is Not Pakistan’s Shannon Matthews So Gordon Brown Should Help

SAHIL Saeed went missing in Jhelum, Pakistan. The media latched onto the kidnapping of the five-year-old from Oldham from his grandmother’s home. The child was taken by gunmen. The father was tortured. The kidnappers demand £100,000.

It was the last day of the boy’s two-week holiday. Now, Sahil’s bereft father Raja Naqqash Saeed has returned from Pakistan.

On Sunday Pakistan’s interior minister, Rehman Malik, said “somebody who was very close to the family” must have been involved. This is no Shannon Matthews. This is real.

Sahil’s family say all claims of their involvement are nonsense. They are innocent. Says the Daily Telegraph:

“Father of kidnapped British boy flees Pakistan”

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Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Reviews Comments (7)

Shannon Matthews Returns As Aunt Is Jailed

7997603NO sooner has Our Maddie risen to prominence once more than Shannon Matthews is sought and found. Amanda Hyett is at Leeds Crown Court. She is a neighbour of abducted schoolgirl Shannon Matthews. She now neighbour of Karen Matthews, having been jailed for illegally claiming £35,885 in income support and housing benefit.

Hyett is also niece to Michael Donovan, in whose home Shannon was located. Hyett is also the sister of Karen Matthews’ ex-lover, Craig Meehan.

Karen Matthews and Michael Donovan are each into an eight year sentence in for kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice.

Shannon Matthews has yet to come of age and write a book or appear in a one-and-one with Jeremy Kyle.

spotter: June

Posted: 5th, November 2009 | In: Reviews Comment

Madeleine McCann Hunt Cost Police Third Of Shannon Matthews’ Price

mccann-reward1MADELEINE McCann Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Madeleine McCann in the news – The police bill…

Sky News: “Revealed: The Police Bill For Madeleine Hunt”

British police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann have spent almost three quarters of a million pounds on the case.

The Breakdown

The force’s part in the search for the missing little girl cost £548,477 in 2007-08.

An extra £196,756 has been spent in 2008-09 – taking the total to £745,233.

Some of the cost has so far been reimbursed by a Home Office grant of £525,069.

The Grant

In February, the Home Office said if a local police force has to incur extra costs for a Government event, its authority can ask for “special grant support from the Home Secretary.”

Says the McCanns’ spokesman, Clarence Mitchell:

“The police keep Kate and Gerry informed as and when appropriate and let them know of any movement on the case and Kate and Gerry are grateful to them. Obviously they have spent a lot of money on helping to find Madeleine and they are grateful to them for that effort.

“But Leicestershire Police are still bound by the Portuguese authorities as they are the lead force even though technically the case has been shelved over there, pending any significant developments.

“Leicestershire do what they can under the circumstances and Kate and Gerry are grateful for being kept in the loop.”

The hunt for Shannon Matthews cost £2.7million.

Madeleine McCann is missing…

Posted: 3rd, August 2009 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (8)

Shannon Matthews Teddy Bear Related To Madeleine McCann Cuddle Cat

shannon-matthews-karen-matthewsKAREN Matthews – Kate McCann wannabe – is the subject of a TV documentary.

And you need to watch the show because Sky tells us:

The jailed mother of Shannon Matthews is convinced by her own lies, a documentary will suggest tonight.

Convinced. Suggest. Two words that don’t sit comfortably together. But what of the news that the woman serving an eight year sentence for kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice thinks she is innocent?

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Posted: 18th, May 2009 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (25)

Jade Goody’s Celebrity Cancer: Madeleine McCann, Shannon Matthews, The X Factor and Jesus

JADE Goody celebrity cancer: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Jade Goody’s celebrity cancer with Madeleine McCann, Shannon Matthews, The X Factor and Jesus.

Daily Mirror: “Christen Me Now Begs Jade”

Max Clifford added Jade’s sons were coping “very well”.

“They are aware their mum is very ill, but they are very young. Hopefully their lives will be as unaffected as possible, bearing in mind they are going to lose the centrepiece of their lives…

…me, Max Clifford?

…their mum.

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Posted: 7th, March 2009 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (26)

Shannon Matthews: Karen Matthews And Craig Meehan To Breed

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KAREN Matthews has been jailed for 8 years for her part in the kidnap of her daughter Shannon Matthews.

