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Take That’s Mark Owen Admits Shagging 10 Women: Neva Hanley In Pictures

DID you know that Take That singer Mark Owen – the one who looks like the Olsen sisters’ little bother – has had 10 affairs? Yeah, John Terry, Owen, that little streak of nothing who looks he lives in a tree on a eucalyptus plantation has pulled 10 women. How many did you manage, JT?

Pathetic. And you had the nerve to bill yourself as the captain of England. Shame. On. You.

Pictures: Mark Owen And The Women

Owen is “a serial love cheat”.

Mark, 38, broke the news of his cheating to Emma, mum of their two kids, at their London home yesterday. He said: “She loves me and I let her down. I’m really sorry.”

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Posted: 11th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (10)

Sahil Saeed: The Story So Far In Pictures, Speculation And Timeline

SAHIL Saeed is is still being held by kidnappers, says the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Those reports that he’d been found alive and well are wrong.

March 3

On the last day of his holidays, Sahil Saeed and his dad Raja Naqqash Saeed are attacked by men armed with guns and grenades at the home of the boy’s grandma in Jhelum. In a six-hour ordeal, Raja is tortured.

March 4

Sahil is kidnapped. Raja Naqqash Saeed claims that the villains want £100,000 ransom for Sahil’s safe return.

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Posted: 11th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

Farrah Fawcett More Controversial In Death Than Life As Charlie’s Angels Fight Heats Up

WELL, Farrah Fawcett is certainly more controversial in death than she was in life. Amid the hubbub over the Academy Awards’ boneheaded decision to omit the beloved actress from its In Memorium segment Sunday night pipes up Farrah friend Alana Stewart to refute Kate Jackson’s claim that she (Stewart) and Ryan O’Neal stopped Kate from visiting Farrah in the final months of her life.

Alana, who is billed as “Farrah’s best friend,” accompanied Farrah to Germany for her ultimately unsuccessful cancer treatments and held the camera for the verite footage of her fight to beat the disease.

After Farrah sunk into the final stage of her illness, Stewart reportedly held up production of the NBC tabloid special based on her original film, demanding more money and a producer’s credit, then was the first to cash in with a quickie book about her best friend.

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Posted: 11th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (2)

The Curious Case Of Sahil Saeed: Found Alive In Pictures

NEWS is that Sahil Saeed, the Oldham lad who went missing while staying with his dad at his granny’s house in Pakistan – kidnapped he was – has been found.

The Pakistan interior minister stated that someone close to the family had to been involved.  There was no proof offered. the Telegraph said the father, Raja Naqqash Saeed, had “fled” Pakistan and returned to Blighty.

But had he? Rumours on Sky News suggest that the father had not left the country. Or as the Mail says:

Earlier this week, Sahil’s father Raja, who was with his son when he was snatched, ignored police requests and flew home to the UK. He was believed last night to be in hiding near his home.

Sources at Manchester Airport said he arrived back in the UK on Tuesday evening.

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Posted: 11th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (6)

RIP Corey Haim: A Life In Pictures

RIP Corey Haim RIP. Dead at just 38. You were a one of The Lost Boys. Now you are fodder for a voracious media. But then the beast has been fed:

“Haim died at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday of an apparent accidental overdose. His mother was at the home at the time.”

Corey Haim – in pictures

Haim once dated Victoria Beckham. Says she:

“We didn’t have sex or anything. In actual fact, he didn’t seem to want to try.”

Funny that:


Image 1 of 15

Actor Corey Haim at the Beauty and the Beast: Special Edition party.

Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

England Fans Demand Cheryl Cole Reunite With Ashley For World Cup

CHERYL Cole and Ashley Cole: Anorak’s at-a-glace round-up of what some are calling The Divorce of The Month…


Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

Let’s not be hasty to judge. Does he have his new mobile phone number?

CROCKED football rotter Ashley Cole has chosen to save his football career over his marriage.