Now read on…

NOTW: “I want babies with my Karen”

It’s Craig Meehan. His image is captioned:

Perv’s jail wedding bid.

He wants babies? And you’ll remember who she was heavily pregnant?

THE vile boyfriend of evil kidnap scam mum Karen Matthews has revealed they want to start a FAMILY when she gets out of prison. Craig Meehan, who was jailed last year for having child porn images on his computer, also intends to MARRY Matthews inside.


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Posted: 25th, January 2009 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (9)

Madeleine McCann: Scottish Government’s Pink Teddy, Shannon Matthews And Liverpool’s Capital Year

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann

BELFAST TELEGRAPH: “Gran’s Christmas present for Madeleine McCann unopened for second year”

The Irish grandmother of missing girl Madeleine McCann had a Christmas present ready for the five-year-old this year.

Don’t spoil the surprise…

For the second Christmas in a row, Eileen McCann left a large pink teddy bear on Madeleine’s bed, as she clings to hope that she will return home.

Oh, no! Not another pink teddy. Who buys two pink teddies for a little girl? They want nail polish and a Bratz styling head and Aquabeads…

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Posted: 31st, December 2008 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (111)

Shannon Matthews And The Taxis Of Evil

SHANNON WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Shannon Matthews and family…

THE SUN: “FREAK OUT – Shannon beast released from jail so docs can treat bust jaw”

It’s “kidnap fiend” Michael Donovan. He looks a bit like Vivienne Westwood, only in more wearable clothes. The “toothless weirdo” is out of jail and into hospital to have his jaw fixed. “Evil mum” Karen Matthews remains in choky.

Evil. Fiend. A devil man! Pure evil!

BUG-EYED beast Michael Donovan gets a taste of his own medicine yesterday as he is restrained by handcuffs and a chain.

The 40-year-old oddball, who tethered kidnap victim Shannon Matthews with a noose during her 24 days in captivity, was manacled to a guard for a hospital visit.


The reviled abductor has been unable to put in his false teeth since the lag battered him three weeks ago, inflicting a double fracture.

Off to the doctors for realignment.

Donovan, flanked by two guards, was taken to Pinderfields from Armley jail in Leeds in a TAXI.

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Posted: 10th, December 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (25)

The Fish And Chippy Shannon Matthews Story

BRIAN Appleyard explains the Shannon Matthews case:

The Shannon Matthews case – deftly summarised by Andrew Norfolk – was very ‘fish and chippy’. This is an expression Fleet Street newsdesks once used. It meant that a story was sordid and low life. They didn’t say this out of snobbery, they said it because such stories should not be given too much prominence – or reported at all – because they were simply grim and added nothing to human wisdom.


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Posted: 8th, December 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1)

How The Media Turned Shannon Matthews Into A Madeleine McCann

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann and Shannon Matthews.

Karen Matthews has been found guilty of kidnapping her child Shannon Matthews and perverting the course of justice. Karen Matthews is “PURE EVIL”. As Evil as Baby P’s killers?

Lest readers not understand that Karen Matthews is “PURE EVIL”, the papers remind them of the fact on their front pages:

THE SUN:PURE EVIL – Family even tied to scam Maddie fund”
DAILY STAR: “PURE EVIL” – Shannon’s mum had sex and food orgies as kids starved”
DAILY MIRROR: “MOTHER OF PURE EVIL” – In the rush to damn, the Mirror seems to be calling Shannon Matthews “PURE EVIL”. And that’s harsh.

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Posted: 5th, December 2008 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (183)

Shannon Matthews: Madeleine McCann’s Shameless Legacy

KAREN Matthews has been found guilty of kidnapping her daughter Shannon Matthews and get her hands on the reward money.

Karen Matthews and Michael Donovan were both found guilty of the kidnap and false imprisonment.

The pair were also found guilty of perverting the course of justice.

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Posted: 4th, December 2008 | In: Photojournalism, Reviews Comments (11)

The Shannon Matthews Christmas Gift Range

HEY, Kids. With Christmas approaching faster than a Somalian pirate with a bad case of the trots, Anorak has produced some T-shirts.

A real Anorak Bazaar will soon appear in the gigantic online shopping mall, but to whet your appetite we’ve produced some new T-shirts.

All T-shirts cost £19.00 or $1.

Yo-Ho-Ho. It’s off to the shops we go!

I’d run over my mother to get an Anorak T-shirt” – US shoppers collective.

NEW IN – The Shannon Matthews Doll and Money Box

It’s a dolly! It’s a money box!! It’s a bed warmer!!!

The Shannon Matthews Doll can be whatever you want it to be – but it can never be lost! Attaches to the bed, wall or attic with stretchy elastic, allegedly.

Collect by car.

Posted: 30th, November 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (5)

Police Release Shocking New Picture Of Shannon Matthews Hiding Place

MORE news of the trial of Shannon Matthews‘ alleged kidnappers. Police have released sensational new images of the bed she was hiding in at the time of her discovery…

Posted: 28th, November 2008 | In: Photojournalism, Reviews Comments (4)

Shannon Matthews: Michael Donovan’s Jaw Broken In Jail

SHANNON Matthews: Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Shannon Matthews and Karen Matthews

Michael Donovan’s jaw has been broken in jail.

Mr Donovan and Ms Matthews, 33, deny joint charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. But right now he’s not saying much. And the case has been adjourned.

Mr Justice McCombe told the jury:

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Posted: 24th, November 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1)

Shannon Matthews: Crazy Pigs, 1988 And Bum’s The Word

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SHANNON Matthews: Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Shannon Matthews and Karen Matthews

To Leeds Crown Court…


Indeed, the police have ringtones. One has a whistle that makes the sound of a duck, another has a truncheon shaped like drumstick by which he can pound the beat, literally!

Says one officer:

“I thought, ‘We’ve just found your daughter and you’re more concerned about the ringtone’”

Says another officer:

Ring ding ding ding ding
A Ring Ding Ding Dingdemgdemg
A ring ding ding ding ding
a Bram ba am baba weeeeeee


Natalie Brown is in the witness box. Says she:

“One woman said about him having a cute bum. Karen said she wouldn’t mind taking him upstairs. She was having a giggle thinking it was funny. Acting like a little child.”

Maybe the wrong child went missing?

“One minute she would be laughing and be happy and joking but when the news came on TV she would be very quiet.”

We’re on the telly!

Natalie claimed she told Matthews off on one occasion when she said to her youngest daughter “Look Shannon’s on TV she’s famous.”

Is Karen Matthews a celebrity? Is Shannon? How much is her story worth?

THE SUN (front page): “Shannon mother’s ‘silence’ at rescue”

Says neighbour Natalie Brown:

“I never saw any real tears. Her eyes would well up and that was it.”

Pages 8 and 9: “THE RING OF TRUTH – Phone quip as Shannon found”

DC Alex Gummit has a phone that when called plays Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. Says Karen Matthews, allegedly: “You must Bluetooth it to me or text me.” Or call and we’ll do cans…

The Sun goes on to talk about the £50,000 reward for finding Shannon. The piece is erroneously called “SUN’S £50,000.” The reward was indeed for that sum but the Sun did not put it all up. The money was raised by well wishers. For such reasons, readers who find Madeleine McCann should beware of claiming Anorak’s £3.2million, as advertised here.

Matthews, 33 — who is jointly accused of staging the nine-year-old’s disappearance to claim a £50,000 reward from The Sun — left officers deeply suspicious because of her reaction.

Or not…

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Posted: 14th, November 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (4)

Madeleine McCann: Shannon Matthews And Amber Alerts

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann

THE GUARDIAN: “Shannon Matthews drugged and tied up in mother’s fake kidnap plot, court told”

She was another Our Maddie, albeit from a lower social caste…

At a time when the disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann was still making headlines, West Yorkshire police mobilised 200 officers, searched 1,800 properties, checked every park in Dewsbury, stopped up to 1,760 cars and passers-by a night, and drafted in three quarters of all the country’s police dogs.

So had Madeleine McCann not been missing, British police would not have reacted with such a show of force..?

RADIO NETHERLANDS: “Dutch introduce nationwide missing child alert”

Had an Amber Alert system been up and running in the whole of Europe, the disappearance of British three-year old Madeleine McCann in Portugal in May 2007 might have been avoided.