Rotter? Surely, “love cheat”, “love rat” or “playing away footy star”? Is writer Jerry Lawton a Terry Thomas fan? Anyhow, back to that scoundrel Ashley Cole:

The 29-year-old Chelsea and England star decided to stay at a French clinic for more treatment on his broken ankle. He was due to fly back to the UK today for showdown talks with estranged wife Cheryl, 26

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Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (6)

Rozlyn Papa And The TMZ Sex Tape Error: Pictures And Video

TMZ now says its stories accusing a star of TV’s The Bachelor of appearing in a porn tape were wrong; two porn sites were promoted in TMZ posts, writes Anorak’s Man in LA.

The corporate porn-pushing gossip site is at it again, living up to its reputation as the sleaze site that gets it wrong– while leading readers to multiple pornography sites in the process. Only this time, the shaved bronzed midget frontman and his team are, allegedly, libelling a young woman in the process– and continuing to do so, even after admitting their boner.

No pun intended, Harvey.

In this latest outrage, the victim was a contestant on a network television reality series. Beginning on February 25th, the pigs at TMZ began accusing the woman of “allegedly” staring in a “celebrity sex tape” it claimed was making the rounds of its pornographic partners. Lazy mainstream news media, protecting themselves with the usual disclaimers, spread the unconfirmed report:

“A new celebrity sex tape is being shopped around the porn community — and the person peddling the tape says the star is Rozlyn Papa from ‘The Bachelor.’

“TMZ has learned the tape is being shopped to a variety of XXX companies all over all over L.A. — including Live******.com–“

TMZ, of course, did not redact the name of the porn website. It promoted it with the teasing story, and led its readers there.

This morning, there was a new porn website to promote, with another unconfirmed story:

“A sex tape starring ‘Bachelor’ reject Rozlyn Papa — allegedly — has made its way onto the Internet and it happens to end just like the ‘Bachelor’ finale … with someone on their knees.

“The short tape — which features a woman certainly resembling Rozlyn performing a sexual act on a sizable gentleman — just popped up on the website P******.com.”

Of course, the name of the porn website was spelled out (and we can’t confirm whether the “allegedly” was added to the post after the fact).

Late this afternoon, after promoting at least two porn sites (not counting the other sites they might link to automatically), TMZ produced a followup story this afternoon: The woman in the sex tape apparently wasn’t the Bachelor star, after all:

“A website claiming to feature a sex tape with ‘Bachelor’ reject Rozlyn Papa has a problem … because the star of the flick may not be Roz at all.

“Roz’s lawyer directed us to a 2004 porn video featuring a woman using the name of Lucy Anne.

“It appears the video the website in question is featuring was lifted from the 2004 porn video. The website only posted a portion of the 2004 video. When you look at that video as a whole, it doesn’t look like Lucy Anne is Roz.”

The incorrect stories, naming Rozlyn Papa as the “alleged” woman in the sex tape, are still posted on the TMZ website.

Anyone out there a little fed up with this venereal disease of an operation, spawned and financed by AOL and Time-Warner and now owned by Warner Bros.?

Any journalists interested on who’s getting kickbacks from the porn operations the subliterate sleazebags so casually and obviously promote?- TB


Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comment (1)

David Calvert Is The Man Who Could Never Be Everton’s Jon Venables

LACK of hard news makes strange bedfellows. The Sun and Daily Mail are today both among those who carry the tale of the 27-year-old man who is not, and will never be, murderer Jon Venables, writes AGW.

The Sun’s Ben Ashford finds David Calvert, a Liverpool-born father of four who may live up the road in Fleetwood and over 2,000 angry others think he looks like what joint child killer Jon Venables may look like.

David and his partner Debbie have had to move five times because of mistaken identity headaches.

David Calvert…the, alleged, may-be-
Jon Venables-look-a-like

Despite a Facebook page, now taken down, David can not be the man now in prison awaiting a decision by a Parole Board on the revoking of his life-licence.

Ben says David is now in hiding because of fears over his mistaken identity…just as Jon Venables was alleged to have been …or not. Ben also tells us David has been in prison but not for violence, in David’s case it was fraud.
Such is the tabloid appetite to get the facts and nothing but the facts.

The Daily Mail sees Baroness Butler-Sloss’s vigilantes and Mail-man Stephen Wright again sees a father of four living in fear with his partner and family because over 2,000 are hunting him and email chain letters have branded him as two-year-old James Bulger’s killer. The Mail writer adds this is not a new witch-hunt and David Calvert has been mistaken for Jon Venables for over five years and has moved several times.

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Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (25)

‘Gay’ Jon Venables Linked To Baby P’s Killers On Facebook

JON Venables and James Bulger: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Jon Venables in the news: The gay, Peter Achapman, Facebook killers, David Calvert and what is justice?

Jon Venables is only on one front page:

Daily Star (front page): “Venables outed on Facebook”

He’s gay? Robert Thompson is gay and lives with a man. Well, so say reports.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Can Jon Venables now be linked to Peter Chapman, the man who met Ashleigh Hall on Facebook and went on to rape and kill her?

Daily Mail (front page): “Facebook under Fire”

But surely Facebook has led to the recapture of Jon Venables? Back in the Star, then, where we learn:

A MAN has spoken of his terror after he was falsely accused of being James Bulger’s killer Jon Venables. Innocent dad David Calvert has been the victim of a sick web scam.

So, Jon Venables was not outed on Facebook. The Daily Star’s front-page headline is wrong, undone by the opening lines to its own story. Says David Calvert, who moved to Fleetwood, Lancs, in 2003, having done jail time for fraud:

“People have been turning up at my neighbours’ houses with pictures of the killers printed off the internet and saying one of them is me. Now I hear that threats are being made and I’m worried that someone will come for me or my girlfriend, or hurt my kids.

“I’m too scared to go out of the house now. I have these people saying they will get me out ‘no matter what’ and I’m terrified at what they might do.”

Maybe these idiots should read Anorak because – and this might come as a shock – we know where Jon Venables is. He’s in jail.

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Posted: 10th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (2)

Katie Price And Alex Reid’s Las Vegas Minister For Marriage Has License Revoked: Pictures

KATIE Price’s marriage to Alex Reid is legal. Anorak has received word on Rev. Mose Henney from Wynn Casino’s spokesman, venue of classy weddings and all the rice you can eat.

Katie Price career in pictures (NSFW)

County Finds That Marriages Were Valid Despite Questions About Local Minister’s License

Go on:

A Clark County Clerk’s Office investigation into marriage ceremonies performed by Las Vegas-based Rev. Mose Henney found that couples married by him are still presumed legally married, according to state law.

Marriages in Nevada are still legally binding even if the minister lacks the proper authority, as long as the couple believed they were being joined in marriage at the time of the wedding and have a valid marriage license.

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Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

In Pictures: Susan Boyle Might Sue Lindsay Lohan Over Milkaholic Slur

BEFORE pictures of Lindsay Lohan watching models in Paris walk up and down – because, like, everyone in Europe walks – news that the actress is suing E-Trade for, as she claims, modelling a “milkaholic” baby on her. Susan Boyle is watching.

Lindsay Lohan For Purple (NSFW)

Has Lohan ever been addicted to milk? Has she ever stolen a boyfriend, like the milkaholic baby does? When little did she dream of being a corporate drone?

Whatever. Lohan is nothing if she is not reasonable and wants $100 million for her pain and suffering – $50 pain for hurt and distress and another $50 from the millions the advert must made because it used the name Lindsay when it was aired during the Super Bowl.

Lindsay Lohan For Purple (NSFW)

Lohan’s lawyer, a Stephanie Ovadia, puts it to the court that she enjoys the same single-name recognition as Oprah, Madonna, Cher, Kermit, Biggles, Moses, Napoloeon, Cinderella, Jordan, Diana, Jesus and Anthea.

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Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Katie Price And Victoria Beckham ‘Fight’ As Peter Andre Plays: In Pictures

REMEMBER that Katie Price and Victoria Beckham meeting at Elton John’s football-themed Oscars do? Well the Star has managed to put the two together and deliver:



Not that you saw much of the private party on the telly, nor of the Oscars showbiz AGM which weren’t broadcast on any terrestrial channel. But, still, what “incredible” news?

VICTORIA Beckham got rival Kate Price banned from the exclusive Vanity Fair bash by refusing to go if the glamour girl turned up, Hollywood insiders claimed.