Yeah, might. Such are the facts…

Posted: 13th, November 2008 | In: Madeleine McCann, Reviews Comments (121)

Shannon Matthews: No Noose Is Good Noose

SHANNON MATTHEWS: The trial of Karen Matthews and Paul Donovan…


There is a stench of sexual perversion in the Sun’s headline. But sex was not the alleged motive in the “kidnap” of Shannon Matthews, money was.

It is alleged that mum Karen and “loner” Donovan wanted the £50,000 reward, in part out up by the Sun.

QC Julian Goose, prosecuting, says “that while Shannon was physically unharmed, Donovan had kept ‘ruled control’ over her when he left the flat to go shopping.”

The rules were:

You must not make any noise or bang your feet
You must not go near the windows
You must not get anything or do anything without me
Keep the TV volume low, only up to eight or less
You can play Super Mario and you can play some DVDS and some CDs

Those who read the Sun may wonder if Shannon was cared for while she was away from her dear old mum and Craig Meehan?

Reader may wonder if the Sun is not a little disappointed that the case does not feature sexual depravity. And what with Shannon in her kinky school uniform, and all…

DAILY MAIL (front page): “’WICKED’”


No, not the words of a million Mail readers, rather those said to have been uttered by Shannon Matthews

Donovan says he was threatened by Karen Matthews. Karen Matthews says she was threatened by Craig Meehan, Donovan’s nephew. Daily Mail readers say they feel threatened by just about everything and wonder if either party was wearing a hood…


Donovan tells police:

“She asked me to take care of Shannon. She told me there would be money in it for me.”

Well 24 days at £3.50 an hour babysitting adds up…

“She said I was to keep Shannon and look after her and she would report her missing. I was to keep her at my place. I wasn’t happy about that and she threatened to get three lads on to me. I knew one of the lads had stabbed someone and killed him. I was frightened so I said I would do it. She said if I told anyone I would be dead.”


“Excited Shannon Matthews jumped into her step-uncle’s car looking forward to a visit to a fair but it was the start of a 24-day ordeal…”

The Mirror paints the scene of a case that though genuinely shocking it considers to be lacking in emotion. Donovan’s state of mind at the time is not given, but we imagine that he was pretty excited, too…

In the flat:

“A white elastic noose found hanging from a roof beam was long enough so she cold get to the toilet but not the front door.”

Shannon was kept restrained while Donovan went to buy lottery tickets, just in case the alleged plot did not work out and he needed some money to facilitate an escape…


The noose suggests torture. Was it worn about the neck? Duuno. We’re not told. But the noose soon becomes a “leash”, by which, it is alleged, Donovan kept Shannon from wandering away while he popped out.

Shannon was also said to have been fed Temazepam.

The case continues, although given the reporting, it seems all decisions have been reached…

Posted: 13th, November 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (3)

Shannon Matthews: Karen Matthews’ Call To Police

LISTEN as Karen Matthews calls the police about missing daughter Shannon:

OPERATOR: Police, emergency.

MRS MATTHEWS: Hiya, I want to report my daughter as missing, please.

OPERATOR: Right. How old is she?

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Posted: 12th, November 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (12)

Shannon Matthews: Craig Meehan, Adding Up Images And Gateway Porn

REMEMBER Shannon Matthews? Poor Shannon. Our Shannon.

Craig Meehan, her former live-in adult male role model, foerm lover of mother Karen Matthews, has been in court to answer charges of having indecent images of children on his PC. Meehan denies any wrongdoing.

The papers have the details…

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Posted: 8th, September 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Reviews, Tabloids Comments (7)

Shannon Matthews: Karen Matthews’ New Job

WHAT news of Shannon Matthews and the greater Matthews clan?

The Star says that Karen Matthews is in line to secure her “first-ever” job. Karen wants a job in New Hall Prison’s handbag and umbrella workshop.

But the Star says she may not get the post because there are fears she may be attacked, possibly by a handbag or – ouch! – an umbrella.

The Star also says: “SHANNON’S MUM GETS FIRST-EVER JOB”, adding yet more intrigue to an already intriguing case…

Posted: 30th, July 2008 | In: Reviews, Tabloids Comments (8)