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Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Brangelina Have 3 Months To Live, Says Doctor

BRAD Pitt and Angelina Jolie will split on June 15 2010. We know this because the National Enquirer breaks the post-NoTW embargo on Bradgelina split stories and screams from its front page:


In other words:


Angelina Jolie Pictures (NSFW)

And not only Brad and Ange are back on the NE’s cover. There’s Jennifer Aniston, who illustrates:

“His shocking confession about Jen.”

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Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, National Enquirer | Comments (5)

Jon Venables Saved By The Nanny State

IT has taken Jon Venables, one of James Bulger’s killers, almost 18 years but he has finally brought the British judicial system to its knees, writes AGW.

Top politicians and judicial Law Lords seem to dither while faced with an increasing media storm.

It has been the equivalent of watching a nanny give a pyromaniac child a big box of matches. The situation gets worse.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Venables was 10-years-old when he and Robert Thompson, also 10, killed two-year-old James Bulger in a viciously cruel attack. The murder horrified the UK and the two and a half week trial at Preston Crown Court resulted in the the conviction of two children for murder. Thompson and Venables were the youngest individuals to be convicted of murder in the UK.

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Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (12)

Christina Hendricks Presents The Elton John Oscars Football Party In Pictures

OSCARS in pictures: At the Elton John AIDS Foundation dinner at the Pacific Design Center, you could watch the Oscars on the telly. And you could meet Christina Hendricks, for whom Old Mr Anorak is grateful and accommodating. (Gallery after the jump at foot of page.)

Oscars In Pictures: Ex-Wives Club President Kathryn Bigalow Presents The Vanity Fair Party

The soireee is the showbiz equivalent of football fans who watch their team’s away game broadcast on a Jumbotron parked at one end of the ground.

Only no-one was swallowing a revolting saveloy – that’s not how Hollywood works. Really. It isn’t.

Sandra Bullock (NSFW)

Of course, it’s not footy. It’s showbiz. Although, Elton John did use to be chairman of Watford FC, so the footy similarities are pronounced. And here comes Victoria Beckham. And with that the music strikes and the singer cranks up the chants…

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Posted: 8th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (2)

Sandra Bullock And Hurt Locker Stick Avatar Where The Sun Shines: Oscars Pictures

SANDRA Bullock went to the press room as the Winner of the Best Actress in an Oscar-nominated role. The British came. And the British went home with nothing. And Avatar – the biggest grossing film of all time – failed. The Oscars came too late for Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper, which tells its readers that Avatar is in the running for a “host of awards”. Yep, and this is the film backed by Murdoch’s studios. Said The Sun:


READ: How the Sun Sells Murdoch’s Avatar As News

For some great pictures of the grins and sunglasses on the red carpet go here. To see Sandra Bullock’s career in pictures go here. And for the winners’ smiles – no flashbulbs needed – see below:


Image 1 of 17

Sandra Bullock with the award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role recieved for The Blind Side, at the 82nd Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre, Los Angeles.

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Posted: 8th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Oscars In Pictures: Sandra Bullock And The Hurt Locker Present The Oscar Winners And Losers

THE OSCARS In Pictures: Sandra Bullock won Best Actress. Jeff Bridges won Best Actor. Jeff Bridges’ standing ovation rippled to the mezzanines. Sandra Bullock’s was confind to the ground floor. Which may or may not be interesting. The Hurt Locker won Best film. Avatar did not win – but it made lots of money.

The red carpet is the thread of dreams and dread. In they come. And out they will go. The winners. And all the losers. And hundreds of people who you’ll never hear of who make the few into stars. And when the stars shine, the real stars put on sunglasses and step indoors. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon shared a kiss that will live in the memory (see image 2 below – story continues below image gallery).


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Sandra Bullock and Helen Mirren arriving at the 82nd Academy Awards ceremony, held at the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles, CA, USA on Match 07, 2010. Photo by Lionel Hahn/ABACAUSA.COM (Pictured: Sandra Bullock, Helen Mirren)

The Oscars were presented by Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Alec says:

“No matter what, they nominate Meryl Streep.”

Streep has 16 nominations. Streep provides continuity. The saucy showgirls danced in the hope of being spotted for their hidden talents.

The hosts wore 3D glasses each to welcome Avatar director James Cameron. James Cameron’s ex-wife, The Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow, then recieved a gift basket with a timer and Cameron reciprocated by sending her a Toyota. This turned out not to be death threa but a joke by Baldwin & Martin.

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Posted: 8th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment (1)

Tom Cruise In Motorcycle Crash: Pictures And Scientology Special

THE website HollywoodLife is reporting that Tom Cruise had to be taken to Cedars Sinai Hospital today after being involved in a motorcycle accident in a nearby neighborhood, writes Anorak’s Man in LA.

The website says it appears Cruise was injured, but not fatally.

More to follow… RR

The site says – and this the story in full:

“Ambulances are currently on their way to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and it appears he has been hurt — but thank God, not fatally!”

Yeah, because the news media does so hate to report on a dead star… On Oscar night we announce that the winner of The Most Disingenuous Story of the Year goes to… HollywoodLife.

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Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (6)

Madeleine McCann Is An Election Issue As The Home Office Wades In

MADELEINE McCann – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann – Our Maddie is an election issue, the McCanns appeal for calm, the Portuguese police get blamed, and Maria Alice dos Santos Silveira, Jorge Vitorino Cabral Martins And Yvone Albino remain “suspects“.

The Telegraph reports that the media’s Our Maddie’s mum and dad met Home Secretary Alan Johnson and then David Cameron. Cameron Conservatives of compassion hire Clarence Mitchell to be the Tories media watcher. Then Johnson’s Home Office launches a “secret review” into Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

Madeleine McCann Captured By Madeira Liberation Army

Our Maddie is an election issue. An innocent child is missing.

MPs Yellow Ribbons And Creepy Behaviour For Madeleine McCann

The source said: “The latest we have heard from the Home Office is officials are undertaking a ‘scoping exercise’ to look into the possibility of a review of the case.
They are looking at all the options. It is basically a feasibility study. Kate and Gerry met with Alan Johnson to request a review is done. Hopefully any political intervention can unlock obstructions that might be in the way.”

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Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Madeleine McCann | Comments (24)

Oscars In Pictures: Salmon Crackers, Dragons And Anti-Gay Hosts

IT’S the Oscars, also known as the 82nd Academy Awards. Anorak’s Man in LA has been nibbling on Oscar salmon crackers – little wafers of toast cut to look like Oscar soldiers and smeared in salmon. If you like man in your fish, this is good news.

In an aside, opposite the Kodak Theatre, you can see a huge advert for the film How to Train Your Dragon. A Kayvan Setareh has been arrested after installing the advertisement.

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Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comments (2)

Cheryl Cole’s Cold Sore In Pictures And A Secret Sex Text Revealed

BY now you’ll be wondering what Cheryl Cole has been up to since the X Factor ended. How’s Ashley? How are the rings? In the Danish version of the X-Factor in Copenhagen, Denmark, Cheryl made an appearance.

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

Well, the NoTW can revels that Cheryl has a cold sore. Soon everyone will have one and cold sores will make the bid for international recognition the cold sore community has been waiting for.

Ashley Cole, oddly, given the contagious nature of the sores, has clean lips. It’s pretty clear that Ashley is holding Brand Cheryl back and should be ditched.

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

In other news, Anorak has received this text message from a mysterious unregistered phone (via reader Michael Kritharis):

“Babe, I’ve finally left that ****** Ashley and I’m on my way round to you big boy and I’m horny as ****. (Carlsberg don’t do text messages but if they did… You’d be the last **** she would send that to…)


Image 1 of 7

Cheryl Cole in the Danish version of the X-Factor in Copenhagen, Denmark

Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Dignified Peter Andre Calls Junior’s Mum Katie Price A ‘Terrible Person’

THE 12th Rule of Tabloid Journalism dictates that any news story making mention of Katie Price (aka Jordan) must make mention of Peter Andre. So, beneath the tale that Katie’s marriage to walking Toffee Crisp Alex Reid might not be legal, NoTW readers hear of Dignified Pete’s lastest upset.

Maddy Ford (NSFW)

PETER ANDRE launched a furious attack on Jordan after she told their four-year-old son to call him a LIAR in a phone chat.

In Pictures: Peter Andre’s 02 Gig Shows Katie Price’s Kids What Good Clean Fun Looks Like

And we know this because?

She used Junior to attack the singer for sleeping with glamour girl Maddy Ford despite saying he stayed celibate after his divorce.

Junior was always going to have a speaking part in the panto. If Princess’s face can be tamed, she and Junior can be the new Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in the I Love Daddy (Best) show.

Princess is the one with the fake eyelashes – you, know, like Maddy Ford.

Junior was speaking to Peter, pictured with him right, when mum-of-the-year nominee Jordan screamed: “Tell your dad he is a liar. Daddy’s got a new girlfriend.”

The child, clearly upset, then told Peter, 37, that his mum had showed him articles detailing his brief fling with Maddy. He asked: “Do you have a new girlfriend, Daddy? Mummy’s telling me to yell at you.”

Well, Peter do you? C’mon Peter. Well, no. Maddy Ford is not Peter’s girlfriend. She claims she was more of a sexual plaything. But – easy, Junior, there, there – aunty Maddy says she still fancies the pants off daddy, the role model she claims to have met and shagged in November 2009.

Maddy Ford (NSFW)

All the talks of sex with paper Pete is so ugly. Right Pete?

As the Metro reported in February 2010:

Peter Andre: “I haven’t had sex for 8 months – Desperate Peter Andre hasn’t had sex since he split from Katie Price – eight months ago.”

And as Sky reported on Feb 1, 2010:

Speaking to The News Of The World, he said: “OK, OK, I’m desperate for sex. It’s been a long time. But it’s a whole new ball game. I’m a different man, I want a different type of girl. I’m definitely cautious about women now.

“It’s going to take me a long time to trust someone. I haven’t done anything yet apart from think about it, but I don’t want to be a monk.”

Anyhow, Pete is above getting involved in such undignified stuff. As the tabloid reports:

Afterwards, angry Peter hit back saying: “What a terrible thing for a mother to do. Stop trying to pollute our children’s minds. You’re a terrible, terrible person.”

You know, kids, the one dad has, reportedly, called despicable and disgusting.

So says Dignified Peter on Peter’s ITV2 reality show, Peter Andre: Beyond Irony.

In Pictures: Peter Andre’s 02 Gig Shows Katie Price’s Kids What Good Clean Fun Looks Like

Katie Price career in pictures.

Maddy Ford (NSFW)

Me And My Chest: Peter Andre’s Career in Pictures

Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

Life’s Been Hell For Jon Venables, James Bulger’s Killer Accused Of Possessing Child Porn

THE talk is of Jon Venables, the recalled on licence joint killer of James Bulger,, being jailed for chidl porn: As the Sunday Mirror tells readers:

“Jon Venables sent back to prison over child porn offence”

But there is more. Jon Venables…


– suffered so much living a lie under his false identity he regularly told others who he was while seeming to be blitzed on alcohol and drugs says the Observer:

He…“had descended into a ‘persistent state of self-disclosure’ in which he felt compelled to tell others his real identity in the months before his return to prison…”


– a stronger view from the Sunday Express was the headline: ‘


In the Express version:

“Experts fear Venables has a death wish and are uncertain about how to treat him or whether to give him another new identity because he has struggled so severely to come to terms with his new life.

“The pressure of having to pass himself off as a different person with a different background and family history has triggered a serious psychological collapse which has led to him becoming violent.

“A senior source close to the case said: “He has gone into self-destruct mode. We are talking about an individual who is mentally scarred and has had to live a lie for nine years.”


– Venables WILL be charged with a serious sex crime soon, the News of the World can reveal. It also says Venables has now under sedation in an isolation wing.

James Bulger Case in pictures


– over at the Mail on Sunday Suzanne Moore gives us the benefit of her youngest child’s wisdom and plucks the reader heartstrings under the headline:’Jon Venables is serving life’

“I was attempting to explain the murder of James Bulger by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables to my youngest child as she had seen the news. ‘That’s terrible,’ she said. ‘Those boys should be in prison for ever.’

“When I told her they were only ten, a year older than her, when they committed this crime, she responded: ‘But it’s wrong to put children in prison.’

“Her nine-year-old view of the world is contradictory, but no more contradictory than that of many adults. We struggle between reason and emotion.”

Well yes Suzanne we do. Venable’s plight and Robert Thompson’s action in yesterday asking for 24-hour police protection and the unfortunate killing of James Bulger did make me ponder the world, life, and everything.

At this distance and a lifetime away from it, it is a struggle to pierce the memory haze to see the ten-year-old. Certainly there is no recollection of a need to kill or father a baby.

There was a cruel, harsh and difficult childhood and there was a severe trauma induced by my parents.

James Bulger Case in pictures

It is almost too distressing to repeat but life was truly difficult and the children of the streets were all, right down to a snotty nosed four-year-old, forced to walk the snow-covered pathways in gangs. At an ungodly hour each grey day they trudged to a grinding, unremitting place of work filled with many tough taskmasters. It was a charnel house. you could sense the bones of the ones who had gone before, a terrible stone building…school.

Broke free

One Saturday I broke free and with a older set of troubled youth went to Woolworths. It was the exciting time; the initiation into the gang. I performed my tasks well and nicked a shiny penknife and a pack of playing cards. I was relieved of both as soon as we hit the damp pavements on the way out.

The trauma was almost immediate and later the same day. I had been spotted, not by a eagle-eyed assistant but the rat-fink older GIRL who lived with her family two doors away. She snitched to her mother who gleefully told mine.

James Bulger Case in pictures

Then came the long forced march through the bitterly cold winter, a whole three miles to Woolies as my relentlessly vicious old dad forced me to apologise to the manager, staff and customers of a bemused and hugely entertained Saturday shopping throng.

The experience still causes blushing. Drugs were half an aspirin and a real-out-of-mind trip was the first PG Wodehouse and the excursion daydream- trip to Blandings Castle.

It was an unlucky childhood but, curiously, I have no difficulty in telling people who I am or right from wrong.

Venables has been and is in a Hell not entirely of his own making but he made a single-handed huge contribution to his version of Purgatory.


The Story so far:

John Venables ‘Sex Crime’ As Jack Straw Forced To Meet James Bulger’s Mum Denise Fergus

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Worked As A Bouncer

James Bulger And Jon Venables: The Killer Is Identified

Jon Venables’ Girlfriend, A ‘Stabbing’ And A Politically Incorrect Jack Straw

James Bulger: This IS Jon Venables

James Bulger’s Killer Jon Venables: Pictures And Sickening Detail

Posted: 7th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (4)

Katie Price In Hollywood Oscars Film: The Veruca Salt Biopic

KATIE Price is in Los Angeles with Mr Toffee Crisp Alex Reid. The Oscars are due to start. And the Daily Star’s crack team of story experts create the front-page headline:


Katie Price’s Career As Jordan (NSFW)

Look out for other exclusives, such as when Katie Price is in London at the same time as the Brits:


In Florida as a spaceship is launched:


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Posted: 6th, March 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

John Venables ‘Sex Crime’ As Jack Straw Forced To Meet James Bulger’s Mum Denise Fergus

IN a totally unprecedented move Justice Secretary Jack Straw is to meet James Bulger’s mother Denise Fergus, following the recall to custody of one of the toddler’s killers, Jon Venables, the Ministry of Justice said early this morning, writes AGW.

The UK’s highest legal Cabinet member is being forced into a meeting most would dearly love to avoid. He has to try and explain to a still grieving mum why her child’s killer deserves to stay anonymous and hidden within a protection programme. That State-funded protection is to stay in place after the murderer has been accused of breaching his life licence conditions.

James Bulger Case in pictures

STRAW, who represents the the Lancashire town of Blackburn, has agreed to meet Denise Fergus following the arrest last week of one of the toddler’s killers, Jon Venables, it was revealed early today.

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Posted: 6th, March 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews | Comments (9)